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  1. #21
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Calebro View Post
    They don't allow it because allowing it would be a mistake, that's why.
    You want a fighter past life, but hate leveling fighters? Too bad. Level a fighter. Your suggestion would be akin to "buying" past lives that you never actually had, and you'd be allowed to do so with zero repercussions and zero time spent on it. All you'd spend is cash, and this is not a Pay2Win game.
    All the current system does is make you wait one extra week. The current process is:

    1) Level to 19 in whatever, take your last level in the class you want to be
    2) Use an LR+5
    3) Wait 1 week
    4) Use an LR+5

    Ready to TR
    Basically you are just creating a 1 week delay.

    If the person only had LR+3s available, then you would be adding a 2 week delay, or forcing them to only go to 15 or 16 in their favored class, no big loss.

    So taking out a 1 or 2 week delay before TR is "pay2win"? I'm not seeing it. You aren't making the game any easier to play, you are just taking out an artificial delay that doesn't really change much.

  2. #22
    Community Member Dispel's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    /signed!!! What is the point in making someone wait a few weeks to change their class levels if they'll do it anyway?

    Also, they're still dishing out a LOT of money seeing as how you can currently only get +3 LR woods.

    This is a great idea and Completionist isn't even worth it, and if it were, you'd still have to TR a lot, and I don't see how LRing would make a difference unless you put a ton of money into the game to level a WF sorc for easier leveling and then LR'd it everytime you capped before you TR'd for completionist but hey it'd still take a long time and cost you a ton of money so...

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    More than once, I have LR'd and forgot an important feat (Khopesh proficiency, toughness) or did something small like forget to put a point into tumble, and had to deal with it for awhile. Kind of annoying.

    I think waiting the week is so you can't get like 4 +5 hearts of wood and become a different class all at once, it's the only true reason I can think of.

    But I don't get it. The only thing that dropping the wait time would do is make a few more heart of woods sell off the DDO store shelves.

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