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  1. #21
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    Lol again at underestimating england, in terms of $ and numbers england *should* be favourites or close favourites to win the each RWC. Only france comes close to spending as much or having as many players.
    This always gets brought up. In terms of registered players, England does have a lot yes. You also have to
    remember it's a very poor second to Football (and possibly cricket) and just doesn't really feature outside
    of World Cups and the 6 nations. This is changing (and I hope it continues to changes as Rugby is by far
    the best sport ever created! ) with the ongoing 'professional era'. England's RWC record is pretty good

    1991: Finalists
    1995: Semis
    1999: 1/4
    2003: Winners
    2007: Finalists

    Certainly better than New Zealand's who haven't even made it to the final since 1995 - despite absolutely
    dominating the international stage. I don't think England will win it this year but write them off at your

    As for Samoa. I really, really hope they do well as I absolutely love the way they (usually) play the game.
    'Hard but fair' - I think most peoples top 20 'bone crunching' tackles would be dominated by
    Samoans! ( Brian "The Chiropractor" Lima anyone?). Whoever they play will know they were in a game!
    (hopefully they'll stuff Wales! )

    Love the Tuilagis too (I'm a Tigers fan; we've had Freddie, Henry, Alesana, Anitelia and now Manu all at the
    club) - Manu is fantastic prospect if he can learn to keep his temper in check. Should have stuck him in
    with Klitschko instead of Haye!

  2. #22
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    This always gets brought up. In terms of registered players, England does have a lot yes. You also have to
    remember it's a very poor second to Football (and possibly cricket) and just doesn't really feature outside
    of World Cups and the 6 nations. This is changing (and I hope it continues to changes as Rugby is by far
    the best sport ever created! ) with the ongoing 'professional era'. England's RWC record is pretty good

    1991: Finalists
    1995: Semis
    1999: 1/4
    2003: Winners
    2007: Finalists

    Certainly better than New Zealand's who haven't even made it to the final since 1995 - despite absolutely
    dominating the international stage. I don't think England will win it this year but write them off at your

    As for Samoa. I really, really hope they do well as I absolutely love the way they (usually) play the game.
    'Hard but fair' - I think most peoples top 20 'bone crunching' tackles would be dominated by
    Samoans! ( Brian "The Chiropractor" Lima anyone?). Whoever they play will know they were in a game!
    (hopefully they'll stuff Wales! )

    Love the Tuilagis too (I'm a Tigers fan; we've had Freddie, Henry, Alesana, Anitelia and now Manu all at the
    club) - Manu is fantastic prospect if he can learn to keep his temper in check. Should have stuck him in
    with Klitschko instead of Haye!
    I think in terms of numbers of players, and $ invested england should be doing better, and doing well at 1 tournament that happens every 4 years should not be the sum of success, yes a lot of it, but not all. and look at australia where aussie rules, cricket, rugby league dominate well before rugby does, yet they have 2 world cups, even in south africa soccer dominates with much more people playing soccer rather than rugby. As an english fan, are you a little concerned with the number of foreign players playing at your clubs and now even entering the english team? Im not talking about the people who move to england as youngsters but those that where born and grew up over seas and even started playing professional rugby overseas then move to england and after a few years play for them?

    And back to the all blacks and the *chokers* tag, which is the best international team to date? Its the all blacks. If someone was to ask me who the best international rugby league team up to now, I would have to say the Kangaroos, yeah even though the kiwis are the world champs.

    As to writting off england, im not, im just saying not to take anything for granted, im not taking samoa making it out of their pool for granted. Argentina and even the scots wont make it easy for england, but anyway sometimes being in a tough pool can work for you like south africa and england, and you dont have to win games convincingly just win them, like england did in the last world cup. I think england as ever are pretty solid in the forwards, I might be wrong though but I think you are missing a bit of X factor in the loose, someone like sergio pariisse or kieran read, and a ball winner like richie mcaw, david pocock. 9-10 pretty solid I suppose. but centers some question marks, i mean ricky flutie shontaye hapi? Manu Tuilagi seems pretty good. You do have some flair out wide which is good to see.But yeah dont watch a lot of NH rugby, its on way to late here, otherwise I would esp to see the island players playing over there.

    Well I have one thing to be grateful to english rugby and european rugby, and its that you guys provide a place for pacific island players to play professionally and hopefully represent their countries that they want to play for. Out of the 22 samoan players who beat australia only 1 yes one (the half back) plays super 15 rugby in New Zealand, a few of them actually started there, but as soon as they put on the samoan jersey they get forced out. The NZRFU has strict policies in terms of foreign players. And a lot of players who are eligable to play for a pacific island country often play only 1 test or get named once in a New Zealand team and thats it, Its like they stockpile players or cap them just to deny them playing for another country. And New Zealand is so close to the pacific islands but not once have the all blacks played a test there.

    Anyway, because of politics im not normally an all black fan, I cant stand the big wigs in the NZRFU, i would rather support the kiwi's over the all blacks.
    Last edited by NaturalHazard; 07-19-2011 at 10:00 AM.

  3. #23
    Community Member LordKhaan's Avatar
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    South Africa will crush u all
    Whom I kiddin, we playing like noobs atm....
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  4. #24
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    As an english fan, are you a little concerned with the number of foreign players playing at your clubs and now even entering the english team?
    This is a problem that England has in all sports. You think Rugby is bad you should see how it is with football.

    The strength of the Pound, high levels of expendable income for the populace, the high of standard of living and residency based free national healthcare often means that a sportsman can enjoy a higher take-home pay and better lifestyle playing in the UK compared to other parts of the world.

    The second part of the problem is that the UK has very loose immigration and citizenship laws....EU members get automatic right to live and work in the UK and immigration to the UK is very easy for others.

    In the past anyone born in the British Empire was a British subject and our immigration laws still have an empire "feel" about them...all you have to do is find some long lost relative who was a British subject and you are in...otherwise you just need to be legally resident for 3 years to become a citizen.
    Main Toons = Alphasixsix - Blackbell - Ironsack - Deltasix - Ironflute
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  5. #25
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    This is a problem that England has in all sports. You think Rugby is bad you should see how it is with football.

    The strength of the Pound, high levels of expendable income for the populace, the high of standard of living and residency based free national healthcare often means that a sportsman can enjoy a higher take-home pay and better lifestyle playing in the UK compared to other parts of the world.

    The second part of the problem is that the UK has very loose immigration and citizenship laws....EU members get automatic right to live and work in the UK and immigration to the UK is very easy for others.

    In the past anyone born in the British Empire was a British subject and our immigration laws still have an empire "feel" about them...all you have to do is find some long lost relative who was a British subject and you are in...otherwise you just need to be legally resident for 3 years to become a citizen.
    Well stephen donald was denied a work visa to go to the u,k lol, i guess you guys where just as impressed with him as graeme henry was.

    Its a shame, hes a top bloke,(I went to uni with him, even played with him) but so **** inconsistant and not a *pressure rugby player*

    Well part of what I meant was, they say theres 300. 000 registered rugby players in england? How can riki flutely, shontaye hapi, and thomas waldrom make the squad let alone the starting 15 like I have seen flutely and hapi do? That many players shouldnt you guys be exporting players instead of importing?

    Another I get confused about is when english comentators ohhh and ahhh over someone esp a forward passing equally well of both hands? ***? to me thats a given, its basic ball skills. Then I watch some of your games and I see some very talented players and I get more confused. Are the imports keeping the local talent out?

    Eh as for me I guess it would be easy to get into the u.k? My grandfather had a british passport, even though he was born in New Zealand. And I guess if I was to cheer for a european team I should cheer for england. I mean I have more in common with england, but why do I cheer for the irish, scots, welsh and even the french and italians when they play england?

  6. #26
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordKhaan View Post
    South Africa will crush u all
    Whom I kiddin, we playing like noobs atm....
    your biggest problem is your coach. And your silly quota, chilly boy? ***? definately not one of the top hookers in south africa. I think more needs to be done at grass roots to lure talented young south africans of non-european background away from soccer.

    And man whats with the violence at the club rugby matches over there? I thought playing in samoa was bad.

  7. #27
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    It's almost here

    Rugby World Cup kickoff is just hours away....

    Main Toons = Alphasixsix - Blackbell - Ironsack - Deltasix - Ironflute
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  8. #28
    Hero Mick's Avatar
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    Default Wallabies for the win

    Can't wait for this. Good luck to all the teams. May every game be memorable and Australia win .


  9. #29
    Community Member NovaNZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    I watched it.

    I have no idea what they are saying, or what is going on.

    This sport confuses me more than others. I need a drink.
    DearLeader - your post reveals a deeper understanding of the game rugby than u would have us kiwis believe!

    The fact that u cant hear a thing, appear quite confused and readily seek alcohol to help u with the game says to me that u may be uniquely qualified to be a starter in the forward pack of the All Blacks or other good Rugby international side!

    Kia Ora Natural. I should have known a Mooloo Ringer would be behind an OP like this.

    To all Rugby fans arround the world and to those blessing our shores here in GodZone - Haere Mai and best of luck to u all.

    PS - Natural - we need to recruit 15 HOrcs ingame - Cry KAMO! and set em dancing somewhere public in the game. It may even make Ebberon Lore.
    Last edited by NovaNZ; 09-09-2011 at 01:05 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by DawnofEntropy View Post
    Who wouldn't want to see Flizik the dwarf jamming to 'Devil went down to georgia' and smoking a pipe ...

  10. #30
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    Kiaora all, anyways im thinking that some time before the RWC final we should get a bunch of half orcs together on khyber dress them in balck and perform a Haka, anyone interested?

    If so I will bring my Bard Emmpeethree he can also do a rendition of the National Anthem, God Defend New Zealand.

    In fact I am going to post somehting in Khyber forums about it..
    Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
    Emmpeethree, Hyperkill Hyperthrill and Greyvegas (All on Khyber)

  11. #31
    Community Member NovaNZ's Avatar
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    Hiya CoasterHops.

    Shame Im not able to join u in the Haka - Im on Cannith.

    Still If u set a date/time and place on K - I may roll up a spec Horc for the occasion.
    Would u be using armour appearance kits to go All Black?
    Quote Originally Posted by DawnofEntropy View Post
    Who wouldn't want to see Flizik the dwarf jamming to 'Devil went down to georgia' and smoking a pipe ...

  12. #32
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    Armour appearance kits or something of the like yeah. Started a thread in Khyber forums about it you can follow for date/time/place.
    Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
    Emmpeethree, Hyperkill Hyperthrill and Greyvegas (All on Khyber)

  13. #33
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Well I just found out that NBC owns the rights for the RWC here in the USA and they are only showing THREE games on TV!!

    USA vs Ireland
    NZ vs canada

    So I probably won't be able to see a single England game in this World Cup....despite paying almost $100 per month for my cable service. Really America....really?!
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  14. #34
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    Well I just found out that NBC owns the rights for the RWC here in the USA and they are only showing THREE games on TV!!

    USA vs Ireland
    NZ vs canada

    So I probably won't be able to see a single England game in this World Cup....despite paying almost $100 per month for my cable service. Really America....really?!
    Thats just fine.
    /Sarcasm off
    I have seen a BLACK SCREEN where a local pro sport teams game should be on national television. As in they blacked it out locally only, and everyone else was able to watch it.
    Last edited by Bodic; 09-09-2011 at 03:02 PM. Reason: ensure sarcasm intent

  15. #35
    The Hatchery Aurora1979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    but why do I cheer for the irish, scots, welsh and even the french and italians when they play england?
    Because everyone hates England/ the English

    We love it, but we probably deserve it. Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Italy, German, Spain, America etc... not everyone of course....

    I think it goes back to the empire days, everyone still hates us for that... except the french, they hate us for sinking their ships in the 2nd world war.... well.... that and a thousand years of war

    Still, I think loads of other countries love to see england fall.... I think its quite ammusing.

    The only thing funnier is the English people that still go on like we actually have an empire.

    Personally, I dont mind England being the public whipping boy, we did have the worlds biggest empire, that was never gonna last forever and now a days we pay for it but its mostly good natured.
    Quote Originally Posted by xanvar View Post
    I believe my left thumb is Gimp. I think I need to reroll.
    DDO Acronyms:

  16. #36
    Community Member blkcat1028's Avatar
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    I love the All Blacks and whoever is playing against Australia!
    "You know how sometimes when you’re drifting off to sleep you feel that jolt, like you were falling and caught yourself at the last second? It’s nothing to be concerned about, it’s usually just the parasite adjusting its grip." -David Wong

  17. #37
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Dont get to confident girls

    You know what happens in ''that other game'' every 4 bleedin years.

    The usual hysteria, could we? maybe? got a chance?

    We aint good enough this time. Its gonna be the all blacks

    Or those dirty cheating convicts who we like to beat at Cricket

  18. #38
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Ireland 15 Australia 6.

    lol quade cooper.

  19. #39
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    Ireland 15 Australia 6.

    lol quade cooper. Pool C prediction doesn't look too silly now huh

    Also interesting to see Samoa lose to Wales...maybe I got that Pool right too
    Main Toons = Alphasixsix - Blackbell - Ironsack - Deltasix - Ironflute
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  20. #40
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post Pool C prediction doesn't look too silly now huh

    Also interesting to see Samoa lose to Wales...maybe I got that Pool right too
    if stowers try was double movement then faletaus try vs south africa was double movement as well.

    hmmm haha good thing georgia, canada, and samoa only had 3 days between games huh? too bad no tier one nation has to do that at any world cup.

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