I can't decide for my last feat, if I want to get maximize or empower healing.
Im a TWF Virtuoso, have the twf chain, and extend, and Im going to switch out SF: Perform for a meta to beef up my healing abilities.
Im currently leaning towards Maximize, with the pro's I feel being; most of all, it will do more healing in one shot, which is important in critical situations, which, as a back up healer, is probably my biggest demand. The Con's are that SP wise, its less efficient, and if I leave it running, it will also affect shout... which means more dmg, but also more spell point use.
I don't have them yet, but I will eventually have a GS SP conc-opp item and the Warchanter ToD set, which gives a -4 bonus to maximize cost.
Empower healing is cheaper SP wise, and I can leave it on all the time and not worry about mana use while spamming stuns etc.
So, go with maximize? Someone make me feel more confident about this as I don't have any characters with maximize to base the mana cost off yet.