Hi all, im in search of the Elusive Ring of Spell Storing Shard / Seals. Here is my list of around 75 Million Plat worth of Epic Scrolls, Items, Flawless Reds, and so on, the list goes on and on, but items of note Marilith Chain scrolls and so on....
13 x White Dragon Scales
4 x Blue Dragon Scales
6 x Flawless Red Dragon Scales. (Roughly 5 Mill worth)
1 x Bloodstone. (1 Red Worth)
5 x (+2 Con Tome) (1 .5 Mill worth)
5 x (+2 Int Tome) (1 Mill worth)
1 x (+2 Str Tome) (250k)
1 x (+2 Dex Tome) (200k)
1 x (+2 Wis Tome) (200k)
5 x Portable Holes
147 x Imperfect Syberis Dragon Shards
2 x Exceptional Syberis Dragon Shards
10 x Siberys Dragon Shards
1 x Reavers Ring
1 x Helm of the White Dragon
1 x Steady Handed Armbands
1 x Daggertooths Belt
Diable 15 ring, Diable 15 gloves
Shield Fragment 1
Numerous Glittering Dust, Fragrant Drowshrood, Lightning split soarwoods and so on collectables too many to list.
1 x Aquatic Bracers
1 x Hyena Claw Necklace
Rapier of Greater Construct bane
2 x Wounding of puncturing Rapiers (2 mill worth)
+ 3 seeker cold iron rapier of pg (200k)
1 x Ring of Resonance
Silver Craftable Dagger, Addy Craftable Dagger.
+5 Cold iron , pg Greataxe Wf lvl 16 (700k)
**Hammer of Life
Cape of the Roc
Brawn ‘s Spirits
**Golden Greaves (1 red)
P Mirror Cloak
2 x Bejewelled Letter opener
*Twisted Talisman (1 red)
**Nat Gan (1 red)
*2 x Dynastic Falcata
Shard of Vollum
Vulkoorim Pendant
Ward of Undeath
Bow of Elements (air)
2 x Bracers of Defness
***Marilith Chain (20 – 30 reds or 20 mill roughly)
**Spectacles of Spirit Sight
Vambracers of Inner Light
**Belt of the Mroranon (250k)
Bracers of the Hunter
Stinkpelts Hide
3 x Chainmail Coif
**2 x Hellstroke Greataxe (2 red)
**2 x Spectral Gloves (2 reds)
2 x Robe of Fire
1 x Ironweave Robe
*3 x Timeblade (1 red total roughly)
3 x Cloak of the Silver Concord
3 x Hruvayahs Medallion
Deneath Hvy Chain
3 x Necklace of Silver Prophecy
3 x Docent of Grace
3 x Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
1 x Ravens Talon
1 x Kundy Bracers
2 x Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
*2 x Infested Armor (1 mill roughly)
3 x Ring of the Silver Concord
2 x Stonemeld Plate
Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
2 x Necklace of the Azure prophecy
1 x Hellfire Crossbow
Weathered Targe
Shield of the scorp
**Hyena Claw Necklace
**Bloodstone (1 red roughly)
2 x Zephyr
Ring of Baphomet
Gloves of the Falcon
Tourney Armor
***2 x Envenomed Cloak (Roughly 6 – 8 reds, or 4 mill)
*1 x Scorched Bracers (1 red or 650k)
** Boots of Corrosion (3 reds or 2 mill)
Boots of the Mire
Sacred helm
**2 x Goggles of Time Sensing (roughly 2 reds)
5 x Greater Law
9 x Large Arrow (roughly 1 mill)
6 x Large Chain
30 x Greater Good
126 x Greater Water
52 x Greater Evil
21 x Greater Air
47 x Greater Body
11 x Large Sulpherous Stone (5 mill roughly)
123 x Greater Chaos
213 x Greater Mind
5 x Greater Divine
54 x Greater Earth
36 x Greater Arcane
33 x Greater Fire
1 funk
1 ore of travail
5 bitterscrub
(((Estimated Value 75 million or 60 if you do quick sales)))
I will be adding to this list as time goes on. These items are NOT for Trade except for Ring of spell storing shard / seal.
PST in game to Vorpalsword , Deathsbreath or Yamantaka. Ps Still have stuff on couple of toons to add to the total.
Lost more Craftable stuff. LOTS more Greensteel Larges. Tonnes of Mediums, and Smalls, LOTS of Essences.