Hey everybody,
my little gimped-Ranger is about to get his 20. Shroud completion and I want to TR him into a TWF Paladin "tank".
I couldn't find a similiar build, so I really need some Input on this one, I don't want to gimp him again and I never really played a Paladin >lvl8.
I know that a Ranger Past-Life isn't the best for him, but he already has pretty good gear and is about to get his GS Weapons. The Active PL-Feat will be pretty nice for leveling up.
The goal is to get a strong AC-Based Tank for Raids, but also beeing able to DPS his way through epics and to play Solo all the way from Cannith Crystal to the "easy" epics.
Human 18 Paladin 2 Monk, with Monk taken at lvl 1 and 8. Past Life: Ranger
Why Monk? Monk gives 2 Extra feats, a nice Bonus to AC and Saves, Evasion and some Bonus Skills.
I know, the Paladin Cap is one of the best in the Game, but with the Cannith-Crafting it's not that hard to get DR Breakers anymore, and for this build, I think Monk-Boni
? bonus, not boni? > 1/3d6 Damage.
Stats: [34pt build]
The Stat-Layout looks really weird, but to fit in TWF and DOS it has to look that way, I guess:
(For Item Layout, look below, need a +3 Str Tome and +3 Con Tome to even it out, should be enough Time to get those while farming Epics)
Str: 14 Base + 3Tome + 5 Level + 6 Item + 3 Exc + 1 Human =
32 Standing (4 DOSIII + 2 ShipBuff = 38, 6 Titans = 44)
Dex: 15 Base + 2Tome + 6 Item + 1 Exc. =
24 Standing (+2 ShipBuffs = 26)
Con: 15 Base + 3Tome + 6 Item + 2 Exc. +1 Human + 1 Exc.=
28 Standing (4 DOSIII + 2 ShipBuffs= 34)
Int: 11 Base + 2Tome =
13 Standing
Wis: 11
Only +1 ac over having 9, really necessary? add to cha, +3 tome for DM 3 possibly Base + 2Tome + 6 Item +1 Monk =
20 Standing (+2 Shipbuffs = 22)
Cha: 14 Base + 2Tome +6 Item + 1 Exc + 3 Paladin =
26 Standing (+2 Shipbuffs = 28)
Feat Progression:
1: TWF
1 HB: Dodge
Your AC is very good already, I'm not sure about using a feat for *1*.
1 MB: Toughness
3: Khophesh
6: Past Life: Ranger(Barkskin clickie) (Switching to PA as soon as I get the Epic Seal of the Earth)
8: MB: Combat Expertise
9: IC: Slashing
12: iTWF
15: oTWF
18: gTWF
Put this at 15, otwf at 18, don't see why you can't or shouldn't, get the dps earlier.
UMD: 11 Base + 9 Cha = 20 (+2 Good Luck +3 Epic Big Top + 4 GH = 29, +6 ChaSkills = 35)
Intimi: 23 Base + 9 Cha +5 Epic Brawns Spirit = 37 (+2 Good Luck +4 GH +15 Item = 58, +6 ChaSkills= 64)
Jump: 10
Don't need 10 skill points in it, just total before spell. 30+ strength gets you to 10.
Remaining Points: Concentration, Balance, Spot
Armor Class Boost II
Unyielding Sovereignity
Follower of the Sovereign Host
Human Strength
Human Constitution
Human Impr. Recovery II
Way of the Patient Tort
o ise
Courage of Good I
Bulwark of Good IV
Focus of Good I
Resistance of Good III
Divine Righteousness I
Divine Sacrifice I
Exalted Smite I
Extra Smite II
Defender Of Siberys III
Racial Toughness II
Paladin Charisma III
A bit steep on AP imo, there ARE other things. BASE cha is the most important, +2 will hardly help your loh and smites etc. It's not a terrible choice though.
Monk Wisdom I
Paladin Toughness III
Divine Might II
Fort: 11 Pala + 3 Monk + 9 Cha + 12 Con + 4 Aura +4 Item + 2 GL =
45 Standing ( +4 GH +3 DOSIII = 52)
Ref: 6 Pala + 3 Monk + 9 Cha + 8Dex + 4 Aura +4 Item + 2 GL =
36 Standing (+4 GH + 3 DOSIII = 43)
Will: 6 Pala + 3 Monk + 9 Cha + 6Wis +4 Aura +4 Item + 2 GL=
31 Standing (+4 GH + 3 DOSIII = 35)
10 Base
7 Dex
5 Wis
8 Armor
5 Deflection
5 Natural
4 Shield(Spell)
6 Aura
1 Dodge
1 Monk
1 Ritual
2 Dodge (Chaosgarde)
3 Dodge (Epic Grims Bracelet)
As others have said, don't count on a not-yet-exisisting effect.
4 Insight (GS)
2 TOD-Set (DOS)
3 Profane Abishai Set
67 Standing
1 Haste
4 Dodge (DOSIII)
5 CE
77 Self-Buffed
1 Natural (Epic Seal of Earth)
2 Recitation
4 Bard Song
1 Dex Ship
1 Wis Ship
1 Natural Ship
1 Yugo Dex
1 Yugo Wis
2 Icy Rainments (Need to swap Bracers => -2)
1 +4 Dex Tome
1 +4 Wis Tome
93 Max Possible
20 Base + 180 Paladin + 16 Monk + 10 Draconic + 220 Const + 30 GFS + 46
? gives 22, and you took 1 of them Toughness + 20 Racial Toughness + 30 Paladin Toughness + 45 GS + 5 Way of the Pat. Tort. I =
+40 DOSIII =
+20 Shipbuffs +40 Yugo =
722 Max
Healing Amp:
20%, Human Healing Amp
20%, GS
10% Brawns Spirit
50% DOSIII Stance
19 BAB
14 Self-Buffed Str
This is temporary. Can't count on a +6 str clicky with a 1 min duration.
5 Weapon
1 Bless
3 Divine Favor
-5 CE/PA
4 GH
+7 IQ
? not a familiar abbreviation to me
+2 Recitation
50 Raid Buffed
+4 Improved Destruction for Epics
It's 8.
(+4 Desctruction)
Here you could add in your titan's grip clicky, for the occasional high AC bosses.
I didn't do a Damage Calculation yet, because I don't know that much how Exalted Smites and Divine Sacrifice will work.
Here is to say, that I don't even own half of this, it's just a list so I know what I can look for, before I TR.
(And the Epic Grims Bracelet, Epic Brawns Spirit and Epic Kronzeks Cruelty are the upcoming versions, coming with the (hopefully) next Update, can't find the Thread atm where these are posted)
Rings: Band of Siberys (2 Exc. Str), Epic Seal of the Earth(With FF)
Really slotting FF? why not swap in an FF item?
Armor: Epic Red Dragonscale Robe (With: 1 Exc. Con, +2 Good Luck)
Bracers: Bracelet of Tharaak
Neck: Epic Grims Bracelet (With: Heavy Fort.) (new:3 Dodge)
Boots: Epic Boots of Corrision (With: +4 Resistance, +1 Exc. Dex)
Goggles: Tharnes Goggles
Trinket: Epic Brawn's Spirit (New: 2 Exc. Con, 10% Incite)
Cloak: Neg/Pos/Pos GS [45HP, 5 Const Skills, 1 Str Skills, ConcOpp]
Hands: Epic Charged Gauntlets (With: Blindness Immunity)
Belt: Belt of the Defender of Siberys
Head: Epic Helm of Frost (With: 1 Exc. Str)
Weapons: LitII Kophesh
Pos/Pos/Pos Kophesh (Holy, 20% Healing Amp, 4 Insight AC)
Epic Kronzeks Cruelty (For Epics (new: LitStrike+Improved Destruction))
Pos/Pos/Pos Maul (Undead Beater)
I hope I did everything right and that some of you Paladin-Experts can help me, so I dont re-gimp that char.
Thanks for Reading and Comments!
PS: Excuse my English
Edit: Removed Rage from calculations, as it's dispelled by DOSIII+CE
Edit2: Huge changes to everything, thx for all that input! Looks alot better now.