There is always a question:
TR or farm more shards/seals/tomes?
Since there is no guarantee that you'll ever get needed shard then running Epic raids isn't that encouraging (no hope for shards).
in the last five successful Epic VoN6 runs nobody got any shard there (i.e. 5*12=60 players didn't get any shard, or one player didn't get any shard per 60 successful Epic runs).
So how many EVoN6 runs I need to do in order to get
SoS shard?
Let's say that in 100 successful Epic runs I'll get 1 random shard. There are 19 items in VoN. So, I can expect SoS shard in 1900 successful Epic runs on average.
1900 EVoN6 runs? Kidding?
So, yes, please add Epic counter.
Maybe this way:
on 20th Epic completion you get a random shard
on 40th, 60th, etc. Epic completions you can select which shard
It will encourage more players to run Epic raids.