Warning: The show is going out a little rougher than I like because I wanted to get the Lamania info out to as many people as possible! Hope to see a few of you in the crafting hall tomorrow!

Welcome to the DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online, Eberron Unlimited. This week, the team takes a look at the different styles of music that DDO players listen to while gaming! (The Sorcerer cast had to be rescheduled due to work conflicts!) There is a mini celebration, a special announcement, and some good listener mail as well! Listen as Samius Gurobo flails! Thanks so much for listening!

Here is the link for the episode! Just left click and play or right click and 'save as' to download!

You can also listen from our home on cyberears Or ddococktailhour.com

Intro:* Beer Beer Beer, By Marc Gunn (Thanks for that!)
Mini Celebration! Thanks so much to all ten of our listeners for making us #10 on Cyberears!
Sorc cast has been postponed!
Adan Maskery’s Alcoholic Apothecary
Spoiler: Next show Adan is a guest and talks about P&P and the big gaps between DDO and table top gaming.
Twitter Question GAME: Put your iPod/ MP3 player on shuffle and list the first three songs that pop up!
Kalari’s Podcast: Kal’s Den!
Kalari has a Podcast!
It’s edgy, honest, and full of opinion! A 'Must Listen' for hard-core DDO Fans! – Lessah from the DDO Cocktail Hour

Lessah’s Live Shuffle train-wreck extravaganza!

People who get shout-outs for expanding Lessah's iTunes Library:
Dancheney –One Republic – Good life

Ladyallenya – Foo Fighters – Learn To Fly

Bgross74 – Daughtry – What About Now (outstanding band choice!!!)

Urufist- Ben Folds – Love Can Leave You Bruised (I picked up “You Don’t Know Me at All” Cause Ben Folds is pretty good! Thanks!)

Teppotstic – Richard Cheese – Crazy (I did not add this, but it was so insane I wanted everyone to hear it!)

CSIStormreach – T Pain – Live Your Life

Korthos Cast, DDO Kobay (has launched his very own podcast!) Check it out here!

Renaissance Festival Podcast

Marc Gunn’s Podcast, Irish and Celtic Music!

He will be playing at Gen Con this year! Look for him and throw money at him!

Email: Tanks are cool, so is sunder
Email: Lessah’s Voice is awesome!

Forums: Lawsuit! Socky vs Arraetrekos, By the King of Cheese

Lamania, Drunken Crafting!

Reach us at:
90IPWNU00/ 904-796-8001
Samius' MY DDO
Lessah's MY DDO

Outro and Toast!

But be responsible, don't drink and drive and don't drink durning a raid unless your in the shroud.

Don't for get to visit ddococktailhour.com

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