Today was in the spot... running around on my fvs just got to lvl 14 just taking a break from gh and necro 4..... when a cleric was running around and ended up attacking me..... So i thought nothing of it and merked em.... easy when u have pale lavender.. (Duh)
Anyways that same cleric disappeared and a water savant sorc shows up.. knowing it was an alt of the recently Merked cleric i jump down on the lower lvl of the arena and on the complete Opposite side, me being blocked, and in no way am i seen by the sorc... !!ICY PRISON!! which ultimately equaled death..
My point is How in the WORLD is that stupid spell or watever it is Hitting me without being in the line of sight of the user... On TOP of that Why is my pale lavender not absorbing it.... in a way i can understand why its not but my main question still remains...
Is that how its meant to be... Or does it still need work..?! NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF..!!!! Please NERF... Never asked for anything like this.. but this is beyond ridiculous ....