Well folks pre-order is available now for 'you know what'
Will you hang up your sword for a glow stick, heavy content and an open world of adventure? or will grinding out some crafting make you stay?
Well folks pre-order is available now for 'you know what'
Will you hang up your sword for a glow stick, heavy content and an open world of adventure? or will grinding out some crafting make you stay?
I heard from beta testers that the combat is lame compared to ddo so... why dont games get that if Im supposed to go around killing stuff... shouldnt killing stuff be fun in your game then.
Since DDO has become even more boring, dissapointing, easy mode grind than ever, i am only waiting for new games to arrive.
I will definetely check out those Lightsabers.
Haek N' Slay (©ompletionist Juggernaut / Zeus Life 61 of 61)My Toon is better than your toon.Mitis Mors - Thelanis
Only if it's F2P.
You are responsible for your own DDO experience.
If I can ever find a game with the character options available married to the combat of DDO, then yes I will go and have a look. The Old Republic (from what I've seen/heard) dosn't match on both of these.
Been here 5 years, will be here in 5 years time at this rate
Edit....also PVP being pratically non-existent aslo helps![]()
Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
Tolkiens Law: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Dresdens corollary: Screw subtle!
Not if it costs more.
Not if it doesn't run on this old computer.
Not if the community is not up to snuff
And I never preorder anything. I sure didn't have to with DDO.
Nah, I don't think so.
Do you know there are people who buy a PC, a tablet, an e-reader and a cell phone without realizing they are all just processors with memory and video and audio in and out?
I might have been born at night, but it wasn't last night.
I was excited about Star Wars a couple years ago when I first heard about it. Now what I have heard it sounds like another lame combat system. I would rather stay here with a fun combat system than shell out money for a game I can already tell I will get bored of fast.
I may try it out if they ever offer a free trial or I hear from former DDO players it is an awesome game. Other than that I will be skipping it and continue to watch how The Secret World is developing. So far that game seems like it will have a promising combat system
My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.
I'll probably do a free trial if they offer it.
I wouldn't hang up my ddo spurs for it that's for sure.
Plus if the rumors are true and it is just another wow clone with **** combat my "trial" will be even shorter than their allotted trial time , maybe even just a few hours.
Move along , Nothing to see here
Does it have Kobolds?
Do I need to ask something more?
Goat, Sammich, Poultry
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
Agreed - but hey, this is what happens when you build a game around the lowest common denominator.
LOVE the Star Wars Universe! What male in my age bracket does not? But my joy of the SW Universe does not overtake my desire for a fun, interactive, and a 'smart-mans' MMO.
New SW MMO has a few things going for it, don't get me wrong. There are just not enough of them, or in the right places, for me to even think of making a switch.
I'm happy with what we have here...
Heya Brannigan,
Been a while! Anyway, was a long time DDO player that stopped playing about a year ago. Wouldnt generally post on this subject here, but as the thread already started, here's the reasons why I am already pre-ordered and looking forward to SWTOR. Wrote this for my old DDO guild, so just a copy and paste! Just for any that are interested in the game at all, from someone who loved DDO for about four years of constant playing.
Star Wars: The Old Republic
A lot of this is just my own personal opinion. I have lurked on quite a few fan sites / beta leak sites plus the official forums for years, but still there is quite a lot of speculation. Obviously cant be sure about this game until we actually get our hands on it.
Nonetheless, here are some links that are well worth a view, and then will go on to explain what I am expecting from the game:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02a31i0zNuc (a fan's top 10 reasons for looking forward to SWTOR)
http://www.swtor.com/media/trailers/...er-walkthrough (nice taste of the gameplay)
http://www.swtor.com/media/trailers/return (one of the most breathtaking trailers I've seen for a game)
The biggest selling point of SWTOR is story. Cant miss this aspect, it is the central focus of all their advertising for the game. But anyone who has played Dragon Age, or Mass Effect or Knights of the Old Republic will have a good idea what to expect from a Bioware game focussed on story. Basically it seems likely this will be an MMO where a lot of the time you are really immersed in your own "personal" story. Need to change mindset a little bit from typical MMO's, as Bioware simply havent made any effort to explain "how can thousands of other players have saved / destroyed the universe" or "killed the jedi I chose to save", etc, etc. Your story is your own, others can come along and help, but your story is separate to theirs.
That said, you are looking at an MMO with 4 class choices per faction, and all 8 classes have on launch approximately 200 hours of game play to max level, comprising intricate and unique storylines. Really not a case of just doing the same content with minor changes for each class, but rather of very different and tailored quests and storylines for each and every class.
Every NPC and dialogue in the game is voice acted by a vast collection of actors, and there are lots of very high quality cutscenes. The budget for the initial development of this game is rumoured to have been bigger than any game ever made. Speculation that in excess of $100 million spent on it to date.
Companions are individual to each class, with their own personalities, storylines and quests. And some are romanceable as well, for those interested in such.
Crafting is very non-grind oriented and more suited to a "heroic" perspective. You can send your companions out on their own to hunt for ingredients, to carry out mini quests and to craft for you. And you can gather resources yourself as well, but dont have to. But huge variety of ingredients and crafting paths in game, have heard a lot of praise for the crafting system, although not sure how balanced what you can craft will be against what you can loot.
Combat is not innovative at all. It is very much like WoW I believe, not that I have ever played that, but only one noteworthy difference. And that is no auto-attack, so bit more like DDO in that way, you fully control your alt in combat. And of course a real star wars feel to combat, the look and sound of lightsabers has been described as really special.
There will be rp servers on launch, but not very policed ones.
The game size is huge. Really, really big. Not sandbox style of gaming, but really massive worlds with lots to offer for those that like to explore every nook and cranny.
Max party size for world exploration and all questing is 4. Companions do count towards this max. Raids have higher limit than DDO, think about 20. For me I love this, as 4 man groups plenty fun and easy to arrange, and even better for me personally, when we want to Sol and I can go with 2 companions and have a full group for 95% of content. But some may find 4 man groups to be a bit small...
No built in voice chat, but will definitely be using voice chat in some form for our guild.
End game is a concern, as story based content will be hard to keep coming in sufficient quantity, time will tell if the game has the longevity of ddo.
Think that is probably enough to give an idea if this game is for you. But feel free to ask any questions, and if I can find the answer will do.
Cheers all, and good hunting!
PS My guild in SWTOR is Force and Fury, republic guild: http://www.swtor.com/guilds/27095/force-and-fury
maybe see some of you in a world far, far away! :P
I think Turbine needs to start working on improving DDO to keep up. I know they make constant updates but there's still a lot to be improved, DDO still seems rather rough and old and most gamers like smooth stuff.
~Everything is bearable with music~
~I'm very intelligent, don't you think if I was wrong I'd know it?~
~Easy and practical Idea about Menus~
~Show how many times and on what difficulties you've done the quest~
~New Buff Bars~
~Auto-sort Bags~
These are not the forums you are looking for...
Move along.
try off-topic next time, also can I have your stuff?
If the game were to deliver on the promises of the cinematic trailers they've been kicking out - yeah, it'd be a threat. Those have been better then anything Lucas has done in the past decade. Sadly, that's just not the case - and the combat is just dull and uninteresting. I saw a live gameplay demonstration for SW:OR at PAX, and I was super pumped for this game at the time, but wow was the combat just godawful looking. That one demo killed any and all interest I had in Old Republic. Pretty much WoW tarted up with Star Wars locations and imagery.
As a life long Star Wars geek - I'd rather stick to my other lifelong passion that is D&D.
Let's see...
* $60 entry fee (i.e., game cost)
* there will apparently be monthly dues
* there is no f2p
* there appear to be little variables in a class
* character appearance does not seem to be customizable
What is this, the 90s? Origin and Lucas Arts need to get with the program.
So, uh, no. I'll be sticking with DDO where
* there is no entry fee
* monthly dues are optional -- or I can simply buy points! Whoa... novel concept.
* there is f2p
* there are wonderful variables in all classes
* character appearance is nicely customizable
I really like Star Wars, but SWTOR is, at this point, appearing to be l-aaaaame. If I really want my fix (again) I'll just kick up SWKotOR (I or II).
Last edited by arch0njw; 07-21-2011 at 09:27 AM. Reason: Edited so I wouldn't be censored...
No cause combat is going to bite just like alll games besides ddo
Beware the Sleepeater
Are the forums already available?
We could start asking for "nerf the Jedi" or something like that.
Goat, Sammich, Poultry