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  1. #1

    Default CTH, Episode 56 To Tank or Spank, That is the question

    elcome to the DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online, Eberron Unlimited. This week we welcome special guest Tobril to the show! At long last! The team talks about what it means to be a tank in DDO as well as the different ways you can be tank and some basics of building, feats, and playstyle. Listen as Lessah repeatedly picks fights with Samius Gurobo over fighter feats and starting stats! Also…any time Lessah uses the phrase 'I am a fan...' you must take a drink if you are over 21 and NOT DRIVING! ! Thanks so much for listening!

    Here is the link for the episode! Just left click and play or right click and 'save as' to download!

    You can also listen from our home on cyberears Or

    00:01:00 Intro:* The Mantle of the Worldshaper is Mine, by
    00:02:10 A rant about Netflix (I guess we won’t get the sponsorship then eh…)
    00:04:15 Samius and Tobril’s Power Point Presentation regarding their End Of The World Exit Strategy (This time with Zombie footnotes!)
    00:05:38 Adan Maskery’s Alcoholic Apothecary Clanky’s Mojo
    00:08:24 Becket’s Massive Online gamer covers Lessah’s Static Group
    00:09:05 Completionist, Sorcs make Samius Gurobo want to set himself on fire.
    00:10:25 Spoiler: Next show Caster Focused and a public plea for Kudesnik and Jupiterspinning to be on the show.
    00:11:38 Twitter Question: What is your Go-To weapon? (For the record: 'Pork Sword' may or may not be related to the Club of The Holy Flame, from Delera’s.)
    A half-orc’s Intimidate score is directly related to status of his pants.
    00:18:52 The Friendly Necro takes Lessah to the Candy Shop
    00:23:38 Twitter Question: What is your preference Class/ Race, for building a tank.
    Tank Talk!
    00:29:50 Starting Stats Opinions: 32 Point Bld vs 28 pt Bld, Int/ Dex (+Lessah picks a fight with Samius over her controversial opinion on wisdom... muhahaha)
    00:36:30 What is more important Str vs Con (goals)
    00:41:45 Hot bar 1/2/3/4/5/6 What are they? (How you play is important and Lessah picks a BIG fight with both guys about Improved Trip.)
    00:50:42 Inventory Management. (You need more than weapons.)
    00:57:31 Intimidate Score: Goal 69 baby! (Not as easy as it sounds)
    00:58:34 AC… to do it or not to it.
    01:00:49 Shield debate do it or don’t
    01:02:53 Final Thoughts, Words of Wisdom, Save the Cheerleader, Save the World (Also known as: Control the Aggro, Control the Fight)

    Forums: Junts Guide to Creating Paladin’s
    Sublime, Immovable Object Permadeath Build Otherwise known as the poo-man’s AC tank! (Thanks Chai!)
    Lessah’s Blog of stuff you should be carrying! (For what it’s worth...)
    Quickndirty, another gimp intimitank!
    IntimDC Thread davidcampa
    What the DDO Wiki has to say about HATE!
    Otherwise known as the Haters Gonna Hate page!

    Reach us at:
    90IPWNU00/ 904-796-8001
    Samius MY DDO

    Outro and Toast!

    But be responsible, don't drink and drive and don't drink durning a raid unless your in the shroud.

    Don't for get to visit

    Follow Us on Twitter!


  2. #2


    The post date is totally wrong. I posted this days ago.

    Don't hit me Lessah.

  3. #3

    Default thwak!

    Quote Originally Posted by samiusbot View Post
    the Post Date Is Totally Wrong. I Posted This Days Ago.

    Don't Hit Me Lessah.

  4. #4
    DDOCast & Hero Theris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post
    You better twack him again soon, because i haven't seen the notes for the latest CTH!
    Thelanis: Anne|Annala|Torzion|Anastazie|Sprockettz|Theris

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