Similar to a godhand, but more focused on stunning. Alternatively you could go the 12/8 godhand split with similar feat selection.
Named after the song and sound effect when you stun....
Excellent stunning DCs with little equipment for the new player (but I used 32 point/+2 tomes)....
Dwarf Fighter 16/Monk 4
Lawful Neutral 32 Point
S 16 + Level Ups
D 15
C 16
I 10 (I like skill points)
W 14
C 6
+2 dex tome for ITWF/GTWF @ Level 7
+2 int tome for skill points @ Level 7
+2 tome for strength and wisdom for stunning
Level up to Monk 3 for Fist of Light, then Fighter to 19, then Monk at 20.
Skill Points:
Concentration & Intimidate, extra points in Balance/etc
1 Two Weapon Fighting
3 Power Attack
6 Cleave (get dual wield attacks with unarmed)
9 Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12 Greater Two Weapon Fighting
15 Quickdraw
18 Toughness
M1 Toughness
M2 Stunning Fist
F1 Stunning Blow
F2 Weapon Focus Bludgeon
F4 Weapon Spec Bludgeon
F6 Improved Critical Bludgeon
F8 Greater Weapon Focus
F10 Great Cleave (get dual wield attacks with unarmed)
F12 Greater Weapon Spec
F14 Sap
F16 Superior Weapon Focus
Kensei Prereq (6)
Kensei II (6)
Extra Action Boost II (6)
Haste Boost IV (10)
Fighter Stunning Blow IV (10)
Dwarven Tactics III (12)
Unarmed Spec II (3)
Fighter Strength III (12)
Kensei Unarmed Mastery II (2)
Dwarven Spell Defense III (6)
Monk Improved Recovery I (2)
Way of the Patient Tortoise I (1)
Racial Toughness II (3)
Fighter Toughness I (1)
16 +5 level +2 tome +6 item +3 enhancement +8 power surge +2 fire stance +2 rage = 44 (+17)
Stunning Blow DC = 10 base +17 strength +2 kensei +4 fighter +3 dwarf +10 wraps = 46 (with crappy equipment)
14 +2 tome +6 item -2 fire stance = 20 (+5)
Stunning Fist DC = 10 base + 10 level + 5 wisdom +2 kensei +4 fighter +3 dwarf +10 wraps = 44 (with crappy equipment)
And Sap has no save!
Advantages of the 16/4 Split vs 12/8:
When epic levels are released you will be closer to epic levels of fighter for epic bonus feats (probably the biggest advantage, you can even drop Monk to 3 at that point assuming the epic fighter bonus feats/ehancements are worthwhile). At that point you also get to pick up Kensei III.
+1 hit
8 hp (before enhancements)
Shintao I
5% movement speed (this hurts the most)
2nd tier monk stances
1 reflex/will save
You also retain healing curse (1.5 hp / hit x 2 hits / swing x 2 swings / second x 3 seconds almost gives you the healing of a radiant II aura for only 3 levels investment) with less monk investment.