Episode 225 is ready! Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
This week Sig and Anne are joined by Turbine Reps Tolero, Cordovan and ProducerGlin in honor of DDO Podcasting Month! We get the skinny on U10.1 Crafting Issues, ProducerGlin goes over his EU PR trip, DDO news and events. In our Round Table, Sig talks about community relations with Tolero and Cordova. We also have DDO Poetry Corner and Epic Education goes over on how to do a Speed Shroud!
Today’s Music GAME ON by The Guild (feat. Sandeep PAH-REEK & Felicia Day) If you don’t know who or what The Guild is...What rock have you been living under? They'll be premiering their latest Season Five on July 26th!! (WOOT!) The Guild is a independent sitcom web series about a group of online gamers. You can find more info about them on their website at http://www.watchtheguild.com/. You can also purchase the song and video of GAME ON and on iTunes and Amazon.
DDOcast Episode 225 (07-16-11)
0:39 Inro
4:35 ProducerGlin Talks: Trip, Cannith Crafting Issues, and Fixes in the Pipe
13:56 DDO News: Cannith Crafting Issues, Bugs, etc
28:50 DDO Store News & Sales
34:27 ProducerGlin Parting Shots
36:57 Back to DDO Store Sales
37:28 DDOcast News: We’ve ordered Art!
39:35 Sponsor Break
41:24 Round Table Talk with Cordovan and Tolero on Community Relations (not a euphemism)
55:19 Epic Education with Shamgar
1:15:15 DDO Poetry Corner with Skaggy
1:20:32 DDO Community News
1:31:15 What’s New in DDO with Us
1:38:48 Crunchy Bits Mail Bag: Ninjas & Fighters
1:54:56 General Gaming News
2:00:33 DDOcast Messages & Mail
2:01:23 Last Call: Please test on Lamannia! Pretty Please?!
2:01:56 Closing
TOTAL TIME: 2:03:30
LINK for Cannith Crafting is Temporally Down
LINK for Downtime for All DDO services: Monday July 18th from 6am to 10am eastern
LINK for Essences are no longer dropping
LINK for Eternal Rest Handwraps Ghost Touch not working
LINK for SirGog’s unofficial stealth changes/unknown issues
LINK for The Rise of Major Malfunction
LINK for Speaking of Busy Devs: MadFloyd has been all over the crafting threats taking input from folks
LINK for Jolly Jester in the House and Extended!
LINK for Ice Games are back this week
LINK for DDO Store News
LINK for The Eberron Chronicle
LINK for JJFlanigan's Greensteel Crafting Web App
LINK for AidanRyuko's Challenge Event
LINK for Chronicle Comment
LINK for Screenshot of the Week: Avereth Silverskin takes a great shot in the necropolis
LINK for Bestamest Kargon in the Forums
LINK for Compendium Listing for Kargon
LINK for Kargon's Tasty Ham
LINK for Storm of Kargon Character path
LINK for Episode - 4 of Kal’s Den is up - What’s in a game? 2 hour show!
LINK for DDO Coctail Hour 56: Tank or Spank just went up yesterday
LINK for Monk 7 Rogue 13 Drow shortsword specialist
LINK for Dungeons & Dragons: A Documentary
LINK for Knights of Badassdom: A LARP Movie
LINK for San Diago Comic Con 2011 - July 21-24
LINK for Gen Con Indy 2011 in Indianapolis, IN - Aug 4-7
LINK for GamesCom 2011 in Cologne, Germany - Aug 17-21
LINK for 3.5 Sactuary & Know Direction Podcast
LINK for Season Five of Felicia Day’s The Guild Debuts July 26
LINK for Download the a Lamannia Client and Test Test TEST! To get Cannith Crafting back up and running! And Oh yeah. don't forget to test other important things like the loot system!
You can find DDOcast on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, DDOcast RSS Feed, and UStream.
Hotline for Voicemail and Live Calls: (650) 336-5424 Yes that's (650) DDO-LICH
Email: ddocast@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ddocast.com
DDO Forum Names: Theris and Sigtrent
Sig and Anne