Sarlona Server.
so i was informed you get alot of trolls when you accomplish big feats and no one outside your personal group sees them so i decided to post feats of our guild here
this isnt for props,ego or drama simply to show what our guild is able to achieve.
as its new atm we'll have to work on tough and challenging ideas.
to start off
Sojero-solo Elite delirium
took 20minutes
1major pot used.
and sorta wasted 10minutes to con-op my sp back
since im to stubborn to use pots
edit:im guessing its impossible to out drink the 4 beholders at the start of delirium on elite
so it took some time killing them 4-1 :/
Sojero-solo Elite mired in kobolds +optional CR30Sinvala
took 22minutes
no pots..forgot them in bank
probly one of the hardest fights ive had
Sojero solo-Epic under the bigtop
15pots used
my 3rd solo epic ever
Sojero solo-norm pt1 tod
it was tough pt2 sucked the end. will not try again.