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  1. #1
    Community Member gogetta101's Avatar
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    Angry Please FIX Icy Prison..!!!

    Today was in the spot... running around on my fvs just got to lvl 14 just taking a break from gh and necro 4..... when a cleric was running around and ended up attacking me..... So i thought nothing of it and merked em.... easy when u have pale lavender.. (Duh)

    Anyways that same cleric disappeared and a water savant sorc shows up.. knowing it was an alt of the recently Merked cleric i jump down on the lower lvl of the arena and on the complete Opposite side, me being blocked, and in no way am i seen by the sorc... !!ICY PRISON!! which ultimately equaled death..

    My point is How in the WORLD is that stupid spell or watever it is Hitting me without being in the line of sight of the user... On TOP of that Why is my pale lavender not absorbing it.... in a way i can understand why its not but my main question still remains...

    Is that how its meant to be... Or does it still need work..?! NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF..!!!! Please NERF... Never asked for anything like this.. but this is beyond ridiculous ....

  2. #2
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Hold one, going to get my cheetos and soda.



    Ok - pointless PvP drama? Begin!
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    'Polluting Sarlona with gimpy elves since 2009.'

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Well something has to beat pale lavender stones on the pit. I think it's WAI
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  4. #4
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Seriously, grow up. If you don't like the way PvP is, don't go into the brawling pits.

    The great thing, Earth Savant's Earthgrab also does not require line of sight, and has no range.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  5. #5
    Community Member gogetta101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    Well something has to beat pale lavender stones on the pit. I think it's WAI
    Yea its called Meteor Swarm/(clickie) 8charges per meteor, 5 meteors = 45charges

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Icy prison in pvp is very nice it works through walls and mantle/lavender stones don't stop it. It doesn't seem anymore op than mantle or ioun stones imo though.

  7. #7
    Community Member gogetta101's Avatar
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    Well then the same way farming an ioun or tr'ing into a wizard for the PL feat takes no skill then neither does Using icy prison or any stupid sorc pre for the lame heat death which undead are immune to... we're all Gimps

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by gogetta101
    On TOP of that Why is my pale lavender not absorbing it...
    Icy Prison (much like Lay on Hands, Breath Weapons, or other similar abilities) is a supernatural ability, which isn't necessarily spells.
    Server - Thelanis
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  9. #9
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Unless there is some specific DnD reason Icy Prison (or any other PrE clickie) works without LoS or range limitations, then I see no reason not to bring it up and ask if it's WAI. And if we are being logical, it probably isn't supposed to work that way.

    Good for pvp - bringing issues to light that might otherwise be ignored, since the A.I. isn't likely to complain

  10. #10
    Community Member Dispel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gogetta101 View Post
    Yea its called Meteor Swarm/(clickie) 8charges per meteor, 5 meteors = 45charges
    Incorrect. Level 9 spell. 4 meteors. 3 with Quicken.

    Nobody PvPs without Quicken, so 3*9=27 charges. You have to hit them twice, and hope they hit.

    As for the OP: What about Slayer Arrows (500) + Wounding -4 CON (40) + Smiting (100) + base damage/affects?

    That right there is easily 640 damage on a 20, which is enough to wipe a pit full of WF with Manyshot.

    But wait: Song of Capering - Works same way as Icy Prison, just a lot harder to save against.

    I save on Icy Prison all the time. I got +10 Reflex on the U9/10 content and I have +2 Good Luck etc.

    There are 12ftr,6ranger,2monk elf AAs that make both saves on my 46 DC Icy Prison, a lot.

  11. #11
    Community Member Rodasch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gogetta101 View Post
    Today was in the spot... running around on my fvs just got to lvl 14 just taking a break from gh and necro 4..... when a cleric was running around and ended up attacking me..... So i thought nothing of it and merked em.... easy when u have pale lavender.. (Duh)

    Anyways that same cleric disappeared and a water savant sorc shows up.. knowing it was an alt of the recently Merked cleric i jump down on the lower lvl of the arena and on the complete Opposite side, me being blocked, and in no way am i seen by the sorc... !!ICY PRISON!! which ultimately equaled death..

    My point is How in the WORLD is that stupid spell or watever it is Hitting me without being in the line of sight of the user... On TOP of that Why is my pale lavender not absorbing it.... in a way i can understand why its not but my main question still remains...

    Is that how its meant to be... Or does it still need work..?! NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF..!!!! Please NERF... Never asked for anything like this.. but this is beyond ridiculous ....
    So wait, you're shouting nerf because in PvP, a level 14 character got pwned by a level 18+ character's special ability, which you got 2 save throw rolls against to resist?

    Ghallanda Server: Rodasch - GOOlock, Niccolina - Assassin, Jensu - Warlock Enlightened Spirit
    Quote Originally Posted by kuroi-koibito View Post
    I didn't have the heart to tell him he looked like a fat guy in a Godzilla suit.

  12. #12
    Community Member Gelmir87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodasch View Post
    So wait, you're shouting nerf because in PvP, a level 14 character got pwned by a level 18+ character's special ability, which you got 2 save throw rolls against to resist?

    ^ This

    Quote Originally Posted by Gelmar
    Death smiles at us all... The only thing we can do is kill it first!

  13. #13
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    As icy prison was compared to the simular earth savant ability, I must point out that earth elementals hit you with earthgrab with no line of effect also. In fact, they have been doing it for years, so I believe it is WIA. This sounds more like a case if "daddy he hit me when I kicked him, please beat him up" than anything serious.

    /starts selling popcorn 1pp per bag
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  14. #14
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodasch View Post
    So wait, you're shouting nerf because in PvP, a level 14 character got pwned by a level 18+ character's special ability, which you got 2 save throw rolls against to resist?

    no, hes screaming nerf(which i honestly hate) because it doesnt require a line of sight

    oh well, lots of things dont

    i really dont want this to just be another pointless "pvp is useless" or whatever thread, but somethings just dont work normally. when you are at the same level as that sorc, you're fvs will most likely save against that icy prison, so dont scream nerf, level that toon and bide your time, then when you are higher level and have better saves, scream "REEEEVEEEEENGEE!!!1!!!11!!!!" and take vengence

    till then, dont complain
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gogetta101 View Post
    Today was in the spot... running around on my fvs just got to lvl 14 just taking a break from gh and necro 4..... when a cleric was running around and ended up attacking me..... So i thought nothing of it and merked em.... easy when u have pale lavender.. (Duh)

    Anyways that same cleric disappeared and a water savant sorc shows up.. knowing it was an alt of the recently Merked cleric i jump down on the lower lvl of the arena and on the complete Opposite side, me being blocked, and in no way am i seen by the sorc... !!ICY PRISON!! which ultimately equaled death..

    My point is How in the WORLD is that stupid spell or watever it is Hitting me without being in the line of sight of the user... On TOP of that Why is my pale lavender not absorbing it.... in a way i can understand why its not but my main question still remains...

    Is that how its meant to be... Or does it still need work..?! NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF..!!!! Please NERF... Never asked for anything like this.. but this is beyond ridiculous ....
    translated :

    So i was walking with my shiz in peeveepee land pwning newbs left and right, with my uberz cometfall and
    this one cleric dared to attack me so i pressed 1 1 1 and 2 on my keyboard and send him off to the land
    where noobs sleep forever and laughed in his face a bit with tells and told him he could never beats me
    because 'm the superman of ddo.

    Now this noob comes back with his watersavant and press 1 button and all of a sudden im incased in ice
    and this lvl 3 player that i killed 50 times earlier comes to me and he kills me..

    KILLZ ME !! I tell you this cant be right.. i cannot be killed with my uber trinket wich i scammed off a
    level 5 korthos noob for 1500 plat.

    I suggest you fix this obviously game play breaking bug asap and while your at it fix it so that
    it absorbs trips and melee hits too

    thank you

    level 14 cybersport pro

  16. #16
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    Countersuggestion: remove free for all PvP areas all together. Just get rid of them. The only valid reason for
    PvP in this game is testing out stuff you can't easily quantify in PvE combat. If we get rid of free for all
    PvP and only allow instanced PvP where people have to group to be in same instance we eliminate 99% of these
    silly threads and the Dev's can focus on something more worthwhile. It should be really easy to implement too.

  17. #17
    Community Member MiLoHe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gogetta101 View Post
    Today was in the spot... running around on my fvs just got to lvl 14 just taking a break from gh and necro 4..... when a cleric was running around and ended up attacking me..... So i thought nothing of it and merked em.... easy when u have pale lavender.. (Duh)

    Anyways that same cleric disappeared and a water savant sorc shows up.. knowing it was an alt of the recently Merked cleric i jump down on the lower lvl of the arena and on the complete Opposite side, me being blocked, and in no way am i seen by the sorc... !!ICY PRISON!! which ultimately equaled death..

    My point is How in the WORLD is that stupid spell or watever it is Hitting me without being in the line of sight of the user... On TOP of that Why is my pale lavender not absorbing it.... in a way i can understand why its not but my main question still remains...

    Is that how its meant to be... Or does it still need work..?! NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF..!!!! Please NERF... Never asked for anything like this.. but this is beyond ridiculous ....
    Increase your reflex saves and you wont have such problems
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  18. #18
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawel_San View Post
    Countersuggestion: remove free for all PvP areas all together. Just get rid of them. The only valid reason for
    PvP in this game is testing out stuff you can't easily quantify in PvE combat. If we get rid of free for all
    PvP and only allow instanced PvP where people have to group to be in same instance we eliminate 99% of these
    silly threads and the Dev's can focus on something more worthwhile. It should be really easy to implement too.
    +1 QFT, and this.........the day they change one single aspect of the game to answer a PvP nerf call is the day I find a new game.

    I am, and have always been a hardcore PvP'er. There are so many other games that focus on that style of play that DDO will never be able to compete.

    The combat system with its unlimitted customization and build choices will always make PvP unbalanced. That is what makes it a horrible PvP game, but at the same time, it is what makes it the best (IMHO) PVE game around.

    Edit: Would the person with the extremely large greenis be kind enough to offer an explaination for the neg rep?

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