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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Lore / backstory - Loremaster NPC?

    Although DDO will never have the depth of many pnp D&D campaigns due to its nature, I think it can be improved in a few simple ways to bring more into DDO.

    My suggestion is to add a new type of NPC. I'll call it the Loremaster NPC, but I'm sure a better name can be found.

    Currently the quest giver is often the main source of information. However, with a few exceptions, it usually not in much depth. Also, it is often rushed through as want to start the quest.

    What should be fairly easily implemented is Loremaster NPC.
    - This NPC would be similar to other NPCs with dialog options.
    - Each NPC would be responsible for one area (or group of areas if directly related).
    - These NPC would be easily identifiable with a special specific symbol overhead (perhaps a book or scroll).
    - They would be situated in public (non-combat) area. For a P2P only area, they would be in a F2P area near the usual access point to the P2P area.
    - To talk with one of these NPCs is completely optional - they have no impact on the quest/chain.
    - They might also provide some hints but would be contained within the text. e.g. perhaps regarding an vulnerability, short cuts, what to watch out for, etc.
    - Able to provide a general back story of an area.
    - If the PC has the required minimum level (if applicable), then also would get additional information (e.g. additional back story for the set of quests in that area), otherwise told to check back later when more powerful.
    - These NPCs would also mention what lore master to talk to next (if applicable) to improve the continuation feel of DDO (aka lower the disjointed feeling)

    Anyway, I looking for people's thoughts on this suggestion, and how can it be improved. Note development effort should be kept low for this, but it will have more of an impact on the content developers.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    I wonder how many people have ever watched the play in House P...

    Soooo many people are in such a rush to level, to get loot, to run, run, run... they don't even know what the story is behind the quest they are running. They just rush to the end, kill the boss and loot the chest.

    Do you know why the Stormreaver has spinning skulls on his ceiling, or why you can't kill him til they stop spinning, for example? What the Tears of Dhakken are for and why they need to be collected?

    I'd love to see more storytelling in the game and I'd really love to see new players guided a little more into the stories and the "why" behind the objectives. It would have to be (as it is now) optional to not offend the super speedy players (and not have to be watched on your 60th completion... I'm talking to you Harry and Tremas) but I think it would be a wonderful addition.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I've watched that play!

    Maybe these NPCs should be in taverns, easier to find and something else to do there.
    As a light rpg, something like this would be a good addition. Note I did like what was done in the recent two packs, it is more for the other packs.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kalontas's Avatar
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    Sadly, I think it won't be done because hardly anyone would use it, while it would still need some money and effort spent into implementing it (both implementing the actual mechanic, as well as writing the pieces themselves). If somebody wants more story on Eberron, he will buy the PnP guidebooks, probably.

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