I'm looking mostly for plat, except the few things worth larges/reds on the list. Trying to clear some space so I'll let a lot of this go for cheap! Pm with offers.
Epic Scrolls:
most fens scrolls for cheap, plat preferred (pm for specifics, sorry no claw scrolls)
medium slot: necklace, gloves
large slot: helm, boots
+3 silver greatsword of pg (ml 6)
+1 holy burst silver bastard sword of pg (ml 10)
+3 weakening silver khopesh of pg (rr half orc, ml 10)
+3 holy silver battleaxe of tendon slice 6% (rr wf, ml 12)
named items:
Various desert base items
Belt of thoughtful rememberance
Boots of the innocent
Mentau’s goggles
Pearl of power x
Shield fragments 1 and 2
Tome of legend 3 and 8
50 major mana potions
funks and twigs, possible greensteel blanks
+2 int tomes (looking for plat or con tome trade)
+15 open lock gloves (rr half orc, ml 15)
discount weapons:
+1 vorpal greataxe of pg (ml 12)
+4 metalline greatsword of pg
+4 metalline longsword of pg
+5 metalline maul of pg
+5 ghost touch khopesh of pg (ml 12)
+4 true law khopesh of improved destruction (ml 18)
armor set:
+5 mithral full plate (rr dwarf, 16 umd, ml 6)
+5 mithral tower shield (rr dwarf, 16 umd, ml 6)