Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post

The stance Kernal42 has taken has merit; however his arguments do not.

Either he is providing any conceivable agument hoping that one will stick, or he is simply right(ish) for the wrong reasons. Neither case is admirable or...

See? Two can play that game.

But hey, heaven forbid someone openly agree with me. You want crafting to be cost prohibitive that badly? Please feel free to mail me all your LDS, each and every one. Oh, and your plat. Oh, and only run one toon through Shroud - all the others are on time out, sorry. Complete every time.

Now, use that one toon's LDSes to craft all your other toons GLOB shards. But, those toons also need to have 5 LDSes saved up, so you can make a Min II accesory as soon as you have the Shard.

Oh, and I'll also take your Demon's Bloods, and with no plat, and no mats, I'll let *you* make the judgment call to start from scratch on making a HBCoGCOB, or making a Min II against eLailat.

The haves, maintaining a nice, wide gap between them and the have nots... I already have my shards. None of this argument is for my sake, unless I make 5 more level 20s.

But I see a Premium/VIP new to level 20 that isn't going to make it into raids because his gear sucks, who is broke because he's put so much attention into crafting, can't make boots for ToD, can't make himself a single tier III GS, more less having 2x Lit II and a Min II HP item, who is then being told by a crafting device that he has to spend one of the two LDS he's gotten in 20 something Shroud completions to make a single shard that doesn't even complete what would be a good boss beater.

Because that's the environment that apparently we want. We want to make sure that it's months of time before we let people come and play with the rest of us.
Why would he do that? Is he crazy? You can make great devil/demon beaters at lvl 45 or so of crafting with
not shroud ingredient investment at all. +3Holy silver of evil outsider bane is within reach of even a freshly
capped char (probbly before cap even) and is way way way better then the DR breakers I had when I started
running shroud. I didn't even get into a ToD group before I had dual Min II's but that might be just because I
was gimp since normal is regularly run by people with basic DR breakers.

Those +5 HB of GLOB aren't supposed to be for a freshly capped toon. In the same way that Min II's aren't
or an eSoS isn't. They are for the people that want the best possible dps short of very very very rare epic
raid loot (and I'm still not convinced whether eChaosblades outdps the crafted stuff).