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  1. #1
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Default Epic Chaos Blade Price

    My understanding is that the Epic Chaos Blade scroll goes for 10-15 reds.

    My question is, why?

    This is easily twice the value of an eSoS scroll at the higher end of that range. It is more valuable than the claw set and 3 abashai scrolls for the Abashai set combined. Two of them for a TWF would be more expensive than red dragon armor and, probably, e-marilith chain scroll. It exceeds the value as well of the eRoSS and eTorc scrolls.

    There would seem to be a couple factors for the value of a scroll:

    1) How powerful the epic item is that is made
    2) How many builds it fits into
    3) How hard it is to get
    4) How hard the item itself is to get as well as the shard and seal.

    The first two are basically demand questions and the last two go to supply (although that 4th question might actually be a demand factor).

    Epic Chaos Blade is certainly a nice DPS item, but in that the value is around 20-30 LDS, is one that much better than having two lit2 and two min2 khopeshes? And some scales to spare, probably. To get a pair you are looking at 40-60 lds. It is anywhere from 50% to 100% more expensive than eSoS for 1 Chaos Blade and 200-300% more expensive for a pair, yet no one rates it better in terms of DPS than eSoS. It seems overpriced on power evaluation.

    In comparing all factors to eSoS: Less powerful than eSoS, same build fit as eSoS, more difficult to obtain and more difficult to make. Why would it be double the cost?

    In comparing it to Marilith Chain, RoSS, or Torc(other desert items that are very powerful and build specific) yields the same result. All are more powerful, all have a limited build fit, all are difficult to obtain and are difficult to make. All are, in comparison, much cheaper than the Chaos Blade scroll.

    Sure Marilith Chain is more expensive, but is generally considered superior to dragon armor and is priced in the same range. Dragon Armor takes around 22-23 reds to make (if you count the value of the base dragon armor) and the marilith chain scroll is around 20-30 reds, depending on buyer and seller. It's not that far off from the other comparible armor.

    Why is this item so much more expensive than the other DPS options when the DPS difference doesn't seem that great. Or am I missing how OP this item is?
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  2. #2
    Community Member KingOfCheese's Avatar
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    I think one more factor needs to go into the economic analysis: luxury goods.

    This is a rare item that is sexy. Those with lots of cash and nearly everything else would love to dual wield these (having 2 of them makes them even sexier).

    I think this, at least in part, accounts for the value.
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  3. #3
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    It's by farm the most powerful one handed weapon, and the vampirism is a nice effect. It's the best Kopesh in the game, and it's EXTREMELY rare. Sure, the SoS is a bit better than dual wielding Chaos Blades, but not everyone wants to fight with a two handed weapon.

    The SoS scroll, on the other hand, is really easy to farm, and is a lot easier to get than the shard. The scroll isn't that sought after because most people who get the shard have been looking for it for awhile, and already usually have the scroll and seal. It's overpriced as it is IMO, at 7-9 FRDS.

    Chaosblade scroll is so high because that's what it's worth to people, it's a great item that's hard to make.

  4. #4
    Community Member The_Brave2's Avatar
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    you're missing how OP the item is. It's by far the best weapon for any TWF build, comparing it to the eSoS is an unfair comparison since the Shard for the eSoS is considered to be the limiting factor in making it whereas for desert raid items the scroll is considered to be the most difficult to get. another factor is the ease of which you can farm the scrolls, for the SoS scroll you can easily farm von 1,5 and get one fairly easily in a couple of days work. For the chaos blade scroll you could farm wiz king or DQ1 but the chance at getting one of these scrolls is dramatically lower than the same time farming for a SoS scroll. even generous pricing for a SoS scroll (possibly 6-8 reds) and Chaos Blade Scrolls 13-15 reds, the time spent to get the scroll is farm more then twice the time to get a Chaos Blade Vs. a SoS scroll.

  5. #5
    Community Member RecklessDawn's Avatar
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    Default Simple economics

    Twf > Thf for straight dps. eChaosblades are the best DPS option for twf, with the added vampirism effect. They can also break DR if slotted.

    As the scroll is so much more rare than say an SoS scroll, as well as needing TWO of them for your character, the price is increased. On another note, the shard is much more common than an SoS shard (at least in my experience) and thus with simple seal farming the only piece left to get for an epic chaosblade is the super rare scroll.
    Resident of Khyber: Gotyour - Tweedeldee - Gotyourback - Tyrantius - Xypi

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    supply and command.

    twf suckers who want an epic chaos blade... want 2 epic chaos blades.
    thf players who want an epic sword of shadow.. Only need the one.

    Thus double the demand, double the price.
    supply and command.

    and reckless dawn, i and others have proven thf > twf for straight dps when it comes to epics, especially these particular ones against foes they may work well on. DPS challenge is in the sig and videos are up for verification.
    Last edited by Shade; 07-20-2011 at 07:55 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Well, it's an epic khopesh, and the only other epic khopesh uses cha for attack/dmg mod :\
    Comfortably [d|n]umb

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  8. #8
    Community Member ReveredCat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    and reckless dawn, i and others have proven thf > twf for straight dps when it comes to epics, especially these particular ones against foes they may work well on. DPS challenge is in the sig and videos are up for verification.
    You did "prove" you have more girls buffing you
    Rittz, Lesliea, Reze, Serravee, Eclare

  9. #9
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Chaos blade scrolls are harder to obtain due to being a desert epic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  10. #10
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    Short Answer:

    It's easier to farm 10-15 reds than a chaos blade scroll.

    Long Answer:

    It's both supply and demand...but mostly supply.

    It's one of the best kopeshes out there. Given that the kopesh is probably the most commonly used weapon in the game and that virtually all kopesh users wield 2 of them, there are a lot of these items that people would love to make if possible

    The problem is that the supply makes this impossible. The sands raid item scrolls have an exceedingly low drop rate. Whenever a Sands scroll drops, there is only a 1/25 chance that it's a raid scroll. In other words, you have to kill on average 2500 epic mobs (assuming 1 scroll drop per 100 mobs) to get a single raid scroll...and there are quite a few raid items, so the chance that the scroll is actually one that you want is in itself low. Another way to think about this is that there are likely 100's of chaos blade shards extant in the game for each chaos blade scroll.

    Honestly, I don't think the drop rates of the epic components for the Sands items were particularly well thought out. As a general rule, the raid items and the items from the desert chests are very difficult to make epic due to the imposed rarity of both the scrolls for the raid items and the shards for the deserts items (which each only have a fraction of a percent chance of dropping in the EDQ chest (and only a slightly higher chance of dropping in the EADQ chest).
    Last edited by Pantsless; 07-20-2011 at 09:31 AM.

  11. #11
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    I agree

    Now someone sell me one quick.

    Few good points but the real reason is that.... .

    Most of the Desert Epics tho numerous are not ultra hard to get. Their are however two horrible bottlenecks whereby current mechanics make the drop rates very low.

    These are Desert Explorer Shards and Desert Raid Scrolls. With the Shards its just a case of grin(d) and bear it. With the Scrolls it drives up the price.

    This is why for example The Bramble Caster Scroll is going for ten reds. Any scroll for an EDQ2 raid item will be many times the price of the other Desert Epics Scrolls.

  12. #12
    Community Member kernal42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R0cksteady View Post
    It's by farm the most powerful one handed weapon
    Not really.

    IIRC, It's ~1 damage/swing behind a litII against lawful evil foes with no elec resistance and > 1000 hp.

    The vorp effect under 1k hp and the vampirism make it a better choice than the LitII against trash, but it's certainly not "by far" the most powerful one-hander.


  13. #13
    Community Member RecklessDawn's Avatar
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    Shade, your barbarian has max gear, with +4 tomes and the works if I'm not mistaken. So did that completionist who was Thf who placed the best time on your DPS thread. I would guarantee that IF you spent the time gearing up a twf toon that well, with tomes, epic chaosblades, epic claw set, the works (Not your Dwarven axe wielding twf), you would find it to outdps your ThF toon on single target.

    When you're getting glancing blows or if you're moving from target to target? Thf dominates, I won't argue. Single target is where I don't agree. The thing is, you don't make a twf barbarian, make it a fighter. Big difference.
    Resident of Khyber: Gotyour - Tweedeldee - Gotyourback - Tyrantius - Xypi

  14. #14
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RecklessDawn View Post
    Shade, your barbarian has max gear, with +4 tomes and the works if I'm not mistaken. So did that completionist who was Thf who placed the best time on your DPS thread. I would guarantee that IF you spent the time gearing up a twf toon that well, with tomes, epic chaosblades, epic claw set, the works (Not your Dwarven axe wielding twf), you would find it to outdps your ThF toon on single target.

    When you're getting glancing blows or if you're moving from target to target? Thf dominates, I won't argue. Single target is where I don't agree. The thing is, you don't make a twf barbarian, make it a fighter. Big difference.
    +2 str tome on my top entry, no abishai set..
    Not max yet.. Sobrien will tremble at my sight once im truely maxxed =)

    My TWF barb actaully does have a +4 str tome.. Tho missing other cool stuff.

    BTW, the top TWF entry in the challenge also had superior gear, or at least +3 str/abishai set/claw/etc, etc but not completionist compared to the equal time posted compared to the thf fighter entry Kjeldorn, who had no abisha set, and only single tr. Not sure on the TWF guys pastlives, but I know hes at least a double tr..

    So it really shows there almost no difference in that test, or at least its really too close to safely call either the winner.

    But yea pretty much equal single target + MASSIVELY superior aoe = win.
    Last edited by Shade; 07-21-2011 at 03:06 AM.

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