If a tree were to fall in the middle of the forest and no one was around to hear it... Would any one care?
If a tree were to fall in the middle of the forest and no one was around to hear it... Would any one care?
I play this game. It is fun.
Morlen - Vigo - Siliana - Ragz - Jeeyou Knit - EnZeroZeroBe - Joeb - Kiandra - Tenju - Freakadroid - Asteri
Server: Ghallanda - Member: ToHitArmorClassZero
I would care . . . if it killed the chicken that laid the first egg.
INFERUS SUS Sorcs (Socky, Sockie, Socklin), Rogues (Sockpuppet, Sockum), Clerics (Sockington, Sockase), FVS (Sockle), Intim (Tubesocks), Bards (Sockdolenger, Sockish), Rangers (Sockin, Sockel), Wizzy (Sockut), Kensai (Sockt), Monk (Sockfist), Arty (Sockficer, Sockcraft)
Nerf trees.
Murderthumbs McGillicutty - 20 Light Monk -+- Traumaturge - 20 Water Savant -+- Targetov Opportunity - 20 Defender of Siberys
Are you bored enough to waste scales on a Min II Shuriken? Try this!
The trees were awakened by druids and raised to be bards, of course we should care!
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
Khyber - Pilchards: Milfeulle (Completionist Sorc), Milreaf/Millefeuille/Mireiyu(20 drone Wiz), Eweca (20 Wiz at life 5)
Sarlona - Black hands & Black feet: Misakamikoto (18/1/1 Ranger at life 3)
Might wanna throw that tree a 'raise' =D
Server: Ghallanda
Icecoldy - Powerboy - Djezus - Gymz - Painkillaz - Bullldozer - Crytmachine - Hytz - Xtreem - Byceps - Mydget -Powersurger - Pixsumlox - Musix - Hightek
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.
If it happened in Fangorn I'd be running for my life!
**** right you should care... at the very least, I'm going to whine about in General Chat all day long and ask if things are WAI.
Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server
New class idea. Lumberjack: Grants automatic proficiency with all axe weapons and Capstone imbues all axes with Greater Plant Slaying.
Prestige Tier 1:Build House
Prestige Tier 2:Build Furniture
Prestige Tier 3: Build Mansion
And then sell it on DDO store for 2000 points.
1:Bad Idea
2:Marketing Lies
If a tree falls?
we get less rain
Flashious, Slashious, Bashious, Delushous, SifuTam Toustious, Sneakious
Officer - Templar - Cannith
I really resent how everyone always just assumes that trees are only found in forests!
How about if a tree falls down on a hillside?
Where is your "would anyone care" attitude now, huh?!@
thilly noobths
Originally from Thelanis, now on...Sarlona* Minions of the Coffee Gopher *