We will start at 9 Eastern 6 Pacific. Newbies are welcome. The only thing I ask is that you have sound if you don't know the raid so we can teach you the quest as no directions will be given in text chat. Also please have the correct Harry beaters or make it known ahead of time in this thread so we can try and get you a loaner weapon/s. List your weapon of preference. We'll try to get as close to that type as possible.
I'd like to have at least 2 healers and after that I don't really care about the party make up as long as your toon can contribute solid DPS via spell or weapons.
Sign up on here and tell me your toons class and level. The LFM will go up about 15 minutes prior and I'll be on Sierra Nevada posting it. It will just say reserved send your forum name. When you hit join please send your forum name so I can mark it off my list. Randy & Jessica I'm assuming you two want in so I'm putting you 2 on in advance LMK if you're out.
1. Eric
2. Lenny
3. Rick
4. Randy
5. Jessica
6. Ron
7. Derrick
8. Hearn
9. Mokune
10. Ebberly
11. Tom
12. Thucy