When I run solo quests with my wizard I sometimes run with a cleric and sometimes with a fighter, depending on the quest. Because I'm F2P I can only run with one, but there are times when I really wish I could run with both. So that got me thinking last night about hirelings.
We as players can make multi-classed characters. How about having the ability to hire multi-classed hirelings? Need a little extra muscle while still retaining the ability to cast a heal spell? Hire a Fighter/Cleric. Want to bring a fighter that can cast a few fire balls? Hire a Fighter/Wizard. You get the picture.
I'm not sure if this is a new idea or not. I did do a search first but couldn't find anything. I'm also not sure how it would affect the shortcut bar that comes with a hireling. Perhaps if too many icons are required they could come with two bars (We all have multiple shortcut bars, so why not hirelings too?). I'm sure there's probably a few more problems that might arise that I'm not considering but that's why we have this wonderful forum: To bounce ideas around.
So have at it, bounce it around and let's discuss it.
P.S. We all know there are current problems with hirelings and their behavior. That's an established fact. I'd like to keep that out of this discussion if possible please. It's a topic for another day in another posting. Thanks!