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  1. #1
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Default OG OG New Raid Meh!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    No, we're not done with crafting, but that doesn't stop you from starting a separate thread.

    New raid?

    What have you up your sleeve Mr MadFloyd?
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

  2. #2
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ganak View Post
    What have you up your sleeve Mr MadFloyd?
    As long as they put madfloyd in charge of how difficult elite/epic is, were in good shape. Give him the reigns eladrin.

  3. #3
    Community Member Bladedge's Avatar
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    My wish list for future raids

    Doesn't have 2/3 of he players being spectators.
    Doesn't have a flagging mechanic which you have to run the same quests to get the one missing item that drops randomly or is very rare.
    Raid boss is not lured into fighting in one static place through intimidate or dps or is one huge static animated body.
    Raid boss that fails to attack or toss the players that are beating on him.
    Raid boss that goes after casters and healers.
    Raid loot that is not broken, missing abilities or is plain junk.
    Raid loot that caters to more then the melee classes.

  4. #4
    Hero RandomKeypress's Avatar
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    Can I put a vote in for easy access to said raid? Getting everyone to the Twilight Forge and the Tower of Despair is a pain in the neck. Even doing shroud was really annoying until airships (thanks for those, btw).

    Otherwise - I like hard raids, but can we drop the 'oops, one person doesn't speak english and just killed two of the dogs' and the 'oops, the third column missed the titan' raid failure conditions? I know it adds tension to the game, but when one idiot can mess up an hour's work for eleven other people, it can get frustrating.

    I don't have a problem with 'oops, someone broke a crystal, so we've lost two chests' and 'oops, the kiter didn't get shadow agro and now the DPS is getting a bit chilly' errors - you can recover from them. It's the raid failure mechanisms that annoy.

    Optional extras are fun, like Suulu in ToD. Over-full unique item lists aren't fun - see complaints re. epic Demon Queen and ToD rings...

  5. #5
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    as Long As They Put Madfloyd In Charge Of How Difficult Elite/epic Is, Were In Good Shape. Give Him The Reigns Eladrin.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  6. #6
    Community Member twiliteslayer02's Avatar
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    I would really like a raid the forces us to work togh\ether in a real teamwork way, not a puzzle, or riddle, i mean a boss that fights for his life, maybe even has an option of escape and ambush as part of its mechanics

    ( like flaging is done, then enter raid, beat his ass till he squeals, then he bolts, only to ambush the party as they escape the falling ruins themselves, at a random place(totally random not spawn points that are preset))

    lots of possibilities, imo, dnd is/was never about puzzles, intrigue yes, drama yes(hello khyber) but not puzzles and riddles and big jugs of hitpoints that basically staqnd there and get hit.

    everyone whos ever played pnp has had that moment when they face thier first well played vampire or rakasha, id like to see something like that in this game, a WELL PLAYED enemy.

  7. #7
    Community Member Tinco's Avatar
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    What will we farm this time until our ears bleed? Trinkets? Raids and DDO have always been a troublesome combination in my opinion and while I'm eager to see what you have up your sleeves this time, my hopes aren't exactly high.

  8. #8
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    I have an idea for a raid boss encounter, something different from what we have atm:

    The mob spawns at the bottom of a large room with a small lake in it, the mob is straight forward tank and spank with 2 exceptions:

    He will routinely blind and curse someone, that person will have 10 seconds to jump into the lake and cure their curse or he will explode causing massive aoe damage to the raiding party.

    He randomly curses half the raid, while cursed they can not dps the boss at all (it heals him instead) but a second boss, mirror image of the first boss but with only a small amount of HP (similar to one of the red named mobs in Shroud P2). This mirror image can only be damaged by those with the curse and if he gets to the real boss he will explode causing a wipe.

    The idea of this is so that all 12 people in the raid have to pay attention to themselves and to others. The second curse could change your eyesight like in Delirum just to make it a bit easier. The healers can ofc continue to heal both parties as needed, the mirror boss does not have massive hp's or hit very hard making it easy to tank by a "squishy".

    On harder difficulties the boss's hp's are doubled for each difficulty (so 1 million on normal, 2m on hard, 4m on elite and 8m on epic), he hits for about the same regardless of difficulty (needs to be like this so a 400hp caster/squishy can keep him happy if all the high hp classes cursed onto the mini boss) but he casts his abilities more often at harder difficulty. The blind curse would be three times per kill on normal, 6 on hard, 9 on elite and 12 on epic, and the mini-boss would be summoned every time the main boss looses 750k hp, meaning once on normal, twice on hard, 5 times on elite and a massive 10 times on epic.

    Blue bar players would also need some way to keep their power up, maybe make divine spells free due to an aoe buff only available in that room, maybe make the lake that cures the blind curse replenish spell points at a crazy rate.

    The loot would need to match the challenge too, choose one slot, say cloak, and have the drop rate increase drastically as with difficulty.

  9. #9
    Community Member Maitland's Avatar
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    I love the way you have to flag for quests...for myself,i would like more quests that you have to run out to instead of being tele to..i really cant complain about alot of the guys do a great job..quests like Titan make alot of ppl think and really have to watch their actions..and i think for that reason,not alot of ppl would want another Titan raid,ha..but i would..anywho...Keep up the great work far everything you touch is golden..

    Bluntt,Proud Officer of the Truth Seekers
    Adapt or Die,or be a ddo'er and /whine
    Blunttphorse,Madkill,Mait Manic,Ewak,Holmez,Rollin,Axeme Acers

  10. #10
    Community Member Tinco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maitland View Post
    quests like Titan make alot of ppl think and really have to watch their actions..and i think for that reason,not alot of ppl would want another Titan raid,ha..but i would..
    A lot of people would not want another titan raid because after an exhausting, interesting and well designed preraid, 8/12 people are basically forced to pike in the final encounter. How that is even remotely good raid design is beyond me.

  11. #11
    Community Member Indoran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomKeypress View Post
    Can I put a vote in for easy access to said raid? Getting everyone to the Twilight Forge and the Tower of Despair is a pain in the neck. Even doing shroud was really annoying until airships (thanks for those, btw).

    Otherwise - I like hard raids, but can we drop the 'oops, one person doesn't speak english and just killed two of the dogs' and the 'oops, the third column missed the titan' raid failure conditions? I know it adds tension to the game, but when one idiot can mess up an hour's work for eleven other people, it can get frustrating.

    I don't have a problem with 'oops, someone broke a crystal, so we've lost two chests' and 'oops, the kiter didn't get shadow agro and now the DPS is getting a bit chilly' errors - you can recover from them. It's the raid failure mechanisms that annoy.

    Optional extras are fun, like Suulu in ToD. Over-full unique item lists aren't fun - see complaints re. epic Demon Queen and ToD rings...
    I disagree completely. for different reasons.

    1. Its easy to get to ToD
    2. Raid failure mechanisms... killing dogs??? A kiter falling is a more serious problem than killing one dog.
    3. Not speaking english made someone unable to know a raid? you should have screened him out not because of language, but because of noobness :P. In any case any person should be able to understand this game is about cooperation and if they can't communicate +/- with the group they should look for another group.

  12. #12
    Hero RandomKeypress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indoran View Post
    I disagree completely. for different reasons.

    1. Its easy to get to ToD
    2. Raid failure mechanisms... killing dogs??? A kiter falling is a more serious problem than killing one dog.
    3. Not speaking english made someone unable to know a raid? you should have screened him out not because of language, but because of noobness :P. In any case any person should be able to understand this game is about cooperation and if they can't communicate +/- with the group they should look for another group.
    Hmm - don't want to jump to conclusions, but I take it you don't PUG much? Yeah, it's easy to get to ToD until someone hasn't been there before. Then I have to drop group and spend a couple of minutes running them there. Seems to be one in every ToD I run. It makes the whole raid wait a minute or two - nothing major, but it's still a nuisance.

    The thing about killing dogs is that once they're gone, they're gone. Everyone can be in top form, full mana etc. and it's still a wipe. That is frustrating. We didn't loose, but we can't win.

    You cannot screen on comprehension. People play because they want to. They don't tell you that they can't speak/understand. Sometimes they DO understand until it gets a little technical.

  13. #13
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomKeypress View Post
    The thing about killing dogs is that once they're gone, they're gone. Everyone can be in top form, full mana etc. and it's still a wipe. That is frustrating. We didn't loose, but we can't win.
    The dogs do respawn indefinetely.

    First one respawns almost instantly, so 1 lost dog shouldnt be an issue.
    2nd dog respawns slower, and so on.. Tel lthey take like ~3min to get in.

    Course generally runs over ~12 minute are an near-automatic fail as thats the point you get those incredibly tough ancient beholders messing your party up.

    Personally I like HARD-Fail conditions like that, really keeps people on there toes and forces strong leadership and teamwork to succeed. due to that hound is among my fav raids. Only issue I have with it is the duration - way way too short.

    Tho like I said in my much logner thread on this subecjt here:

    Id prefer to have it far more tier'd.. So those hard-fail condition only show up on elite/epic.

  14. #14
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    I like the whole concept of defending a fort type raid. It would be something different then the normal raid we have had previously. There would be side objectives such as while defending the fort/castle you have to accomplish certain objectives such as send a group of the raid party out to kill a named boss, send a few out to poison the enemy water supply, etc. , but still have the rest of the party stay and defend the fort against the encroaching hordes.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  15. #15
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    Bringing back my suggestion for a raid boss fight. Might not be the final raid boss, for the raid, but I would sure like to see it.

    Boss: Purple named Ice Devil.

    Spawns: Ice Flensers and Ice Mephits.

    Have the boss spawn on a pedestal above the party. Have him talk tough, and then come down for the fight. He himself has two abilities to make the raid harder.

    Impale: A high DC fortitude save versus being stunned. Say DC 40 Fort save. Failure results in being stunned for six seconds, and gives a debuff which reduces fortification by 20% for 1 minute.

    Ice Prison: He randomly casts Ice Prisons around the room. He targets a player, hits them with it, and Ice forms around them, forming an obstruction. It can be destroyed by melee attacks or spells (Fire deals double damage). This ability is to make the party work together to free important members of the party.

    I think these abilities would make foir a dynamic fight, the party having to watch the tank, possibly "Swap out" tanks to wait out the Debuff, and also to be johnny on the spot with saving healers/casters/anyone from Ice Prisons.
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  16. #16
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    I think Turbine needs to focus a bit more on the 4-6 range for some new content. Then maybe a new raid, but thats just maybe. I mean we had chronoscope out only a year ago, right? I'm all for a new raid, but priorities need to be set more towards the lower lvls.
    Teth - Ascendance

    Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.

  17. #17
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xTethx View Post
    I think Turbine needs to focus a bit more on the 4-6 range for some new content. Then maybe a new raid, but thats just maybe.
    While normally I'd share this sentiment I've been playing a TR lately and I'm finding that low level content isn't really much of an issue. And, while I still have reservations about the dead levels from 11 to 17 (where the content isn't much fun and groups are hard to get) I'm starting to think that even those are not where the real need is.

    The real need is at epic levels for all those who have farmed the epic quests and built their epic gear that is only of any use to them as L20 characters. Now that they are fully powered up they need somewhere to go play.

    A fresh series of quests just for L20s that takes the game into legitimately epic quests and raids -- where all that epic gear will get its full work out and then some -- is what the game really needs. I'd shoot for 10 or more quests and 2 or 3 raids. Make getting to L20 and doing epic quests mean something more than "my <insert your choice of words> is bigger than yours."

  18. #18
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xTethx View Post
    I think Turbine needs to focus a bit more on the 4-6 range for some new content. Then maybe a new raid, but thats just maybe. I mean we had chronoscope out only a year ago, right? I'm all for a new raid, but priorities need to be set more towards the lower lvls.
    There is so much content in that range that you'd have to hold a level or two to get to it all in a TR life. Up to 12-14 or so, the game is packed full. After Gianthold, things slow down. We need high level content, not more lowbie stuff that no one plays.
    Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...

    Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    While normally I'd share this sentiment I've been playing a TR lately and I'm finding that low level content isn't really much of an issue. And, while I still have reservations about the dead levels from 11 to 17 (where the content isn't much fun and groups are hard to get) I'm starting to think that even those are not where the real need is.

    The real need is at epic levels for all those who have farmed the epic quests and built their epic gear that is only of any use to them as L20 characters. Now that they are fully powered up they need somewhere to go play.

    A fresh series of quests just for L20s that takes the game into legitimately epic quests and raids -- where all that epic gear will get its full work out and then some -- is what the game really needs. I'd shoot for 10 or more quests and 2 or 3 raids. Make getting to L20 and doing epic quests mean something more than "my <insert your choice of words> is bigger than yours."
    I've made a suggestion in the forums a couple of times about fresh Epic quests. Since several people don't like how all the Epic quests so far are rehashed quests usually from level 5-9, my suggestion for Epics would be to add an Epilogue quest to the adventure packs with chain quests. A single quest that can only be played on Epic for each of the following packs: Deleras, Threnal, Sorrowdusk, Catacombs, STK. If an Epic quest was added to any of these packs, it should renew some interest in them, except Deleras since almost everyone runs it. There's some really good items in these packs that would be great to see as Epic versions. Since the quests will be Epic only, there's more flexibility in the quest design and they could/should be harder than most of the Epic quests.

    Now back to the thread: I still think there needs to be more quests/raids in the level 18 range. I have to agree with others who have brought it up before, any new raid should have some boss other than a Devil or Undead. As others have stated several times, there needs to be a bit of a break from these mobs for a bit. I'm not saying they should never be brought back, but there just needs to be a bit more variety right now in the high-level raid mobs.

    If I had to pick a mob to fight in the next raid, I'd probably want a Purple Worm. Although, the fight would probably end up looking like one of two things. One, the same as Von6, which would just feel like a rehash of that quest. Two, the Purple Worm eats you and you must fight your way out of the Purple Worm.

    Something else I'd like to see would be Goblins invading Stormreach. Maybe defending the gates at Cerulean Hills. Of course, the problem with this is that the Goblin is usually an antagonist for players when they fight Kobolds. Also, just adding Goblins at high levels feels wrong. Maybe sprinkling four or five quests featuring Goblins throughout levels 4 to 16 would help...but that again takes resources away from making quests in the much needed 18 level range.

  20. #20
    Time Bandit kailiea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    There is so much content in that range that you'd have to hold a level or two to get to it all in a TR life. Up to 12-14 or so, the game is packed full. After Gianthold, things slow down. We need high level content, not more lowbie stuff that no one plays.
    I think you missed the fact that he was being sarcastic

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