Curious if anybody has experience with quicken, empower, maximize, empower healing, and an ardor clickie used with the free lvl 20 Fav Soul cure light wounds path?
EDIT: Heard very helpful feedback on amount of healing and such, but could somebody address its cooldown timer with and without quicken?
Does it work out to rely heavily on it for much of your healing? I realize that sometimes you need mass heal and such, of course, but could you do much of the healing in most non-raid epics with it? Can you do most of the healing on a Horoth tank with it?
I calculate that it heals for about 100 pts before healing amp is applied, after using superior ardor and having all 3 metamagicks operating.
Oh, and does quicken make a difference with it? Does the cooldown go down to 1 second rather than 2, or something like that?