Okay, the DDoor being thrown at the end of the Shroud started from a bug in the Finished button when the level cap was 16th level. As someone posted earlier, you would be thrown back to the "welcome to DDO" location of the game. When the level cap was changed to 20th level, the bug was found and stepped on. Now if you Finish Out, you well go back to the Merdia. However, there are way to many of us old-times that have done the DDoor exit. So all we "Old Dogs" know how to do is the DDoor trick. Now if it is loaded, then throw a DDoor, but if it is a scroll, that is a waste of resources now.
Lol! there are two different things being discussed in this thread. And I think some of you are answering issue a instead of issue b:
Issue A: the OP. The OPer is one of those people who seems to take great offense to the idea that someone doesn't want to complete a shroud run with them. The op is telling people they "must" complete shrouds or they are a drunken idiot. Yes, it is better to complete in the long run, but, in the short term, they may find it better for them not to complete, there game, there reasons. Personally, the only time I don't complete a shroud is when I'm shard farming, but I don't care if others want/don't want to complete as long as they stick around long enough to kill harry in pt. 5. It is yet another example of someone saying "play my way or else" thread. I don't get why it bothers some so much. (unless it is a speed shroud, and it said so in the LFM)
Issue B: The DDoor at the end. This is a old work-a-bout for broken mechanics... these broken mechanics have been fixed for a very long time, (well over a year), yet it just won't die, and every run someone starts crying if a DDoor isn't put up. The problem with DDoor is that it puts you in a spot where you can't get back to the chests should someone hit the alter, yet you can still get the timer. hitting the recall button is (depending on your computer/server loads) usually a bit faster, and has the advantage of you have a second or two to interrupt it if someone hits the alter early... also Teleport/Word of recall both get you out really fast too. Why it is better to use other methods to get out other than DDoor is because of issue A, where someone will hit the alter as fast as they can to screw people who are recalling.
(Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'
As one who has been running Shroud since the beginning I understand that DDoor is a habit that many from those days retained. It is unfortunate that this same habit has been passed down to others that never experienced the original bug.
The problem - It takes only 3 times for a bad habit to stick, it takes 11 consecutive times to break a bad habit.
A Call out to all that can cast DDoor - Please help people break this habit, it is up to us Wizards, Sorcerers and Bards to help them, they can't do it themselves.
Here is a list of FASTER ways to exit Shroud before completions: All have one load screen vs two load screens
- Recall - Again has a cancel button if someone does complete on you
- Teleport - Not always an option for everyone - But there is a Mask in Bring the Head Of Ghola Fan, scrolls for UMD and of course the spell itself.
- Greater Teleport - Take the group that wants to leave to one side. Have a friendly caster teleport the group someplace else. If your caught in the GT and don't want to go, click Cancel or Wait out the timer.
- Slash Death - Takes you to your bind point - personally I dislike this option but maybe because its all the XP Death Penalties that used to exist in the game giving you a real reason not to die.
Of course it would be real nice if a Dungeon Exit was added to the back wall opposite the shrine/chests. As that UI already has a confirmation about leaving an uncompleted quest.
Also if you are leaving a group, that is kind enough to let you leave, don't dilly-dally. Get out, say Thank you, drop group. It lets them know your out.
I try to always make sure to provide a Greater Teleport to the Twilight Forge for anyone who wants to leave the Shroud early. Because I'm a helper. Helping is what I do.
This was really an inside joke for the 20-30 of us that participate in the drunken raid runs and don't realize its their last toon to run if they complete. Thus the ddoor let's them do another run and do more shots and stay in the group.
But since this got so serious I'll put my honest 2cp in. Every Shroud I lead and I've probably led 1000 of them ( and that's not stretching it either) has offered a door in the lfm. My lfm always says semi speed run with door. How I really feel is what someone stated above. The only need to door or finish out is if you're running for shards and not mats. Emili posted on here a while back the loss ratio and disadvantage of not completing. You're way better off if looking for mats completing. You will acquire your mats faster by hitting the last chest that always has a large than the chest in part four that rarely drops larges. This is especially true if you have multiple toons flagged for Shroud. Every one of my toons (17) has at least 1 gs item and one or two weapons. I still have close to 30 large devil scales in my ing bag. No way can I acquire that many mats for that many toons by not getting the last chest. Last night in the drunken raid runs someone spoke about how they got two large scales and a +2 tome the last time they ran shroud. That doesn't happen too often but gettin 2 larges is nice and isn't even a possibility if one finishes out before the xp dings.
As far as the ddoor thing. I agree I'm one of those old timers that is too stupid to break the habit as I never recall/ddoor so I just say ddoor. But yes we should get away from ddooring and start recalling it's safer and makes more sense since we don't get sent back to Korthos anymore
But again this was an inside joke directed to a handful of people that knew what it meant. Sorry if I offended.
If the toon is named after a beer 17 of them are mine & 1 more not named after a beer (the black sheep of the family). Beware there are a few beer imposters out there. Unless the toon has been "Banned From All Guilds" it's a fake Beer_Dude. Fake Beer in your group leaves a nasty taste.
Honestly, I think it's just silly. After you've been shrouding for a bit, you'll want to make a second green steel item and you'll wish you actually completed all those previous times to get the Completions needed for a Cleansing Essence.
Not only that but you're GUARANTEED a Large ingredient upon completion.
So really, there are TWO very good reasons to get the Completion every time.
(I can MAYBE see why someone doesn't want to complete because they don't have their regular Shard of Power...I'm not too convinced though.)
I could be lucky but in part 4, if I pull a large and DDoor out and run again I'll score another large so I'll DDoor out and run again and I'll score another large....I'll do this three or four times and score a large each time and then I'll finish on around the fourth run.
Then the next time I run shroud I won't get any larges in part 4 so I'll finish out but, then the next time I run Shroud, I'll score a large in part 4 so I'll DDoor out and run again and score another large so I'll DDoor out and run again....odd things happen.
I'll also run Shroud a few times if I'm needing plat for scrolls or haste pots since it has a lot of chests and there is almost always a Shroud up.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
If the toon is named after a beer 17 of them are mine & 1 more not named after a beer (the black sheep of the family). Beware there are a few beer imposters out there. Unless the toon has been "Banned From All Guilds" it's a fake Beer_Dude. Fake Beer in your group leaves a nasty taste.
Smrti on Khyber
Correction: the command is monitored for abuse. That means it's to be used where your character gets stuck in terrain and needs to get out. That's why they added it. Recognizing that it could be used for abuse, the Dev's put a timer on it and flagged it for monitoring. Using it as a work around for a quest mechanic is an exploit, as far as I'm concerned.
The once per day is to help prevent abuse, not to show that using it only once a day is not abuse. There's a difference.
Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
It'd have to be some serious abuse to have the devs care. As long as it's used for convenience (Tempest, the Shroud usage mentioned in this thread) it should be fine- at least, I have yet to hear anything to the contrary.
Type /stuck and read the prompt. Regardless of whether they DO monitor it or not, they CLAIM to monitor it.
I hope they monitor it, honestly; I was pleased when I saw the latest patch mentioning fixing a possible stuck spot in Market.. but, I just checked, the place where I've gotten stuck before is still there. So perhaps they don't monitor it.