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  1. #1
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    Default Weapons to rival the Epic SoS

    Epic SoS is obviously by far the most powerful weapon in the game, by such a margin that THF does more damage than TWF. How is it that with a higher build cost and general cost is needed for TWF (Needs dex, a pain for a lot of toons that would otherwise dump dex) and force you to work twice as hard to get weapons (MUCH more than twice as hard when it comes to getting Epic Chaosblades) does less damage than THF?

    I think we need more epic weapons that can match the DPS of the Epic SoS, and rebalance TWF and THF in endgame. Maybe something to boost the DPS a bit from E Chaos blades, and make new epic Schimitars/Rapiers and Khopeshes that feel more epic than a lot of the weak epic weapons we've seen so far.

  2. #2
    Community Member joaofalcao's Avatar
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    I agree that you have a good point regarding build effort and weapon balance.

    While I dont have any idea to present rather than just make more epic content and enhance the current weapons to compete with esos, I leave my support in here.

    /signed for more 1handed weapon power.

    /singed for enhance the current 1 handed weapons

  3. #3
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    /signed for more 1h weapons love

  4. #4
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    Aren't kopesh powerful enough?

  5. #5
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    This is a two way street. Give us more two handers that approach the level of eSOS as well.

    I like the idea of better epic one handers, but khopesh doesnt need any more love.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  6. #6
    Community Member Milfeulle's Avatar
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    Wraps need more love than 1 handed weapons. There's only 1 epic handwraps and it's from Mabar.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miow View Post
    Aren't kopesh powerful enough?

    Nope. They're the best 1 handed weapons. But no set of kopeshes will match the eSoS, even though it's hard to get epic chaos blades, and you have to put more into building a toon for TWF.

    If you're saying it's because they're better than other 1 handers, I agree, but one is going to be the best, and if it's Kopesh it should compete with TH weapons too.

  8. #8
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Epic chaosblade pretty rare sure.. But thats not an issue because its a 1hander, its an issue because its a desert epic, all desert epics are insanely hard to get. How many epic xuums have you seen? there even rarer then chaosblades since they have a far lower shard drop rate.

    ESoS is pretty comparable dps to dual lit2 khopeshs vs most trash.
    ESoS is obviously much harder to get then 2 of those as well.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milfeulle View Post
    Wraps need more love than 1 handed weapons. There's only 1 epic handwraps and it's from Mabar.
    Monks seem to get picked on by devs. I'm just glad they REALLY upped the rate of metal type handwraps in 10.1 and made it much easier to get holy/silver wraps.

    But yeah, Wraps need to be focussed on too. Just over all need more weapons to balance fighting styles so it's not "Focus on the playstyle you like best, until you get the eSoS".
    Last edited by R0cksteady; 07-20-2011 at 10:14 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R0cksteady View Post
    Nope. They're the best 1 handed weapons. But no set of kopeshes will match the eSoS, even though it's hard to get epic chaos blades, and you have to put more into building a toon for TWF.

    If you're saying it's because they're better than other 1 handers, I agree, but one is going to be the best, and if it's Kopesh it should compete with TH weapons too.
    Khopesh is an entire generic weapon type. eSOS is one named weapon. Its not even a comparison. When we get specific and compare lit2 khopesh or chaosblades to eSOS then it becomes more of an actual comparison and less of a generalization.

    Putting SOS on the level of a khopesh would be like SOS having its own weapon type people can take a feat for, and now they have a two handed weapon that has a falchions crit range and a great ax crit multi at the same time. then you have the game spit out crappy loot gen versions of it just like it does for khopesh, and once ina while a good one comes out of the loot gen pool.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  11. #11
    Community Member Zorth's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I vote to put , "Greatswords", under Exotic feats just because this Sword exists.

  12. #12
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milfeulle View Post
    Wraps need more love than 1 handed weapons. There's only 1 epic handwraps and it's from Mabar.
    This I agree with. Not only is there less quantity, but alot of the mechanics behind wraps get broken-fixed-broken in some other way-refixed which breaks them in some other way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Khopesh is an entire generic weapon type. eSOS is one named weapon. Its not even a comparison. When we get specific and compare lit2 khopesh or chaosblades to eSOS then it becomes more of an actual comparison and less of a generalization.

    Putting SOS on the level of a khopesh would be like SOS having its own weapon type people can take a feat for, and now they have a two handed weapon that has a falchions crit range and a great ax crit multi at the same time. then you have the game spit out crappy loot gen versions of it just like it does for khopesh, and once ina while a good one comes out of the loot gen pool.
    I'm not saying all Kopeshes should be on that level, I'm saying there should be an epic kopesh on the same level. As well as other epic weapons.

  14. #14
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R0cksteady View Post
    Epic SoS is obviously by far the most powerful weapon in the game, by such a margin that THF does more damage than TWF. How is it that with a higher build cost and general cost is needed for TWF (Needs dex, a pain for a lot of toons that would otherwise dump dex) and force you to work twice as hard to get weapons (MUCH more than twice as hard when it comes to getting Epic Chaosblades) does less damage than THF?

    I think we need more epic weapons that can match the DPS of the Epic SoS, and rebalance TWF and THF in endgame. Maybe something to boost the DPS a bit from E Chaos blades, and make new epic Schimitars/Rapiers and Khopeshes that feel more epic than a lot of the weak epic weapons we've seen so far.
    No, the games doesn't need anymore power creep than it already has gotten in the last 3 years. Do some epic items need a revamp? Yes. Do we need to change a whole weapon set (a weapon set that is already stupid over powered) so it can compete against one item? No. Like mentioned, eSoS is roughly the same as dual weilding Lit II khopeshs against trash. Why do you need more?

    You talk like the epic Chaosblade is worthless. You should be asking Turbine to change vorpals back to the way they were, if anything.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by R0cksteady View Post
    But no set of kopeshes will match the eSoS
    I wouldn't be so sure. That, or esos wielding barbs are gimps.

    When speaking about single target dps that is.

  16. #16
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Khopesh is an entire generic weapon type. eSOS is one named weapon. Its not even a comparison.
    Well, yes, because comparing generic weapon types is pointless. We don't use generic weapon types. We use weapons. Compare those.

    When we get specific and compare lit2 khopesh or chaosblades to eSOS then it becomes more of an actual comparison and less of a generalization.
    These are the only comparisons worth making. These are the comparisons the post you replied to was talking about: Best weapons of THF vs. best weapons of TWF. Not best weapon types of THF vs best weapon types of TWF.

    Putting SOS on the level of a khopesh would be like SOS having its own weapon type people can take a feat for, and now they have a two handed weapon that has a falchions crit range and a great ax crit multi at the same time. then you have the game spit out crappy loot gen versions of it just like it does for khopesh, and once ina while a good one comes out of the loot gen pool.
    None of this is remotely necessary or wise.

    I'm not sure what actual game balance issue you're trying to correct or point out here.
    Last edited by dkyle; 07-20-2011 at 10:39 AM.

  17. #17
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R0cksteady View Post
    I'm not saying all Kopeshes should be on that level, I'm saying there should be an epic kopesh on the same level. As well as other epic weapons.
    Lit 2 khopesh comes pretty close on blizt and pure fighters, as does epic chaosblades.

    What I want to see is more epic rapiers, scimitars, falchions mauls dwarven axes etc...which approach eSOS DPS.
    Last edited by Chai; 07-20-2011 at 10:42 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  18. #18
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Lit 2 khopesh comes pretty close on blizt and pure fighters, as does epic chaosblades.

    TWF should exceed THF, by a significant margin, against single targets. Otherwise, it is a pointless waste, on anything but a Rogue or Monk, of stat points and added resources to gear up. The other benefits of TWF are marginal, especially thanks to the nerfs of Vorpals, Banishers, etc, that used to be much more potent in the hands of TWF.

    THF already beats TWF hands down vs. groups of enemies, especially Barbs w/ Supreme Cleave.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Lit 2 khopesh comes pretty close on blizt and pure fighters, as does epic chaosblades.

    What I want to see is more epic rapiers, scimitars, falchions mauls dwarven axes etc...which approach eSOS DPS.
    You're missing the point. Even if they come close, it's still more cost for less benefit. Top end TWF should beat Top end THF in DPS against a single target.

    And I would also like to see epic Rapiers, Schimis and whatnot that compete. Like I said, I would like to see, at end game top gear, more choice in what weapons to use without feeling like you're using an inferior weapon or fighting style.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    What I want to see is more epic rapiers, scimitars, falchions mauls dwarven axes etc...which approach eSOS DPS.
    i agree with u on this. I am a scimitar user and i do this out of preference and because i like scimitar's what i do not like is the fact of while i am at lvl 20 that i feel i am not able to truly put out dps worthy of epics even with a minII and litII in progress. i feel there should be more epicable scimitar's that are actualy worth it.. i dont have monk access so i cant realy go for them.. but i just keep hearing monks are strong as it is without breaking them or something along those lines, (just wat i hear not wat i say since i dont have the class to truly kno) but i do agree. more epic gear that can in some sense be a match in a certain way compared to the eSOS.

    it is a TH weapon which generaly yes TH weapons hit harder than 1h. but.. then why.... (T_T i seem to have done it again xD read signature)
    *sigh* at this moment i feel my train of thought has ended on this post specificly. now i do ask you to please consider your thoughts and words again. thank you

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