Last edited by R0cksteady; 07-23-2011 at 03:53 AM.
MUCH higher. it drops on Elite and Epic, and silver/holy weapons drop constantly now. Handwraps included.
Been "farming" DA elite on my lunch hour and anytime I have 30ish min for the past 2 weeks. The best I've gotten is +3 Adamantine of EOB...
But then again...I got the loot stank curse at acct creation
Are they "Dropping Constantly" on Epic Only?
I personally haven't seen silver b/c I've only run it a few times, but the first one a guildie pulled +5 Cold Iron of Pure Good. Lucky dog....
This was on elite, btw.
Officer and Webmaster for Fallen Immortals, a guild of Thelanis.
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Guess Ill have to round up some guildies and do Epic then.
I imagine I'd see better drops partying on Elite instead of soloing it.
In about 10 runs on Epic I've seen about 10 pairs of HW drop. Some runs were a bust, some had multiple pairs, but only 2 of those were silver. I've also personally had 3 different holy/silver/pg weapons drop. Prior to 10.1 ran it Epic well over 50 times and never saw a single item of that caliber. I actually enjoy the run even more than I did before.
There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.
Another pair dropped this morning, +5 silver of pure good. Of course, not something he was willing to part with.
So, uh, bump.