scale 1, stones
Spectral Gloves - Ethereal, +2 Competence bonus on Attack rolls, Dexterity +5
Boots of the Innocent - Resistance +5, Striding 15%
Ring of Spell Storing - Spell Store 3/Day, 25sp 3x's
Bloodstone - +6 Seeker
Bracers +8
Planar Gird - Greater Heroism [CL:11, 1/Day], Continuous Protection from Chaos
Bluefire Necklace - Greater Fire Resistance, Fire Shield (fire) [CL:7, 3/Day]
Beholder Optic Nerves - +7 Spot, +7 Search, Beholder Ray Absorption [8/Day]
Cloak of Ice - Fire Shield (Cold) [CL:7,
Royal Guard Mask - Teleport [CL:9 1/Day
Ring of the Ancestors - Raise Dead [CL:9,1/Day], Required Alignment: Good [No UMD DC]
Send in game mail "Rojolady" or on here.