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  1. #1
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Default Fireballs and similar need a target reticle.

    This is a suggestion to fix various problems with fireball and other spells.

    Current fireball, lock on an enemy...throw spell, hope it gets there due to many invisible obsticles that
    we can't see and may cause it to prematurely detonate.

    I hate it

    Better way...

    You click to throw a fireball, your curser now moves a ground target point where ever it is pointing, if that is a clear
    target "enemy" it is green, if it is is red. Also if your not pointing at a particular enemy, the target
    is on the dungeon floor...also red if blocked, green if clear.

    When you have a 'green' shot...either an enemy or the groud, click again to fire.

    This would work great with..ball spells, walls or any other spell that SHOULD be ground targetable.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Paleus's Avatar
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    The game already has that. The reticle is small but you should see a circle in the middle of your screen that you can use to point and shoot your fireball at.

    I'd have to be at home with the game to give you a better description as now it is mostly just reflex/instinct on how I fire off fireball type spells, and I rarely if ever hard target an enemy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    i'll be putting a bug into our system.

  3. #3
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paleus View Post
    The game already has that. The reticle is small but you should see a circle in the middle of your screen that you can use to point and shoot your fireball at.

    I'd have to be at home with the game to give you a better description as now it is mostly just reflex/instinct on how I fire off fireball type spells, and I rarely if ever hard target an enemy.
    Yes, this. ^^

    Press G to turn off AutoTargeting. You may find aiming more to your liking with this turned off.

  4. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    True, in mouselook mode, you always have a small reticle circle.

    When you target an enemy, it tries to straight line to them. It is user error and WAI if you throw a fireball when the mob breaks line of sight.

    It is also strategy players use to avoid being hit by spells. So I don't see a need for assisted spell aiming.

  5. #5
    Community Member MaxwellEdison's Avatar
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    Your targeting circle would require constant real-time calculations to know if there were any obstructions in the way. I would imagine the game engine as it stands would not be able to put up with that kind of strain. Plus, how do fireballs differ from any other spell when something blocks its path (excepting magic missile)?

  6. #6
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    I rarely have trouble hitting what I am aiming at when I chuck a spell -- but thats because I know on an almost instinctual level how the other variables will change as I am casting and how to minimize the problem -- after ALOT of experience with the interface and casters. And even if they DID add this suggestion (which btw is NOT a bad suggestion), DDO combat is a fluid environment with LOTS of moving parts. The target itself can move out of range or behind an object/other mobs AFTER you cast the spell and still cause a fail. In addition, the other moving parts (namely other mobs) can move between you and the target (and often do) even AFTER you cast the spell -- again causing a fail. While it would be nice to have this little visual cue, there are literally infinite possibilities which would completely negate it.

    Also, you would have to have a non-color-based visual cue (such as a different shape to the targeting icon) for colorblind support, just FYI

    As to the comment about the DDO engine not being able to handle the calculations -- it already makes them and constantly updates them; otherwise you wouldnt be able to cast in the first place, and you wouldnt get error messages when attempting to cast on blocked/out of range targets. The server already knows if you have line of sight and are in range and tracks it in order to allow for near-instantaneous response when you Do cast. This is just a visual representation of what the server already knows. It makes the same calculations when running the mob AI. Note that mob casters do not often chuck multiple spells at you when blocked (though you can gimp them by forcing a block as they try to cast). Mob archers are, however, ********

  7. #7
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    I read title and skimmed the OP so I am most likely repeating info, but.

    Mouselook and aim at the floor I only ever target mobs when its required by the spell.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    /not signed

    This is WAI and should not be changed. What the OP needs is more practice casting fireballs. I have never had an issue with targeting fireballs or any other spell.

    Correction: I have had issues but that was when I was new to the game and didn't know how to target properly. The first time I tried to put a firewall on a spot rather than a monster I failed utterly. Then I learned how to do it.

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