Just pulled a Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, just wondering how much it's worth
Just pulled a Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, just wondering how much it's worth
It is worth a lot. Are you asking because you want to sell or trade it for something or just to get a general idea?
where did it drop?
i paid 5 Scales, 4 Arrowhead,1 Bone, 5 Chain, 6 Stones, 3 Shrapnel, 10 High Energy Cells, and a greensteel blank for one. it's a fantastic item.
ahh I was just wondering and it dropped in Kobolds New Ringleader(my guildie says it drops there once in awhile) I personally dont know the best place to farm, I've been told it has a chance to drop in quests lvl 4 or higher(dunno if thats true)
I think the stones are random so there is no one best place, any quest in the appropriate level. (I believe)
I've pulled two from ringleader but alas the spot/search one and the AC one.
I would overpay for that thing. PM if your interested.
Have a couple of FRDS, couple of LDS, some other large ing, a mil or so plat, could make a GS blank if you needed. Let me know if you are interested.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
Relative statement. It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. I sold one for 7 of each large and 10 High Energy Cells. They didn't even want to haggle. They wanted the stone more than they needed the ingredients. Keep in mind- it's much easier to grind larges than ioun stones.
in my experience, asking what a pale lavender ioun stone is worth or trying to sell one is the cue for maximum trolling v2.0. idk why, it just is. some people are willing to pay alot for them, and some people arent willing to pay much for them. what remains constant is that near everyone wants one.
they tend to go for more when someone posts a thread looking for one than when someone posts a thread auctioning one. i suppose that goes for most things here.
i wouldnt ever take bids that include 2 LDS and then a bunch of other lesser GS ingredients. you can get a lot more than that for it, you just need to wait until you find someone that places a high demand on it. dont let it go for a handful of second rate junk. you might have to sit on it for a few months, but it can occasionally command a high price to the right buyer.
I bought one for 5 reds recently.
Some people told me I overpaid, some that I underpaid.
cool, I don't think I'm gonna sell it.
If another one ever drops for me I'll keep you in mind
thanks for all the input