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  1. #1
    Community Member Kinryu's Avatar
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    Default Request - Healing specced FvS?

    Anyone got any build suggestions for a healing focused FvS? It would have to be 32-pt. I don't care on the race (though I'll admit, I'm not crazy about WF). I was thinking halfling, then I was thinking drow, then half-elf...decisions, decisions. (sigh)

    I'm a bit interested in looking at a healer/caster instead of a healer/melee, but I'm not opposed to going melee.


    (it's late and I'm way too tired to spend a lot of time forum searching)

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    My opinion is, that any FvS can be healing specced. Just take healing enhancement line and you are set.

    I just TR'd my WF FvS who had AoV spec and was generally the melee type. But i also had maxed out Favoured Soul Life Magic line of enchancements and that was pretty much all i needed to keep everybody alive in all raids and/or epics i ran during that life.

    So - choose whatever FvS build you want and just take that line - thats all you really need. Just take the other fvs feats you would take anyway - maximise and empower (and or empower healing).

    Odif Yltsaeb of Ghallanda

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patsaan View Post
    My opinion is, that any FvS can be healing specced. Just take healing enhancement line and you are set.

    I just TR'd my WF FvS who had AoV spec and was generally the melee type. But i also had maxed out Favoured Soul Life Magic line of enchancements and that was pretty much all i needed to keep everybody alive in all raids and/or epics i ran during that life.

    So - choose whatever FvS build you want and just take that line - thats all you really need. Just take the other fvs feats you would take anyway - maximise and empower (and or empower healing).

    Odif Yltsaeb of Ghallanda
    Agreed. Being "healing specced" on a FvS means you take the line that gives you +40% to your healing magic. You don't even need to take the crit lines. Just have that and some kind of potency/devotion/ardor up to level 6 and your golden. My FvS is WF melee with AoV and full light specc'd, but can heal all raids/epics without issue, and all he has is that enhancement line, some superiour ardor 8 clickies, heal, mass heal, and mass cure light wounds. I guess, he also has maximize spell and empower healing spell. That's all he needs, though a second mass cure spell will make certain fights feel less hairy (and that's because mass heal has a slow casting time, even when quickened), but it's not necessary.
    Last edited by waterboytkd; 07-19-2011 at 03:12 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    basic human evoker, off the top of my head:
    STR: 10
    DEX: 8
    CON: 16
    WIS: 18
    INT: 8
    CHA: 12

    - maximize
    - toughness
    - empower
    - quicken
    - heighten
    - empower healing
    -spell focus: evocation

    level up points into wisdom, the higher the wisdom modifier the higher the DC's (primary damage spell will be blade barrier kiting)
    alternatively, you could lower con to 14 and take those 4 points and play with them by upping strength a couple points, or cha a few points. your cha must be at least 19 by end-game, which is very easy to do.

    "healing specced" is more of a playstyle than build, really.

    feats can be played around with a bit as well: can swap out extend for an alternative feat if desired, as well as spell focus evocation (I think, not 100% sure). If you really don't plan on offensive casting as a playstyle, can dump heighten as well - heck if you wanted to build a hardy healer, replace all 3 of those for toughness feats and gain an extra 60hp, lol. I'd rather have the extra casting options, personally.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  5. #5
    Community Member NinetyNineTails's Avatar
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    Build this: and discover that you have powerful offensive casting capabilities while still being all the healer epic content needs. Trust me.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    You could take the melee FvS link in my bio, swap the Strength and Constitution scores (Con is the most important stat for healing), drop the melee DPS and increased threat enhancements, and add in tier 4 of wand/scroll mastery and some level of healing crit enhancements (which are very unimportant, but do have a non-zero effect). Drop the melee feats, add Empower Spell and additional Toughnesses.

    Really, focus on making yourself as close to indestructible as you can. In a purely healing role, such a toon is optimal.

    That assumes you are willing to make a pure healbot. I've solohealed every 6-person Epic, and every raid except Tower of Despair and epic DQ2 on my FvS with the melee focus, and I've two-healed elite ToD with a bard.
    Last edited by sirgog; 07-19-2011 at 04:02 AM.
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