Is a command I don't use very often. I think I only have a couple people added and only a couple of their alts.
Last night I put up an LFM for EV6. A friend told me they wanted me to invite a certain (fairly popular) person into the raid. Well, as it turns out, that person was on my squelch list. I had forgotten that was the case until my friend told me he tried to join but was declined. So I passed the star to my friend and said fine, if he wants "that" person in the group he can lead the raid.
I figured I should unsquelch said person to make sure I didn't miss anything... important... We got to the end of von5 with no issues so I thought maybe this person has cleaned up their act?!
I won't go into the specifics of what happened in Von6 bit needless to say, I regret my allowing my friend to convince me to include said squelched person, and I will not make that mistake in the future.
I decided to confront said person about the incident in a place where I know they are active and where I can get a more.. open response.. where moderators here don't need to worry about handing out infractions.. The response I got only reinforces my decision to re-squelch said person.
Singh, my friend, while I apprecaite your desire for me to give someone a second chance.. and I did.. but their actions in the raid really just demonstrated why I squelched them in the first place.
In order to keep this post in line with DDO forum rules, I'm not going to name the individual in thise post/thread. I'd ask that others not call out said individual (by name) either. This post is to let people know that should they desire more information about this incident I'm happy to provide details in PM / offer a link where they can read it themselves.