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  1. #1

    Default Learning with Distributed

    Hello DDO!

    This is something I have been working on for about two weeks. I TR a lot and that means I often get
    into PUGs. Having played for a few years I have learned a lot of stuff on just about every quest in the game and I often find
    myself explaining things to people I group with. Obviously, I cannot group with everyone on the server, so I thought of
    putting everything I know together and post it here to help my DDO neighbors.

    I will not be covering every quest, since some of them don't really have anything special in them worth noting,
    and this is not intended to be walkthroughs, but useful tips/tricks/guidelines that can make your life easier while questing.

    Hopefully this will help new players, or maybe even old players. I do not claim to know everything in this game and it is
    quite likely that I forgot a lot of things when putting this together as it turned out to be much bigger than I expected
    If you wish to add something, please do! I will add it and write down your name next to it for credit!
    If something I wrote is wrong and you are certain it is, please tell me too!

    I will be dividing this in a few posts. First one will hold some general information. Second one will hold all the quests
    (hope it will fit). Third one will hold the raids.

    P.S: If I put links to content not made my myself then all credit goes to the original authors.

    P.P.S: I will be adding links to my personnal screenshots gradually. As I am only level 14 for now I will be taking them
    for higher level quests as I go through them in the future. I have marked all the places where I wanted to take
    screenshots for in red text. If you are running the quest and want to take it for me please do! Saves me some work
    Last edited by Ilindith; 07-16-2011 at 08:51 PM.

  2. #2


    • Please, pretty pretty please, listen to instructions when you are in a quest you do not know well. Stop thinking you are a cool guy that knows everything. Don't be afraid to tell your group you have never done the quest before. You will save your group A LOT of trouble that way.
    • Before trying to join a group...please read what is on the LFM. SERIOUSLY! DO IT!
    • About LFMs still, if you don't know what something means (zerg, byoh, etc.), a simple tell to the leader can avoid a lot of frustration. Nothing worse than having people join and complain about how you are running something when it was all clearly written in the LFM how you were going to run it.
    • BYOH does....NOT...mean bring your hireling...
    • Do not over-estimate yourself. Joining a BYOH group and dying because "I got cornered by a specter" will just make you look stupid. (Yes, someone actually said that in an IQ byoh/zerg group I was in some time ago)
    • Always have potions/wands/scrolls on you to help keep yourself up. The healer doesn't have unlimited SP, they might run out before you reach a shrine. If you get down to 10hp and you don't even have potions to heal yourself a little you will be completly useless.
    • Same thing for status removal potions, I'm sorry but I do not carry the remove blindness spell. You can easily
      buy a few potions for situations like that and remove it yourself. Good potions to have are remove curse,
      remove blindness, lesser restoration to name just a few.
    • LOOK BEFORE LOOTING. Especially in raids, because raid loot is bound to character. Ask yourself if you can use
      the item before taking it because you cannot send it to another of your characters. It really sucks to see
      someone pull loot that is useless for them when it would be the best item for someone else build. A common way
      to pass it is to put it up for roll. For example roll 1d100 for Madstone Boots. That way everyone that can use
      them has an equal chance of getting them.
    • Constitution is not a dump stat, ever. HP is crucial. Try to have at least 300 or more by level 20.
      (Greater False Life, CON +6 item, Greensteel HP item, toughness, etc.)
    • Heavy Fortification is a must. Getting critted by an ogre 3 times in a row for 80+ damage is not fun, and the
      healer will hate you.
    • Don't zerg if you cannot handle what you are about to run into.
    • With all the TRs these days, if you are running a quest many times and you need to level between runs, please
      tell your group that you are going to level and what level you will be or you might end up costing everyone in
      the group -10% for being over the level of the quest the next time you come in. If you have to you can bank
      a level.
    • You can keep getting exp for a full level (minus 1exp) above the level you can take. That is called banking.
    • You died? Stop blaming everyone in the group. Dying is not such a big deal, it happens to everyone.
    • Do not run ahead of your group when you have no idea where you are going.
    • Do not pick up stuff you do not know what to do with.
    • If you don't know if something is F2P or not, send a tell to the leader before joining instead of running there
      and going "Oh, I can't run this". The group was there and ready to run it, it is annoying.
    • Oh, and again, listen to instructions, can't repeat that enough.

    Mind Flayers:
    • If you get hit by their psionic blast and you get stunned, they will start trying to eat
      your brain. However, if you save during the stun period, quickly get out of their line of sight (behind a pillar,
      around a corner, etc.). If you do this they will fail to nom your brain and will drop down for a few seconds and make them an easy kill.
      Make sure to be out of the line of sight though, just running away will not work, you will still die if they
      can see you, even if you are far from them.
      (Any kind of stun will trigger the brain eating behavior - MrCow)

    • They only have the antimagic cone in front of them. If you move correctly, you can avoid
      losing all your buffs, try to stay behind/on the side of them. It doesn't always work and it's not easy, but
      it's worth trying.
      More very good information on Beholders by MrCow

    Ogre Magi:
    • DoTs applied to them before they vanish will keep doing damage while they are regenerating,
      and likely kill them. Same thing applies to AOE persistent spells like Wall of Fire and Ice Storm. You can also
      trip/stun them and kill them before they can vanish.
    • Paralyzing is also very effective to keep them from vanishing and killing them as they seem to fail the required save quite often. (Truga)

    Drow Scorpion:
    • Most of them can cast Dispel Magic on you, try to get rid of them first before they do if you see one. They
      thend to cast that first before doing anything else though, which is quite annoying.

    • Iron Golems are healed by fire damage (Kourier) and slowed by electrical damage (MrCow)
    • Clay Golems are healed by acid damage.
    • Flesh Golems are healed by electricity damage and also get hasted when hit by it. They are also slowed by fire/cold damage (MrCow - Fire/Cold slow)

    • Try not to have a shield when fighting air elementals or you will most likely end up on your butt.
    • Earth elementals are easy kills, just move back out of range, they will try to earthgrab you (have freedom)
      while they do that they cannot move/hit, move back and hit them. Repeat as needed.
    • Fire elementals -> cold damage, obviously.

    • They take 20% additional damage from acid and fire. Also, when they are hit by either, they will not be able to
      regenerate for 6 seconds. (MrCow - Precise % and time on regenerate)

    • You will often see them buff themselves with something that looks like haste. They will hurt a lot more after
      they do. If you want you can just kite aroud for some time and when that effect wears off they will be stunned.
      Hit them when they are.

    • They still take damage from spells when they are regenerating.

    • It is easy to avoid being turned to stone. They start making noise when they are about to use the ability. When
      you hear that just start running back or running/jumping around them.

    • It is easy to avoid their charge attack. Just always look at them, when you see them start charging run to the
      side. They go in a straight line. Be careful though, sometimes their charge is bugged and they stop moving for
      some time and they move forward a bit. That bit of moving foward also counts as a charge and can knock you down.
      You can avoid that by simply hiting them from behind or from the sides as they will always do that in front of

    • Arcane oozes give you haste if you hit them with electric damage.
    • Do not hit oozes with slashing/piercing weapons, they will separate into more oozes. These are weaker, yes, but
      it creates more source of damage to you.
    • Living spells are oozes, ooze bane works on them.
    • Ochre Jelly split when hit by electricity (Kourier)

    • Cacodemons have DR/Good (MrCow)
    • Fire Reavers have DR/Cold Iron+Good (MrCow)
    • Flesh Renders have DR/Cold Iron+Good (MrCow)
    • Ice Flensers have DR/Cold Iron+Good (MrCow)
    • Jariliths are immune to electric damage and have DR/Cold Iron (MrCow)
    • Mariliths are immune to electric damage (or is it just Lailat?)and have DR/Cold Iron+Good (MrCow - DR info)
    • Thaarak Hounds are immune to acid damage and have DR/law (Kourier - DR)
    • Hezrous have DR/Good (MrCow)

    • Abishai have DR/Good (MrCow)
    • Bearded Devils have DR/Good or Silver (MrCow)
    • Bezekiras have DR/Good (MrCow)
    • Horned Devils have DR/Good+Silver (MrCow)
    • Pit Fiends have DR/Good+Silver (MrCow)
    • Orthons have DR/Good or Silver (MrCow)
    • Orthons deal sonic damage on their repeating crossbow shots.
    • Succubus have DR/Good or Cold Iron (MrCow)
    • DDO needs more Succubus.

    • Ghaeles have DR/Evil+Cold Iron (MrCow)
    • Bralani have DR/Evil or Cold Iron (MrCow)
    • They are Chaotic Good aligned and take additionnal damage from Axiomatic/True Law weapons.

    • Blackbones are immune to fire.
    • You need Ghost Touch to hit Specters/Wraiths/Doomspheres/Quells. (MrCow - Added Doomspheres and Quells)
    • Vampire have DR/silver to bypass. Unlike other undeads, vampires can be vorpaled. (Kourier - Only silver DR)
    • Liches have DR/Bludgeon + magic to bypass (Raiyum, Sor'Jek, Abbot). (Kourier - Magic DR, not Good)

    • If you are looking for a belt/necklace from the Amrath quests, just run Tower of Despair. They drop like candy if part 2 of the raid and chances are they will be up for roll. (GotSomeQuestions)
    • Tired of clicking dialogue because you've done quests 1000 times? Hold ctrl, spam f1, this selects the first
      dialogue option and you can finish a conversation in 2seconds.
    • Ctrl+right click to link items in chat.
    • Ctrl+drag to create stacks.
    • Ctrl+click to buy more of the same item in shops.
    • Backspace is your friend, use it to find hidden things you can interact with.
    Last edited by Ilindith; 09-01-2011 at 03:13 PM.

  3. #3


    Level 1:
    The Storehouse's Secret

    Stopping the Sahuagin
    • When comming out of the underwater part, there is a shrine hidden behind a secret door. You can either find
      the door or run up towards the main room. Two sahuagin will come out of the shrine room, opening the door in
      the process. You can then go back down and shrine if needed.
      Shrine location
      Puzzle solution left side
      Puzzle solution right side

    Level 2:
    The Sunken Sewer
    • Don't want to open the bridge? If you have enough jump, you can grab this ledge and then jump on the platform.

    The Kobold's New Ringleader
    • You can skip a big part of the quest by jumping on these boxes and dropping down on the other side.

    Level 3:
    The Swiped Signet
    • Don't feel like fighting mobs in the last part of the quest? (After the shrine) Pull everything and use the
      sonic trap to kill the mobs. You can jump over the jet and not take any damage if you do it correctly.
      Sonic trap
    • Same thing with the acid traps at the beginning of the quest.
      Acid trap

    Waterworks Part 2
    • At the platform with the 3 bridges, jump in the water, there is a door on the floor there, it leads to an
      an optionnal with a bunch of zombies.

    The Cloven-jaw Scourge-Blockade

    Level 4:
    Yarkuch's War-plans
    • If you are running it on elite and think you will not survive the traps on the way to the last objective.
      Just run to where the entrance to Whisperdoom's cave was, go a bit further and you will end up seeing the
      mobs up above you. Throw something at one of the clerics and all the mobs up there will start running down
      the path to you (where traps are). Simply run back there and you will encounter them on the way. Kill the
      tactician and pick up the plans to finish the quest.

    The Bookbinder Rescue
    • There is a side entrance up above the main entrance. It will put you inside one of the rooms in the quest.

    Level 5:
    Halls of Shan-To-Kor
    • At the ladder with the fire traps, with good timing you can stand between the fire jets and make your way
      up without getting hit. Who needs evasion?
      Screenshot 1
      Screenshot 2
    • You can jump on this ledge and from from one side to the other. The mobs will try to cross the bridge to get
      to you and die in the fire traps.
    • In the big fire trapped room, if you hug the right wall and time your jumps correctly, you can avoid the fire jets.

    The Depths of Doom

    Under the Big Top
    • Traps on the wheels hurt don't they? You can avoid them by standing behind the Wheel (big wooden thing).
      Simply select the wheel, move to the side of it, use the wheel and quickly move back behind it. If done
      correctly traps should not hit you. (takes some practice)

    • In the hall with many marks that spawn, use true seeing. It will show you what the right mark is.
      Simply stand inside the forcefield and range it. The right one is yellow, fakes are purple. That
      way you won't get thrown around the room.
    • If you have enough jump, you can bypass all the fights in the Chapterhouse by going in the theatre and
      jumping up to this spot. Then you can run all the way up and drop near the entrance to the Ball Room
    • This section by TheDearLeader - After you go into the Ball room, it is wise to defeat the three tiefling bosses individually.

      The bosses are:
      Migris <Malefic Poisonmaster>
      Dariel <Malefic Spellmaster>
      Bolal <Malefic Warmaster>

      You need either True Seeing, spot (~10 normal, ~15 hard, ~20 elite - MrCow) or a high Wisdom (~18 normal, ~20 hard, ~22 elite - MrCow) to detect that these people are really Tieflings. Also, a level of Paladin will detect their evil aura. (MrCow - Paladin level)

      My preferred method/order:
      • I like to find Migris first. She's pretending to be an Elf Serving girl - you'll get DM text when you find her. Bluff/Intimidate her into the Library (again, values?). Kill her.
      • Go to Dariel next. He's by the Fountain, surrounded by guards who he has under subtle spell mind control. SPECIAL: The Guards have two options: Bluff or Diplo. Bluff sends them into the Library ahead of Dariel, but they don't become combat-active until Dariel arrives. This means that you have to fight both them, and Dariel, at the same time. However, if you Diplo the guards, they will go away. No fight, free Optional XP. Bluff/Intim Dariel (his values seem slightly higher than Migris?), kill him in the library.
      • Go upstairs and using Knock/Open Lock, unlock the door. I've been told the OL value is so low a scroll will suffice. Talk to the first person you see using the "True Seeing" option. This is Bolal in disguise. Pull back immediately after talking to him - as in immediately, not ten seconds later. This will enable you to only aggro him instead of his whole entourage, fight him singly, and allow you to progress on with the rest of the quest.

    Epic Partycrashers
    • Skill checks for Migris are somewhere between 29 and 33 (Sarisa)
    • Skill checks for Dariel are either 34 or 35 (Sarisa)

    The Mystery of Delera's Tomb
    • You can skip the first part of the quest if you have enough jump by jumping there.

    Level 6:
    Gladewatch Outpost Defense
    • Invisibility is your friend, cast it on the NPC (objective is to keep her alive). Mobs won't pay attention
      to her and they will aggro you instead. One less thing to manage.

    The Iron Mines (Sorrowdusk Isle)
    • If you don't have a rogue in your group and you have enough jump, you can jump over the force traps.

    Level 7:
    Storm the Beaches
    • There is a hidden path behind the waterfall there, if you follow it all the way up you will end up
      on top of the fortress. From there you can destroy all the ballista and head down to the main entrance.
      In there you will notice that the door is closed, you can either unlock/knock the lever to open it, or
      wait around until mobs show up and open it for you. Then you can follow the path all the way to the
      end boss.
      Screenshot 1
      Screenshot 2
    • At the end chest, if you have no way to remove the traps in the room, simply stand on the furniture
      behind the chest and open it from there, traps will not hit you and you can loot safely.

    The Missing Party (delera 2)
    • You can do the whole quest, INCLUDING ALL OPTIONALS, with just you and a hireling. That hireling being Samuel Merrik. Why him in particular? Because he can summon an earth elemental. As most of you might know, most of the optionnals can be accessed without having another real player in the group but how would you access the ones on the other side of the underwater gates? Well here's how. First, light up the pressure plate on the west side. Then, light up the one on the east side, just to get the Arcane Skeletons to spawn and get rid of them before the next steps. Now turn it off. Now you have west side lit, and east side unlit. With this configuration there is only one door that needs to be opened underwater, near the end of the swim and that is done by lighting the east plate again. Now here's the trick : Position Samuel on top of the pressure plate (make surn to have it turned off after placing him there, if he touched it or you did), go underwater all the way to the last door, which is closed. Once you're there, order Samuel to summon his Earth Elemental and voila! When the summoning is done, the elemental will spawn on top of the pressure plate and it will open the gate you need to get through the underwater part. Enjoy your extra exp.

    The Pit
    • Solution to the first room's puzzle is pulling the 4 corners levers and then the center one.
    • Security Center wheels.
    • In the Security Center, there is a chest underwater there.
    • In the electric room, either pull levers until forcefield goes down...or don't.
    • In the same room, open the chest from the side if you don't want to die.
    • Main Control Room puzzle solutions:
      Top left
      Bottom left
      Top right
      Bottom right
    • In the Third Furnace, you can reach the top by using this jet. Use feather fall and keep activating it
      until it catches you twice and sends you to the top. Grab the pipe there and head to the final lever from
      there. It can also be done on the very first jet, but personally it always takes forever for me.
    • At the last fight, you can reach the casters on the platforms by jumping on these and feather falling to
      their platforms. Requires jump and speed (haste/jump spell)
    • There is a shrine behind a secret door in the Bilge Control Room.
    • In each Furnace, there is a lever with a blue light over it that you can pull. Pulling all three opens
      a room at the bottom of The Pit. It leads to the Avatar of Juiblex, you can get Muck's Doom from it's chest.
      Drop down there at the end of the quest.

    The Last Move: Yarkuch's Last Stand
    • In the hallway leading to the last room, hug the right wall to avoid getting hit by the traps. You can
      also use these traps to kill everything in the last room, just pull them back into it while running in
      the previously specified safe spot. Makes Yarkuch an easy kill on elite.

    The Grey Moon's Den
    • There is a brigde with force traps leading to the last boss. If you have haste you can run accross without
      getting hit by them. (They will spring behind you as you run)

    The Graverobber
    • Don't run down the first set of stairs or it's gonna hurt! You can stand between the traps all the way down
      and time your jumps to get through safely.
    • A mix of high jump, featherfalling, and fast movement also allows one to just jump and glide over all the traps, with no damage.(MrCow)

    Level 8:
    The Xorian Cipher
    • Left side puzzle solution
    • If you have the aggro of the archers, you can hide behind pillars while they burn, or until traps are gone
      and you can go through to kill them. Please don't stand in front of them and die...
    • When someone says to wait for everyone at the entrance of a room and to follow him along the left wall...there's
      a good reason for it. Do as he says, or you'll end up trapping everyone outside and gimp them of a chest.
      Trapped like that
    • There are traps in these rooms, please wait for your rogue to remove them. Or everyone will hate you because
      they cannot loot (Planar Girds and Chaosgardes in there). Left room has 2 traps, center 1, right 2.

    Tomb of the Shadow King
    • There are invisible paths in the walls in the North and South sections, they are marked by ghostly tapestries.
    • At the end of the quest, you don't even need to pull Nsu to the east section, you can kill him at the entrance
      where he spawns.

    Tomb of the Shadow Guard
    • Underwater Action

    The Temple Outpost: Libram of the Six and Captives of the Cult
    • If you zerg like me and don't care about the optionnals, run around with true seeing/detect secret door. Easy
      secret door bonus without going out of your way.

    Stromvauld's Mine
    • Always missing a gem or a corpse? Run around spamming backspace (or whatever your key is to swap from one object
      to another). It will pick them up and if you do it everywhere you should not miss anything.
    • Earth elementals spawn when you open the chest, make sure everyone is there to help.

    Stormcleave Outpost
    • At the big green portal with a fire giant in front of it, do not run directly to him. If you do you will spawn
      all four waves (4-5?) of skeletons. Fine if you can handle them, but if you don't want to, simply move slowly
      towards the giant and make them pop one by one. The giant will not activate until you move very close to him.
      Repeat for the other waves, makes the fight much easier.
      Run while looking behind you for waves that pop

    Spies in the House
    • The correct Gargoyle is the left one. (Always been for me anyway)

    The Prisoner (VoN2)
    • My favorite path is to start by going to the right to a big circular platform and defeat the beholder there.
      If you want you can hide behind the heads to the right of the platform (jump/feather fall around them) and
      let him burn of die from DoTs.
      You can hide here
      Then go up to the maze, clear it, kill giant and stuff. Then, feather fall
      down to the platform with the Quori Spiders.
      Feather Fall from this point
      Grab the blossom and then go back toward the center but do
      not drop down. This is the spot where another beholder spawns. You can fight him easily by staying up there
      and ranging him/casting spells. Simply stand near the edge of the platform to make him spawn and then take
      him down (he can't hit you from down there).
      Shoot stuff from up there
      Now cross the air bridge and you can avoid the beholder there.
      Simply drop down to the lower platform to the right, follow it to the end and jump back up near the ladder.
      Where you should go
      If you do it correctly the Beholder won't even spawn and you can keep going.
    • Up at the arcane oozes, if you have enough jump you can avoid fighting them. Go to the right of the platform,
      put your feather fall, jump and maneuver around the pillars to land back on the platform (small spots where
      you can stand). You will end up behind there you would normally go up to after the oozes are dead by using
      the ladder that spawns. From that point you can jump up to the end (might take a few tries, try standing on
      the rock). Then just run across and get the dagger.
      Where you can jump to go behind

    The Path to Madness
    • If you like to zerg, the only mobs you need to kill to enter Xorian are the 2 scorrow at the end. Run through
      kill, hit altar, enter.

    Haunted Library

    Faithful Departed
    • The red named mummies, Venerated, MUST LIVE (not die?...not be no longer undead? Oh whatever). When you enter
      a room with one, don't use AOE spells and grab the aggro of the scorrows/drow quickly. The Venerated are not
      friendly when you fight so mass heals/healing aura will hit them too and do damage. They turn passive when all
      the opponents are dead.

    Caverns of Korromar
    • At the very start of the quest, you can run up the wooden ramps to the right and if you keep following that
      path you will end up at a locked chest with some Flesh Renders. You can knock/unlock it, or come back later
      after looting the Gold Key.
      Path going up
    • In the dig site with water, you can swim to a secret area with an optionnal (Specters and loot)
      Swim there

    Level 9:
    The Fane of the Six: Fall of the Prelate
    • At the small puzzle, you will get locked in when you solve it. You can avoid this by solving it (not lit)
      and then turn the first tile to let the light go through. Simply run out after turning the tile. The light
      will go around the puzzle and give you enough time to exit and not get trapped and have to fight the Fire
      Put tiles like this, then turn last one and move out quickly
    • Big puzzle solution

    The Shadow Crypt
    • Google maped out paths, makes it much easier. There is another way to get it done though, and get all the
      gears for the last chest. Here's how.
      Obviously, there are 4 paths at the entrance, North, South, East, West. What you can do is send someone to
      each of them. Everytime you enter a room, kill stuff, solve lights or w/e and then re-exit by the SAME
      direction you came into the room from. So if you teleport inside the room east, when you are done, exit east.
      Keep repeating this and you will eventually come back to the entrance. When everyone else is done doing the same
      thing on their path and are back to the entrance, you will always have the 12 gears for the end + chest, if
      done correctly. Then the path to the end are either S-E-W-W, S-E-W or E-E-E-E.

    The Missing Expedition
    • If you are like me, you always forget to kill the beholder on the way, because it does not show up as an
      objective until you get the scroll at the end. Make sure to kill him on the way before going down to the end.

    The Keeper's Sanctuary
    • Make sure you have a way to find secret door, because the quest is FULL of them and you need to find them
      to reach required areas of the quest. You cannot finish the quest without finding them and going through them.
    • The secret doors that matter have a search DC somewhere around -5. (MrCow)

    The Jungle of Khyber
    • At the first door you come across, there are force traps when you open it. You can avoid them however. Have
      everyone run against the door, have someone pull the lever (that person has time to go to the door and run
      too) and then when it opens if you keep running you will get through before the force traps spring and can
      hit you.
      Run against door
    • After the previous room, you will come to a fork where you can either go left or straight ahead to a door
      with a lever. The room to the left will shut down when you pull the lever inside it (locked door will spring
      to close the way you came from) so make sure everyone is inside the room before you go on. The door can be
      unlocked if anyone was left behind. (I think it also opens after some time)
      Wait for everyone in that room over there before pulling lever
    • Right after the fight with the elementals you will come into a room with yet another trapped door. You can
      avoid this trap by standing in the left corner of the door. Pull the lever from there and start running
      against the door in the left corner as soon as you are done pulling the lever. If done correctly you will
      run into the other room and the trap will spring behind you and you will not get hit.
      That door
    • To pull one of the three bosses at a time, simply sneak and hug the left wall. When you see one of them
      start moving, pull back to the main room. Stop being dumb and think you can do it when you can't. Sometimes
      the group just can't handle all three at the same time. Let someone that knows he won't screw up do it.
      Also, don't go in behind the guy pulling...just don't...I'm tired of seeing that happen.
    • There are many ways to handle the last fight. I will not enumerate all of them. Just be aware that lightning
      traps will spring when the Marut comes through the forcefield and that they deal quite a lot of damage.
      This means squishies will most likely get 1-shot if they are standing almost anywhere in the room now. Make
      sure you have elec resist/prot to reduce the damage. You can also have everyone stand in the corner to the
      left of Veil to get hit only once instead of a few times.

    Into the Deep

    Haywire Foundry
    • In the east part of the quest, if you have enough jump (35+) you can skip going through the whole room and
      go straight to the lever you have to pull by using a shortcut. In the southwest part of the room, there are
      crates with scaffolding in front of it. You can jump there, jump on top of the boxes, then keep working your
      way up until you are on a pipe with the bridge over you. With enough jump you can grab the brige and lift
      yourself up and go pull the lever.
      This is where you can jump on to take shortcut
    • The wheel puzzle is simple, there are wheels on the inside, and wheels on the outside. On top of the inside
      ones, there are symbols. This is what the wheels on the outside, to the left and right of the inside wheel,
      need to be turned to for the wheel to be unlocked. Then you can turn the unlocked wheel to the "n" symbol
      (all the inside wheels need to be turned to "n"). Then repeat the same thing for the other 2 wheels.
    • Traps in the secret shrine can be avoided if you time yourself correctly. On the way back out they can also
      be avoided by jumping over them, with enough jump. The boxes to remove them are behind the shrines and it is
      good to know the DC to disable them is much higher than any traps of similar level quests. Make sure you have
      all your items/buffs/boosts going when trying to remove them because it sucks for the whole party if you fail
      them and they have to try to get through them and die.

    Fathom the Depths
    • There is a safe spot to fight the Treasure Guardian. You can stand in the corner just to the right of the
      ladder and the cube will not be able to hit you. Turn auto-attack on and go afk a minute or two.

    The Claw of Vulkoor
    • If you want to get all optionnals, sneak/invis are your friends. Most Guardians can be easily avoided
      execpt the two last ones that are very close to the plates. For the first one you can just move on the
      plate and then quickly move away and it should not notice you. If you stay on top of the plate it will.
      For the last guardian, get close to it until it starts trying to follow you then move back. It should
      follow trying to find you for some time and then stop. Simply repeat the process until it is far enough
      from the plate and that you have a clear path to move up to it.

    Level 10:
    Escort the Expedition
    • Never leave Coyle at the entrance thinking you'll clear everything and come back to him, he WILL DIE. Why?
      Because a rust monster and a glass spider will spawn right on top of him if he stays immobile for a certain
      amount of time. If that happens, you will fail the quest, because he dies fast.
    • Best thing to do is to have someone pick him up and follow the group a certain distance away, so he doesn't
      run ahead and try to hit stuff like the dumb NPC he is.

    Hold for Reinforcements
    • You love this quest don't you? Everyone does! One word: invisibility. Keep him invisible ALL THE TIME and
      knocked out too (talk to him, bluff, K.O). After this is done, move away from him so he doesn't get caught
      in the mobs AOE spells/hits or he will stand up and resume being dumb. If you have a caster, have him keep
      an AOE persistant effect on Coyle so that anything that moves close to him will get aggroed by you (clouds
      and stuff). Some mobs will still spot him/listen or whatever, that's why you need heals. Make sure
      you take the aggro of these mobs as fast as you can and pull them away from Coyle. Re-invis/knock him out
      everytime it breaks because of these mobs. The quest will still be a pain in the ass, but not as much as
      it is without invisibility.

    The Sanctum: Quench the Flames
    • In the right part of the quest, there are some pretty deadly fire traps. Fire resist/protection, fire
      shield (blue) should get you through alive if you cannot remove the trap. Also, the faster you run the
      Where the traps are

    The Sanctum: Church of the Fury

    Slavers of the Shrieking Mines
    • There is only one beholder, don't try looking for the second one.
    • In most spots, you can pull the ogres by getting within their line of sight without having the miners move.
    • DO NOT CHARM THE MINERS thinking "oh we can't kill them now". They will start fighting each others or even
      worse, the ogres, and they will die fast.
    • You do not have to kill the miners that are working the sonic traps, you can easily jump over/maneuver around
      the sound waves. No reason to lower your chances of finishing the quest by killing them.

    Bring me the Head of Ghola-Fan
    • Trapped room:
    • There are safe spots at the spinning blades part.
    • At the tile part, simply step on those shown on the wall.
    • At the spike things, just jump on these corners.
    • Just jump over the bolts in the next part.
    • At the big knife things, there are also safe spots

    • You need at least 18STR to pull the valves.

    Hiding in Plain Sight
    • You can safely stand between the spinning blades in the underwater part. All of them.
    • At the bottom if this very nice blender you can swim down a pipe and you COULD get a Bottle of Air.
    • You can stand between these and not get hit.

    Level 11:
    Tomb of the Unhallowed
    • If you are on elite, try to stick to the sides of the hallways...these spike traps hurt big time and they are
      mostly located in the center.

    Tomb of the Tormented
    • "This quest SUCKS, it's horrible, whaaawwww I don't want to run it" This is probably what you've heard about
      this quest. But honestly, it's really easy.
    • You can kill all the trash in the mazes with blade barriers. That way you don't have to send 40 rats to kill
      a worg (BIG time saver).
    • You do not need to lay down meat in all the hole on the path you want to use. If you are in a straight line,
      even if the meat is 3 holes away from the rat, if it can see it, it will go to it.
    • You can easily time your moves with the rat to avoid the spinning plate traps.
    • In the last room, at the spinning trap that moves in the maze. On the first pass, have your rat follow it.
      Go when trap starts moving in that direction
      Hide it in the safe spot. On the second pass don't go too soon, you have to wait for it and follow behind
      the trap again and hide in the next safe spot.
      Go when the trap is going that way
      On the last pass, make your rat move when the trap is going
      towards the beginning and has just passed in front of you.
      Go when the trap is going that way
    • To avoid mistakes, put meat ahead of time and leave the first move empty. Put meat when you are ready to make
      your rat move.
    • Quest shouldn't take more than 15-20minutes that way.

    Tomb of the Forbidden
    • You don't need to hurry up to trade the gear to the person on the other side. If you are the one that has it,
      just use it on your lever to unlock it, then quickly move back so you stop using it. It will stay unlocked and
      you can take alllll the time you want to trade it to the other person and then just pull yours at the same time
      as they do.
    • By using previous strategy, you can actually solo the quest with a hireling. Unlock one side, park hireling in
      front of the lever, go to the other side, pull both levers. Both sides have to be cleared of mobs for the center
      doors to open, but if you make your hireling teleport to you (which it will do since it is stuck on the other side
      and cannot get to you), the door on it's side will eventually open and you can go clear that side too after doing

    Tomb of the Blighted
    • If you get blighted, just throw some water on the ground, it creates a little puddle that you can step in to
      remove it.
    • On hard and elite it is often wise to use a slashing or piercing thrown weapon to split the Blighted Oozes into CR 1 Violet Slimes. The slimes inflict far less damage and have a fraction of the HP. Blighted Oozes do not split on normal difficulty. (MrCow)

    Spawn of Whisperdoom
    • LOTS of Melf's Acid Arrow, make sure you have resist acid at all times.
    • Always make sure the Ogre Magis are really dead and did not just disappear. Happened to me quite a lot that
      the group keeps running after one has vanished and I stay behind because I know it's not dead. It sucks to
      have to run around all the quest again because you are missing some kills on these.

    Raid the Vulkoorim
    • The timeframe to hit the pairs of levers is enough for a single person to do (MrCow)

    Made to Order
    • Traps hurt on elite, recommended to have a rogue in party. They are EVERYWHERE.

    The Enemy Within
    • Have cold resist.
    • There are traps on some levers to open doors. Wait for your rogue, if you have one.
    • There are staircases at some points in the quest with sarcophagus at the bottom. Skeletons always respawn in
      this spot if you pass through. Make sure you are ready for it if you are alone and going back to shrines.

    Dreams if Insanity
    • At the top of the last room it can be hard to the last runes because you are close to the ceiling. Instead of
      jumping, simply fall while moving forward and you will grab the ledges instead of hitting the ceiling and
      dropping down all the time.

    An Offering of Blood
    • Don't buff too much, you'll get dispelled all the time anyway.
    • First locked door has an optionnal boss with a chest.
    • Second locked door has a shrine.
    • At the second bridge you have to lower (near the end) there is a hole in the floor under it that leads to a
    • You can use backspace to target through the doors to see if there is a chest or not.

    Level 12:
    • Deathblock items are very important as you will continuously lose your buffs against beholders and they cast
      finger of death.
    • After you finish the quest, respawns at the portals will stop. Don't finish if you want to get all the killing

    Frame work
    • Kill more minotaurs
    • If you are zerging and you don't want to waste time getting ballista parts, you can simply stand in front of the various doors and minotaurs
      will eventually come rushing out, opening doors in the process. This also works for the last fight, but you will have to trigger the traps on
      the stairs to get there.

    Eyes of Stone
    • At the end fight, you can pop a mirror by using one of the levers on the side (forgot which). If you pull
      the medusa there she will petrify herself. It's not really THAT useful but it's pretty funny!
    • The locked chest in the secret door corridors at the Coin Lords section also has the handwraps if you are
      looking for them.
    • The locked chest has a DC around 20, so knock scrolls are capable of opening it if someone is patient. (MrCow)
    • You can use Stone to Flesh scrolls/spell. It's faster than waiting for the 30sec timer on the salve if you
      are soloing and you can use them...
    • The Scepter of the Fleshweaver from Framework has Stone to Flesh and can also be used by any character for that. (MrCow)

    Diplomatic Impunity
    • Don't go AFK in this quest please...there are spots in the quest where the whole party has to be there or
      you can't go having to wait for pikers.

    The Cursed Crypt
    • Any mob with "Silver Flame" in it's name should be kept alive at all costs. A good way to do that is to
      turn them to stone. Or just kite them around while others finish looking in the rooms and then have
      everyone use a Dimension Door, they won't follow you
    • In the rooms where you have to fight the projections. Have everyone go into sneak mode and hide behind the
      pillars on the opposite side of Maldetto. Then have someone sneak and move close to the other side. When
      Maldetto starts talking quickly start moving back (still sneaking). Maldetto should go after you but none
      of the Silver Flame guys will move. Just pull him to the other side and fight there. You can fight without
      sneaking there, but don't follow him too far if he moves back towards the other side. Just hide behind
      pillars and wait for him to move back. You can move a certain distance without being seen by the Silver
      This is roughly how far you can go without being seen by the Silver Flame guys while fighting Maldetto's Projection
    • When you have to darken the skulls, there is a room with levers, it can be done alone with enough speed and
      enough jump (for soloers).

    Chains of Flame
    • At Erath the Blinded, as it says, it's curse. Don't just use Remove Blindness, it'll keep comming back.
      Remove Curse first and then Remove Blindness.

    Chamber of Raiyum
    • Spinning blade traps in the hallways stop by themselves after some time. If you feel you won't survive and
      you don't have a rogue in party, just wait.
    • Disease Immunity is a must for this quest. It will prevent Mummy Rot and you will just get the curse part.
      It is much easier to remove just the curse. If you don't have immunity, just remember that it's remove curse
      first and then remove disease to get rid of everything.
    • In the staircase rooms (2 coffins at the bottom and 1 at the top of the stairs) you can avoid the mummies by staying away from the coffins and jumping up and around them at the top of the stairs. (Blank_Zero)
    • Floor will always break on one side. I personally recommend always taking the same path to get to the towers
      even if it means going all the way around the quest to get to the 3rd. At least you know it won't break if
      you've already been through one way and it didn't the first time.
    • Raiyum is immune to level 4 or lower spells. He is also immune to electricity and cold.
    • You can use the Seals you find in Chamber of Kourush and Chamber of Rahmat to avoid fighting the Djinni. You
      can also find a Seal of Fire in the lowest part of the quest to avoid fighting the Efreeti.
    • There are many big rooms with archers in them. In these rooms always follow the sides of the rooms. The floor
      in all of these rooms can break and you will drop in ambushes. If you follow the sides you will not fall.
    • Unless you like spending 2 hours in a pit killing respawning scorpions, you can pick the Philactery as soon
      as you find it. You cannot get any bonus other than Ingenious Debilitation. Saves you the trouble of running
      back to it when the rest is done.
      • You can get the Devious Bonus for killing less than ~70 mobs by the time you get Raiyum, use Invisibility. (Blank_Zero)
      • In relation to the "2 hours killing respawning mobs", you can get Conquest buy killing 400+ mobs, there are some Ghasts downstairs (Blank_Zero)

    Level 13:
    A Cabal for One
    • Unless you have a VERY good rogue. Have the hobgoblin NPC at the beginning remove them for you. The DCs in this
      quest are some of the hardest in the game (non-epic) and they are painful, especially on elite.
      ( It seems like the traps have been made easier since last time I had to disable them, need confirmation )
    • The chest behind the secret door, on elite, requires 50-53 search to find the trap, and 70ish to disable it. The chest itself is locked and also has a high DC to unlock it, 55ish. (LadyAerys)

    A Cry for Help
    • There is an underwater part with an optionnal. At the bridges you have to lower, you can jump in the water.
      In the center of the room there is a secret door on the floor, open it and pull a lever there. It opens a way
      to the west that leads to the optionnal boss/chest.
    • After a fight with a few Jariliths on that path going downwards there will be a door with a metal floor in
      front of it. It is trapped, but if you hug the right wall and go around the side you will not get thrown in
      the ceiling fan.

    Assault on Summerfield
    • There is a chest underwater in the southern part, east of the bridge with the ogres and next to a sunken boat.
      (Looks like a clam, but it's a chest)
      Screenshot of the chest
    • These Drooam guys really don't like shrines.

    Blockade Buster
    • Dimension Door is very useful if you cannot unlock the Mine Bay doors.
    • Blowing up three whole ships isn't worth a Ransack bonus ?

    Foundation of Discord
    • "Hey look a secret door on the wall". Yeah, don't open it.
    • You can ignore the elementals when fighting Patrick the Maniacal, they will all die when he dies.

    • Why would anyone do that to a rest shrine? Seriously!
    • If you are on the same level as the huge barrels when they blow up, you will die. Shoot the small one farthest
      from it and jump down. They will blow up one by one and eventually trigger the huge ones.
    • On normal, the puzzles are really simple, simply go around in a circle hitting all the plates and it will be
      solved. Solutions for all the other possibilities that appear on hard and elite have been found and there is a
      thread about it on the forums here just Google it.

    The Maze of Madness
    • All the traps on levers are slow enough that you can avoid them without disabling them. You can avoid the blades
      that come out of the walls by standing far enough from the lever, but close enough to be able to use it. For the
      spike traps just pull the lever and quickly jump while moving back to avoid the spikes when they pop. (They are
      delayed a bit, which is why you can easily avoid them)
    • If you have 40 jump, you can have fun jumping on top of the maze and going straight to the end of the quest
      to kill the boss. However, you still have to finish other objectives so it doesn't really save that much time
      unless you know exactly where to go to finish those.

    Trial by Fire
    • A common mistake is to go down after killing the second general. The correct way is to exit the way you came from
      and go right, you will meet the 3rd general there.

    • You can use demolition charges to make mines explode in the mine field.
    • You can jump on the rock formations in the mine field to avoid the mines. If you have enough jump you can get up the first one to the right.
      Screenshot of the rock
    • You can destroy the boulder by putting a demolition charge on the way and have someone trigger the boulder.
      It makes the charge explode when it rolls over it.
    • In the cave where you first get demolition charges, you can run back up the stairs right after picking them if you are fast enough. (Before the Earth Elementals destroy them)
    • Always try to kill your party members by putting demolition charges where they least expect them (What? It's funny!)

    Level 14:
    Desecrated Temple of Vol
    • Always make sure the Vampire Priests are dead before moving on, they disappear a lot and finding them stuck in
      a corner because you kept going thinking it was dead is a pain in the ass.
    • Shadows are immune to fire.
    • Shadows deal Strength damage when they hit, I highly recommend having Death Ward if you don't want to die from
      stat damage.
    • In the room east with spinning blades, you stick to the right of the room and jump over the decorations there.
      That way you won't get hit by the traps.

    Flesh Maker's Laboratory
    • With a bit of speed and jumping abilities you can get through the big slashing blades without getting hit.
    • You don't need 5 persons to use the runes in the last room, you have more than enough time to do it with
      only 2 persons. I have personally done it many times with just a hireling.
      (Classes that can fly can do it alone (FVS, Monk, Air Savant) -Matuse)

    Ghosts of Perdition
    • All the group has to stand on the 2nd ice platform to make it break, don't pike.
    • Have deathblock against the Doomsphere.
    • The Doomsphere is immune to fire/cold and I think electricity.
    • You can damage it by using heal/cure spells. Force spells and Disentegrate also work well.
    • Anarchic of Greater Undead Bane weapons are awesome against Doomspheres.

    Gianthold Tor
    • Stay in the boxes, every time you step out the whole thing resets! We're not asking you to stay in it just for
      the lulz ¸
    • In the giant/dragon fights, they have to die almost at the same time. You have roughly 5seconds to kill the 2nd
      one after you've killed the other. If you have to, just stop hitting one, pull it away from AOEs and kite or
      help lowering the other. It's really not hard to do.
    • It is a bad idea to go melee on the white dragon. It has a freezing aura that will keep stacking on itself and
      completly freeze you on the 3rd stage. In that state the dragon can 1-shot you with it's breath. Have casters
      take care of that one, or range it/kite.
    • At the blue dragon fight, pull the dragon to the forcefield and fight it there. Less trouble than constantly
      taking damage from the electric bursts on the gold.
    • At the black dragon fight, unless you like flying into a pool of acid, fight the giant from behind (near
      forcefield). That way when the giant sends you flying you will simply hit the wall and drop back on the platform
      instead of flying across the room.

    Inferno of the Damned
    • You don't really need to have casters for the torches. You can use the fire mephits to light them, and the air
      mephits to extinguish. Simply pull some (they respawn at portals) and drag them close to the torches and hope
      that they use their breath attack. (Matuse - Standing on top of the torches help)
    • No need to waste SP either, buy fireball wands and ice storm scrolls. Aim directly at the center and you will
      hit all 4 torches. That's with fireball AND ice storm.
    • When in rooms with Acolytes, you need to get CLOSE to him. I know you want to be a good healbot and stay behind
      the group to keep them up, but when someone says surround the Acolyte, do it. That's because when he dies, you
      will all get teleported to the inferno side, but only those that were close enough. You don't want to be left
      alone against the rest of the mobs right?
    • You can use heal spells to damage the cinderspawns, they're undead.
    • Cinderspawns kick you when you are tripped, lulz

    Madstone Crater
    • Don't hit the Seers when you meet them first time, you are there to save them.
    • When doing the rituals to break the crystals, cast Invisibility on the Seers, mobs will ignore them.
      (Except on the second crystal where they seem to still try to reach him and hit him but not as easily as
      they do without invisibility).
    • At the third crystal, you don't need anyone to stay up. Cast invisibility on the Seer, start the ritual and
      drop down. Only go back up to refresh Invisibility if needed and if you do, stay hidden in the passage so the
      mobs don't notice you.
    • The key to open the locked door is to the right of the cave you drop to after the third crystal is finished.
      Walk in the lava and you will reach a small island with a skeleton laying on it, the key is there.
      Key is that way, follow the lava

    The Crucible
    • To net all the optionals you want a bluff of 15, and diplomacy of 20. You do not need intimidate to get the exp from Gorn, but if you have a score of 20 he will tell you a "secret of the Crucible" as a bonus. (MrCow for Bluff and Diplo numbers)
    • Don't break exploding barrels melee on elite.
    • I was going to explain the maze step by step, but then I remembered this awesome post by MrCow on the forums!
      Animated map by MrCow
    • Have someone with low wisdom (10-) use the book for the Horn of Instinct and have the rest of the group down
      the stairs. You will get a DM text telling you that a certain door hides death, this is the one you must open.
    • On top of the maze, since there isn't really a standard on how to call symbols you can instead use numbers
      for the wheels. Above the lever there are 6 lights. From left to right they are 0 to 5. Simply pull the lever
      and a light of each of the 3 colors will appear. So if blue appears on the 3rd position, you pull blue 2 times
      (0 to 5 don't forget). This only works for the first time pulling the lever.
    • The wheels can be done alone, you have roughly one minute to do them all so you don't need to have someone on
      each wheel.
    • The Horn of Agility can easily be done by a caster with Dimension Door if you have no one with evasion. (If they
      can avoid the spinning blades on the way there). Just enter the room, go all the way down, cast Dimension Door,
      grab the horn and quicly click the door. Traps should not have time to hit you if done fast.
    • DO NOT grab that horn before the door closes behind you. If you do the door will close instead of opening and
      you will be stuck. (Badly programmed condition IMO)
    • You don't need evasion to do the swim and even if you have it you should not trust it and ram into the spikes.
      There are a lot of safe spots in which you can stay in and drink potions if you got hit by spikes. Just take
      it slowly and don't move forward, let the current move you. I've done it any times on elite on characters with
      no evasion and crappy reflex saves while 3monks and 1rogue in the same group all died.

    Prison of the Planes
    • In the first room at the bottom (Daanvi). The answers are whatever sounds like obeying orders/following the
      law. (Lawful Plane)
    • On the way up you will run into a partly collapsed room with a few mobs in it. Check behind the rocks, the
      solution to the levers at the top of the prison is found there on a piece of paper.

    Level 15:
    • Hambies make me hungry...
    • Drink dat beer.
    • Everything is fine, you should go about your business now.
    • Before picking up that key pretending to be a Flesh Render, go back to the first room to the right of the
      hallway and walk through the mirror to get a key for the chest near the shrine. You are supposed to be able
      to walk through mirrors right?
    • Keep some AOE spell like firewall on the puzzle, less trouble than running after those silly tiles...get back
      here you!
    • I wish I could help that beholder solve the puzzles, it looks like so much fun.

    In The Flesh
    • If you play without sound, make an exception when you run this if you haven't heard the DM yet
    • Underwater and to the east, there is a secret door that leads to a puzzle. It is very simple to solve. Next
      to the window is a symbol with lights around it. There are also wheels around the room with lights over them.
      Next to the symbol (near window again) will tiny wheels, one or more. That's how many of the big wheels you
      have to use to solve. The lights around the symbol are what the wheels (one or more) have to sum up to.
      Example: Red symbol, 8 lights around it and 2 tiny wheels to the right.
      Put the big wheel with 5 lights above it to the red symbol, same with the wheel that has 3 lights
      above it. 5+3=8
      You might have to change the symbol on the other wheels because they might be set to red as default and screwing
      up your solution.
    • There is a secret door in the room where you pick up the crest, it leads to a chest.
    • In the fight against Yaulthoon, have everyone stand behind the same pod. Yaulthoon will shoot things to you and
      they will burst the pods, giving you HP and SP and after bursting a few he will lose his shield and become
    • At some point 3 of those pods the Taken spawned from in previous quests will appear in front of him. When this
      happens hurry up and destroy them. If you don't he will send waves all over the room and they do some nasty
      damage. If you destroy them (they're just one hit) he will become vulnerable and you will avoid these waves.
    • Even if he is invulnerable, you can stack DOTs on him. Get them up to level 3 and then when he becomes vulnerable
      he will immediately start taking heavy damage from them. Gives you something to do while waiting behind pods too.

    Litany of the Dead
    • In the room filled with spinning traps, you can shoot the lever on the other side to activate them and see which
      ones don't spin. Step on these obviously when crossing.
    • Wait for everyone before stepping in the room with a black skeleton, 3 guards and 1 cleric. It will shut down
      when you step in, locking out anyone that wasn't there.
    • The skeleton swaps swords, one of them is vorpal, have deathblock or death ward.
    • Chests are fake and trigger an ambush, wait until the whole party is there before opening them.
    • In the ambush, you can hide behind the lever and nothing will spawn, except 2 skeletons once in a while. It is
      easy to find the correct spot as there will be an archer on each side. Place yourself so you are against the
      lever and that none of the archers can hit you.
    • Do not use feather fall while going down the shaft at the end, the time you are feather falling counts as time
      spent on a level, trap trigger is based on time you spend on them so feather fall is a bad idea.
    • Here is my best attempt at explaining the right way down the shaft.
      Enter it on the right
      Immediatly turn left in the hole you can see
      Go straight until you hit the wall
      From this point keep going straight down until you cannot anymore.
      Start going counter-clockwise all the way to the end
    • Depending on the boss you want to face, you have to answer differently. The answers are based on their alignment.
      If you want to try to figure them out yourself first they are:
      High Priest of Vol: Lawful Evil
      Cholthulzz: Lawful Good
      Cinnis: Chaotic Evil
      Mentau: Chaotic Good
      Anwer the question as if you were of that alignment.
      If you don't want to risk failing, you can find the full solutions here
      Solutions to riddle (DDO Wiki)
    • There is a table down there with items on it. Well, the items appear on it as you defeat each boss. They can be
      used against the other bosses.
      Doomsphere gives the Urthullz Petrified Stalk which disables the fire shield of Cinnis.
      Cinnis gives you the Cold Fire which is used to disable the forcefield around Mentau.
      Mentau gives you a golem statuete which spawns a vampire hunter flesh golem which is used against the High Priest.
      The High Priest gives you an Eye of Vol which is used to hit the doomsphere more easily.
      People would usually run either Vol or the Doomsphere first because the items against them are not really useful.
      Personally I run Doomphere, Cinnis, Mentau, Vol.
    • In the room where you fight Cinnis, you can go to the top of the stairs, jump on the pillars on either side and
      jump/feather fall back towards the entrance so you land above it. He cannot hit you there and you can range him
      all you want.
    • Against Mentau, that shield around him deals heavy fire damage to anyone inside it. However you can send a melee
      up there and have him stand back enough so you can still hit Mentau but also far enough so you can receive
      healing from down there. (That is all if you don't have the Cold Fire from having defeated Cinnis)
      If you have the Cold Fire, you can use it from the bottom of the room to disable the shield for a certain amount
      of time (10-15seconds or so, not exactly sure). Do that first and then pull the lever for the air jet.

    Level 16:
    Let Sleeping Dust Die
    • If this is the first time in the quest. Notify the group so they don't swim ahead and leave you behind to figure
      out the path through the water.
    • Again, if this is your first time, do, not, kill, any, spiders. You can kill them at the beginning until you pick
      up the first journal, but put it this way, it's good practice for the second part
    • Leave the first journal where you find it until all the bottom paths are cleared.
    • You can use the shrine in the center before going in the locked room. Hope on one of the poles with fire and jump/
      feather fall towards the shrine, you will land on the rocks and you can use it through the bars.
    • You can target the second journal from the room without checking all the paths. Use backspace to locate it and
      then you only have to head one way.
      NW is connected to SW (and lead to a shrine), N is connected to NE, S is connected to SE.
    • Make sure all the ogres are dead before leaving the room with the spider queen. Even if you protect her until
      the objective is completed you can still fail if she dies. This is a common mistake especially with the ogres
      in the hallway you have to jump up to. They will keep ranging the queen if you go out of sight and a quest
      failure message will pop when you are near the end of the quest because she died.
    • If you don't kill any spiders the whole quest, you get an extra chest.
    • If you kill all the ogre magis (requires going through all the paths after the first journal) you get another
      chest too.

    Rainbow in the Dark
    • Many spells provide a little bit of light that can help you move alone in the dark (necrotic bolt, web, etc.).
      The Lantern Archon summon is the best one.
    • The solution to the door leading to the chests is completly random. Try it if you feel lucky (over all the years
      I have only successfully got it done 4 or 5 times myself). Be aware that if you fail you will fall down a shaft
      with spears all over it.
    • After you pick up the crest, you can use a Dimension Door to go back to the beginning and avoid some fights on
      the way back.
    • There is a room behind a secret door with a chest at the end of it, don't even attempt to get to it without a
      rogue. The floor will break and you will fall into acid if the 3 traps on the way are not removed. The chest
      is locked too anyway.
    • In the room where you have to jump on pillars to get across, the center one is trapped and spawns a Gelatinous
    • The puzzle is solved from left to right. First color is red. Just change them all to red and then step on the 2nd
      one and run to the last one hitting all others on the way, then step on 3rd one and do the same thing, repeat
      pattern until solved.

    The Coalescence Chamber
    • In the room with the Gelatinous Cube, bats respawn forever. Lay down a firewall/blade barrier or whatever and
      wait some time if you want to get conquest easily. The Cube cannot get through to you because it doesn't fit.
      Once it dies the bats will stop respawning.

    Level 17:
    Enter the Kobold
    • Fire resistance is essential
    • After dropping down inside the kobold head and fighting a couple mephits, you will come up in a room from a hole
      in the floor. Wait for all your group to get in there, if you go too far the room will lock and you have to fight
      an ambush.
    • You move in a "L" shape inside the puzzle. 2 rooms forward and one room left of right (if you hit left light you
      go left, if you hit right one you go right)
    • The last fight isn't as bad as everyone says it is. My favorite way of doing it is having a kiter (ooze puppet is
      horrible). Either a caster than can self-heal or a divine that has blade barriers. Put some AOE spells over the room
      (cloudkill is an excellent one). That way you grab all the aggro and the rest of group can focus on the bosses
      without all the trash dealing heavy damage to them. All you have to do is run around the bottom in the lava (in
      a circle around the bottom of the room, through the passage in the back). Following that route you will barely
      even get hit by the trash yourself. This makes elite as easy as normal and you don't even need people with
      evasion to pull it off. You won't need to wait in a group that takes 2 hours to fill either because the leader
      is only looking for evasion melees and a caster with ooze puppet...
    • When fighting the Kobold, their annoying behavior of always jumping back is actually a good thing in this quest.
      Try to use this behavior by standing in front of him, and guiding him so he jumps back into that fire barrier
      on top. When he gets there, you can get him stuck in this spot so he can't move anymore.

    Monastery of the Scorpion
    • In the first room with the current keeping you on the ceiling, there is a trap box you can remove to allow you
      to get a chest. The box can be in various positions. It can be right at the entrance, on either side of the
      "doorway" on top of the pillar things. It can be inside the room, just to the right of the entrance. Last one
      is at the other end of the room, in a straight line with the entrance. When you remove it, Cubes won't fall
      and destroy the platforms where you pull the levers for the chest.
    • This puzzle setup activates the minimal amount of jets you need to get to the levers. Lighting more will only result in activating unnecessary jets that will throw you all around the place
    • At the end fight, if you want the optionnal chest, you must not damage the boss. An easy way to do that is to
      have someone that can heal themselves kite the boss around the upper portion of the room. It is easy to do, if
      the rest of the group doesn't screw up. Since you cannot damage the boss, aggro will be purely on sight and he
      can easily switch from one person to the other. He will aggro when you go up the hill (near where the cleric
      and wizard drow were). So what you want to do, is have your kiter go inside the room and grab aggro. When that
      is done, have everyone else go into sneak mode and follow in the room to solve the puzzle. That boss is completly
      blind and will ignore anyone that is sneaking and keep following the kiter. If things go wrong, you can pull back
      to the small room where you dropped to. He will reset back to the puzzle room and you can raise/heal up.

    Prey on the Hunter
    • On the way to the shrine, you will run into four giants that come from the sides, the only one you have to kill to
      open the way is the cleric.
    • At the end fight, again, all you have to kill are the clerics to make the giant boss spawn.
    • Probably other things to say...but the rest is pretty much just running around

    Stealer of Souls
    • Earth part:
      • At the last fight, if you have been pulling a lot of mobs, there is a spot in the back of the room and to the
        left where you can hide in and the giants cannot fit to follow you so you can burn/range them safely.

    • Ice part:
      • The lever at the bottom disable the jets on the pathway that leads to the end of this part but you don't HAVE
        to pull them. You can jump over the jets or fly above them (fvs/monk/air savant). Once you pull the lever in
        the last room all the jets go down and the rest of the group can catch up.

    • Fire part:
      • Fire resistance, protection, fire shield (cold), evasion. Anything that can lower damage from fire spells is
        a must have.
      • Make sure to give jump to everyone and use feather fall. Some jumps are pretty long from one rock to another.
      • Since the Efreetis respawn, you can have someone grab their aggro and kite them around while the rest of the
        party focuses on the giant.

    • End fight:
      • I've never been a fan of surrounding him and have the caster burn him...takes way too long and it's kinda boring.
        Just fight him wherever and make sure you kill the Mephits when they spawn...the fight really isn't that bad.
      • His DR is bludgeon + magic.
      • Since he is a Lich, healers can center their mass heals on him directly to deal damage and healing your melees
        at the same time.

    Level 18:
    Dream Conspiracy

    I Dream of Jeets
    • There is an entrance below the main part of the quest, you pick up the bacon there. (Used at the last fight)
      You have to drop and feather fall under to get to it.
    • If you want to get everything done in the quest this is how you can do it.
      1-Front of bottles, unlock left door in the, pick key.
      2-Dimension Door
      3-Back of coins, kill the rust monster.
      4-Front of coins, pick up skeleton key behind 2nd dreamy treasure
      5-Back of bottles, kill skeleton
      6-Front of bottles
      7-Front of spa
      8-End fight (use bacon)
      The back of spa has a rest shrine, that's why I always run spa last so that if you need to shrine you can go there.

    The Mindsunder
    • You can have someone kite the trash in the last room, less annoying than having it hit those trying to destroy
      the crystal and keep respawning all the time. Put some AOE on the crystal to grab aggro and run around.

    The Shipwrecked Spy
    • The crest to the cavern can be in three different spots (AFAIK). The first one is right after the shrine up the
      hill to the left (on the way to the door), behind bushes and near an archer. The second spot is in the spike
      pit, down the ladder. The third one is to the right of where you finish the quest, on a path going down.

    Level 19:
    A New Invasion
    • Most common way of running it is to always go left, if you hit a dead end, run back and take the next left turn.
      Keep doing that until you find the entrance to the next level.
    • The end fight works this way. When you fall down, you will be in a circular room with "tiles" all around it. Make
      sure that everyone down there stays on the same tile at all times. After staying a certain time (really not long)
      a portal will start appearing on the tile. When this happens, don't stay there, have everyone, no exceptions, move
      to the next one. If you stay on the portal, you will get cursed (cannot be healed with it) and you will take heavy
      damage from the burst. It's tedious, but it's simple really. Fight, move, fight, move, fight, etc.
    • When dropping down the last pit, make sure everyone removes feather fall so you all drop at the same time to the
    • Putting up parties when you are at the end of the quest asking for a FVS (or whatever else) to come solo the last
      fight just makes you look like a noob. Learn how to do it, and show others how to do it so this can stop already...

    Bastion of Power
    • At the end fight, against the devil, he will send you flying up everytime he loses 25% HP. You will notice platforms
      with tiles up there, there are 3 of them. If you can step on all 3, it kills the devil. (fly/abundant step from one
      to the other)
    • You can hit these 25% marks more than once if you leave a healer mob alive and let it heal the devil. (GotSomeQuestions)
    • Do not stay on these platform longer than necessary or you will get hit by Horrid Wilting which deal a lot of damage (300 reported by LadyAerys)

    Eye of the Titan
    • Let the Titan do its job. Running ahead might cause it to get stuck and make it impossible to finish the quest. Just
      stay behind and let it kill stuff.

    Genesis Point
    • Don't jump in the light in the maze, you will die.
    • After clearing all the rooms to the bottom, you must come back up and pull one of the main lever in the control rooms
      up top. Please be aware that the lever in the room you teleport back up to is one of the worst choice you can make.
      Please make sure you tell your group not to pull it when you get back up there (people like to pull every lever they
      see...). It opens up the Portals fight, which is a troublesome fight. The easiest one you can pick is the South lever,
      in the maze's control room. It leads to the Mephits fight, which is really really easy.

    Reclaiming Memories
    • The giant skeleton boss cannot hit cleric hirelings. (Found out when mine grabbed aggro because I made him spam heal
      spells on it)

    Level 20:
    The Dreaming Dark
    • Surely things to say here, but considering my TR habits I very rarely get to run it.
    Last edited by Ilindith; 06-20-2012 at 09:28 AM.

  4. #4


    Tempest's Spine
    • Follow the group, it's very easy to get lost if you are new in there. If you get left behind, don't wait 10
      minutes before saying it. It's much easier to find you if you stop moving and say it right away.
    • Why would you PULL ice? Are you that scared of going there? Either split the group, make them go fire and ice
      at the same time and kill them there or send whoever can handle it's really not that hard! They
      die just as easily in their room. Just have to call it when they die over voice chat and time both of them.
    • You will pick up 3 runes on the way. These are used at the end fight. There you have to solve a puzzle (have
      to bring the light to each urn around the puzzle) and then whoever has the runes much use the urns. When all
      of the runes are used on the urns Sor'jek will become vulnerable, until then he cannot be killed.
    • If you just learned how to fly in this quest, type /stuck when you land, you will be put back at the last fight
      and you can loot your chests

    The Vault of Night
    • The NPCs at the entrance give items, do not pick them unless you have been assigned to. The most important
      one is the Voice Haywire gives. It's annoying to ask 12 people "who picked it up??" when you get to the point
      where you need it and it turns out to be someone who doesn't know what to do with it...or doesn't even look
      cause they have no idea they picked it up.
    • In the west part, you fight a red named dwarf in black armor, he drops a Ring, don't pick it up unless you know
      what to do with it. It works with Haywire's Voice to activate things all over the quest. Both items need to be
      on the same person for it to work. So let whoever is assigned to have them pick it up. Or tell the group if you
      picked it up and find the person to trade it to them.
    • I thought of taking screenshots of the puzzle solution, but it would take too many and might be confusing to use
      them. So here's a nice picture from the DDO Wiki
      Puzzle solution
    • In the north part, if you have enough jump and haste, you can go up the left bridge and jump/feather fall around
      to the other side without having to wait for levers to be pulled. Personally at the first forcefield I jump right
      and at the second one I jump left. It also works on the right bridge (down one), the only difference is that you
      have to feather fall straight and grab the rocky ledge on the other side. On the way back it's easier because
      there are rocky steps in the lava.
    • North side you will need, else than the str/wis for the lever/rune
      On the left side: Unlocking skills (spell or rogue), Strength for a lever, the person with Voice/Ring.
      On the right side: Usually just enough people to pull the rune/lever and handle two iron golems.
      The wheels need to be turned four times each and then you can use the controls (person with voice/ring needs
      to do that).
    • If your jump skill is high enough, you can grab the bottom of the second ladder without having to go through
      the fight with the room that closes on you with the warforged guards. This bring you up to the lever to bring
      the ladder down for the rest of the group.
    • When you get to the last room, WAIT FOR EVERYONE TO GET THERE! If you talk to Arach the last fight will start
      and people that aren't inside will get locked out. It doesn't re-open after the fight is over. So if you start
      it early you just made it impossible for them to enter the next part (VoN6, the actual raid). Of course this
      just applies if you are planning to run the next part.
    • At the end fight...REMOVE ALL YOUR ELEMENTAL WEAPONS. That means frost, flaming, etc. Use a plain Club if you
      have to because elemental damage will greatly heal the Iron Golem. Also, the dogs have elemental breaths, so
      kill/keep them away from the Golem or he will get healed everytime they use it. For casters, Disentegrate works

    Plane of Night
    • Pillars must all drop within a certain time frame, not sure how long, but it's not complicated to do. Simply
      prep them and then take them down simultaneously. Do not drop them too far though, as they will start slowly
      losing HP by themselves at around 15% and they might drop before other groups are ready.
    • Wait for everyone before running to the center, or make sure you are all running together when you run from
      home base. Anyone left behind will get locked out of the main fight until it is finished. (Forcefield pops up)
    • Always look at Velah's nose when fighting. When fire/smoke starts comming out of it, she will be doing a fire
      breath soon after, it hurts a lot. People that know it will usually shout "inferno" at this point. That is your
      cue to run behind the rocks to avoid getting hit by it. She will sweep from right to left and then come back
      with it left to right. After that you can go back and beat on her.
    • Don't stand in the safe spot too long thinking you can heal up and stuff. She will start raining down comet falls
      on you, and I mean a lot of them.
    • Stick together when fighting Velah, stand in a pack in front of her nose, that's where healers will send mass
      cures. Don't want to miss them do you?
    • Do not range the dragon before someone is meleeing her. If you do, she will start to drop cometfalls and wipe the party fast. Also she could lock everyone out if you do it before the force field. (MsEricka)

    The Twilight Forge
    • On the green side, you can jump on the bridge's gear if they are down and jump/feather fall to the other side.
    • Never pick up a soul stone in the laser corridors. If you do they will start hitting you even if you have
      a crystal for that corridor.
    • Having a monk with abundant step or a FVS with wings saves trouble near the end of the quest. With them you
      can skip having to make bridges appear to pull the levers around the room. These guys can instead go to the
      corners and jump, fly and feather fall towards the other platforms and grab the ledge. Then they can pull
      the levers.
    • Don't be scared in the last room, blue tiles will pop, you won't fall down!
      Probably a lot more to say about this quest but I personally always end up on green side and that's
      all I ever do

    The Titan Awakes
    • Balance helps a lot in here.
    • Piking on a ladder is more important than you think.
    • Sneak when grabbing crystals if you don't want to fight.
    • When breaking a pillar...don't stand too close to it when it breaks and, even safer, move back when it does.
      If you stand too close, it might kill you when it hits the ground. (squashed toes = death in DDO apparently)
    • The Titan is invulnerable to any type of damage when its shield pops. Don't try hitting it.

    Zawabi's Revenge
    • Ranged damage is necessary for the first part of the fight.
    • You can hit Lailat a spell or two after you are done talking to her if you are fast enough. (Good for putting
      waves/DoTs on her before she teleports)
    • At 25% or so she "goes to war". At this point she is hasted, raged and is immune to level 4 or lower spells.
    • Her DR is cold iron + good.

    The Reaver's Fate
    • Shield + air elemental = butt on the floor
    • Almost anyone can tank the Stormreaver.
    • Do not kill the Stormreaver until all the orbs on the ceiling are spinning.
    • Tank, please STOP MOVING when people are trying to get a charge.
    • There is a special way to get almost infinite spell points in this raid. The Stormreaver shoots something
      that looks like a Ball Lightning spell once in a while. When it hits you it gives you a charge. In order they
      are: Minor Static Charge, Major Static Charge, Minor Electric Charge, Major Electric Charge. There is a 2min
      timer on it and it will go up to the next one everytime you get hit. What you are aiming for is the 3rd one,
      the Minor Electric Charge. Basicaly, go stand on top of the tank, or near the tank, until you get hit 3 times
      by the Ball Lightning thing. When you get to that point you will get 150SP every 6second for 2 minutes and you
      will also gain +50 or 60 to tumble and immunity to the air elemental's knockdown (Charged Tumble). That is what
      people call "getting a charge" in this raid. If you get up to the fourth level, you will still get SP, but you
      will lose the other buff. If you get hit a 5th time you will take a lot of electric damage and your charge will
      disappear. You can get another charge as many times as you want.
    • When you are flying, you must go west to pull the lever for the puzzle. East is where you can pull a lever to
      get the dead people out of the penalty box (rarely done). The entrance is in the center of the ceiling in the
      main room. There are a lot of spikes up there but they can be easily avoided.
    • You HAVE enough time to fly there and come back you dirty piker.

    • HOW TO SOLVE THE PUZZLE (without solver you dirty cheater):

      First you need to know how the thing works. The skulls at the bottom are what you will use for your
      attempts. Each time you turn a skull, it changes to the next color, until it comes back to blue. The
      lever to the left of the puzzle is there to test your current layout of the colors and see if it is
      correct or not. So each time you pull the lever, what you attempted will be added to the top left of
      the puzzle and you may or may not get Black and White light next to it.

      These lights are there to give you information about that specific attempt. A Black light means that one
      of the colors you entered is CORRECT and is IN THE RIGHT POSITION. A White light means that one of the
      colors you entered is CORRECT but is not in the right position. The position of the light has no relation
      to the positon of the colors (Example: A black light in the first sphere does not mean the first color
      you entered is correct. Didn't think it would be that easy did you ? )

      The colors of the puzzle are, in order, blue-green-orange-purple-red-yellow.

      This is the way I have learned how to solve it:
      First step (Finding the four colors of the solution and which one will be in the 4th position)
      • Set the skulls to blue-blue-blue and leave the last one blank. Pull
      • Repeat step one with the other colors OR until you have 4 white/black lights. Once you have
        4 accumulated lights (not 4 in one attempt) it means you have all the colors of the solution.
        You also do not need to go all the way to yellow. If you went up to red and you don't have 4
        lights, it means the remaining colors will be yellow.
      • This takes 5 attempts max.
      • Remember what the black and white lights mean? Wonder why you leave the last one blank all
        the time? This is to find the last color of the solution. If you get a white light on one
        attempt, it means one of the colors (which are all the same) is correct but not in the right
        spot. With the last one left blank, it means that the color that triggered the white light
        will be in the last unused spot.
      • Let's assume you had 2 black lights on blue, 1 white on orange and no other black light up to
        red. Which means the last black would be at yellow, remember? So your 4 colors are
        Unknown position: blue, blue, yellow
        Known 4th positon: Orange

      Second step (Finding the 1st position's color)
      • Even if we now know the 4th position, you want to leave that last skull blank still.
      • Change the 2nd and 3rd skull to a color that you know is not in the solution. In this case,
        red would work.
      • Test the first positon with each color that triggered a black light. In this case, blue and
        yellow. If you had more colors you would try more times. Again here, you do not have to try
        them all, because you can extrapolate the last color. (Ex: You only need to test 2 colors if
        you have 3 left total because if the first 2 are negative the last one will be positive)
      • Do this until you get a black light, which means that color is the 1st position. Why? Because
        the 2nd and 3rd colors cannot trigger anything, because they are not in the solution and the
        last one cannot either, because it is blank.
      • So with the colors we had, you would try blue. Blue gave you a white? Then that leaves yellow!
      • We now know that the 1st is yellow and the 4th is orange.

      Third and last step (feeling lucky punk?)
      • this situation you don't really have to be lucky because you have 2 blue left so the
        solution is Yellow-Blue-Blue-Orange yay! If you had two different colors though, well it's 50/50.
        For example if you would have had blue and green left it would have been either

      Since I suck at explaining things, let's do another one step by step as if you had to solve it to make
      sure you understand how this works
      Solution: Green-Red-Orange-Yellow (You won't have that in game, but this will help understanding)

      Step one
      • blue-blue-blue-blank (0 white/0 black)
      • green-green-green-blank (0 white/1 black) Found one of the colors of the solution
      • orange-orange-orange-blank (0 white/1 black) Found another color of the solution
      • purple-purple-purple-blank (0 white/0 black)
      • red-red-red-blank (0 white/1 black) Found another color of the solution
        We only have 3 blacks and we are up to red, which means we will have a yellow and that it
        would have triggered a white light. That means yellow will be the 4th position of the solution.

      Step two
      • green-purple-purple-blank. Because green was the first found color of the solution and that
        purple isn't in the solution. (0 white/1 black) We found that green is the 1st position.

      Step three
      • Green-Orange-Red-Yellow. (2 white/2 black) Ah it's the other way around then!
      • Green-Red-Orange-Yellow. (4 black) Solved in 8 attempts!

      This method will always solve the puzzle in less than 10 attempts, so if you do it correctly, you cannot
      fail because you don't have enough attempts.

      You can practice with this trainer to get better!
      Puzzle training

    The Ascenscion Chamber
    • Don't go farther than the end of the bridge at the beginning of the quest until everyone is ready.
    • Abbot is undead, cast your mass heals on him.
    • Remove feather fall, it helps to not fly into the water when he uses telekenisis.
    • If you touch water anywhere in this raid, you die and your soul stone will sink to the bottom.
    • Three dimension doors pop, if you were not given any specific role, to most groups that usually means they
      want you to enter the "roids" one and when you get inside use the /sleep command.
    • The reason you /sleep is to help those actually doing roids to target and shoot the asteroids easier. It is
      annoying if you are in the line of sight.
    • When people call "inferno", rush to the north side and wait for an ice platform to be created and then jump
      on it. I know you are stressed, but wait until there is one, it is much better to die on the platform than
      to die in water because you jumped too soon thinking it would be there.
    • If you start taking damage from the inferno, stay on the main platform and die there. Even if you jump on an
      ice platform, you will keep taking damage anyway. Dying on the ice is a bad thing, because when it's gone your
      stone will end up at the bottom of the water. From there you are pretty much lost and useless until the end of
      the raid.
    • The firewalls people want you to put everywhere are not there to look pretty, when the Abbot calls "what you
      can't see" invisible quells and wheeps spawn and hit you. Having those firewalls grabs their aggro and kills them.
    • When people get encased, shoot the rocks you got from roids at them, 3 shots will break them out of it.

      Fairly simple, anyone can do it. When you first zone it there are rocks you can pick up on the four
      corners. Pick one stack and equip them. You can press alt-z to remove the UI to help you shoot. What you
      want to do is have people stay in the four corners where those rocks are picked up. Have them face towards
      the inside of the platform looking at the guy opposite of you. That is the area you have to cover, what
      appears behind the person in front of you, and to the sides. It is very easy to do. It is easier with
      four, but it can be done with two or three.

      Usual tactic is to send a cleric with Divine Intervention or a dark monk with water strider dance. That
      is because anyone affected by Divine Intervention will not die by swimming in the water and monks will
      not die if they used the dance to walk on it.
      You can shoot the first sarcophagus if you stand to the right of the platform you appear on when you
      enter. Second one can be shot from the end platform.
      If you do not have those available, you will have to do it "legit". Pick up a wand and drag it to your bar
      (you cannot use it like a real wand with the attack button, it has to be on a bar). Then all you have to
      do is create platforms and work your way across. This must be done by two persons each carrying a wand
      because the timer is too long on the wand to do it alone. Blocks disappear by the time you can use it
      again. Don't create blocks too far, know how far you and your partner can jump and try to create the
      blocks at that distance. Try to make them between the traps too.

      It's really not as bad as you think. I will only explain the legit method of doing it. Basicaly, you
      will end up on one side and someone else on the other side. There is a big gap you have to cross and
      same thing on the other side. You do this by picking up "goggles" that show you invisible tiles on
      the opposite side and you have to guide the other person across (they cannot see the tiles). A normal
      colored tile will disappear after some time. When it turns red it is about to vanish. A blue tile is
      permanent, it will never vanish. Each tile has a set timer and will always appear/disappear after the
      same amount of time. There are four different rows, usually you want to pick the one with the most
      blue tiles to make your life easier. But you also want to look at the normal tiles and look at their
      pattern for some time (having one with 3 tiles in a row that vanish at the same time is bad for moving
      across them). After you have identified the row that seems the easiest to maneuver this is where the
      fun part begins. This is called the "mirror" way. What you want to do is face each other and you follow
      each other (mirror) as you move across. Since you can see the tiles with the goggles, you move when there
      is one, you stop when there is none. The job of the other person is to follow your movements. If you
      have to stop moving because the next tile isn't there yet, please try to stop in the middle of the current
      tile. Reflexes aren't instantaneous and the other person will like keep moving a little after you stop
      moving yourself. Stopping in the center, or before, is much safer and they have less chance of moving
      too far and dropping. Also, when you get to a blue tile, try to reposition the person on the tile to
      center them on it. It is not uncommon to drift to the front or the back while strafing. That is due to
      the initial positionning of the person you are guiding. It is hard to determine if you are running in
      a straight line from the short piece of ground available at the start. So just re-position them and
      keep going. (move back a bit, move forward a bit, etc.)
    • Enjoy your gimp loot, Abbot likes to keep his raid loot

    The Shroud
    • First part:
      • You don't need GH to hit a portal...stop asking me.
      • If a Portal Keeper pops, your top priority is to kill it fast.

    • Second part:
      • Pull bosses, prep them and then pull them apart to kill them.
      • Have someone stay near crystal to destroy it quick then the shield goes down.
      • The Fire Elemental and the cat are very quick to run back to the crystal room. Make sure you don't
        kill them too long before the others.

    • Third part:
      • Run water, you dirty piker.
      • If you cannot solve your puzzle, call out your general position on the map and what type of puzzle
        you are in (Ex: North 5x5). This helps the group find you.
      • If you break a crystal on top of the entrances (except South Central ones) you gimp the group of two
      • 4x4 puzzles are the easiest to solve. Basicaly, light up the first row using the second row, light up
        the second row using the third, light up the third using the fourth, solved everytime.

    • Fourth part
      • Unless the healers say they cannot handle it...stay inside when the blades close in. If you are going
        to die, then just die. It's better than having you pull out of the fight and it turns out you were the
        anchor for mass heals and EVERYONE else dies because of it.

    • Fifth part
      • You can regain SP in the pools. Move in and out of them to regain SP faster.

    • Run it over 9000 times to get all the greensteel you want and cleanse it u_u

    A Vision of Destruction
    • Carry Remove Curse potions.
    • Get off of sully and help kill trash when it spawns.
    • Do not hit sully if he is not in the corner.
    • Do not hit sully if the tank lost aggro and is trying to get it back.
    • Make sure to cast grease on the party if you did not remove traps and you are hiding in the corner.
    • Take turns on healing if you have more than one healer. It is amazing how much SP healers can waste in this raid.

    Hound of Xoriat
    • Do not move when you enter the quest. I know I know, you don't like to be on top of everyone else, well get over it.
    • Anyone can charm, it doesn't HAVE to be the bard. The bard is just the usual choice because they can buff the dogs.
    • If you get a dog's aggro. Ask the group in the center if they need one more if if you can kill it. If they need it
      pull it to the tank.
    • Mind Flayers drop control stones on the ground when they die, don't touch them unless you are assigned to pick them.
    • Stop and kill mobs when you run around on the outside.
    • Don't pull trash to the center. Things are already complicated enough there.
    • Beholders = kill as soon as possible. Their anti-magic will remove the charm effect on the dogs, that is a bad thing.
    • You don't need a tank with intimidate, you can tank the with a solid fog clicky. Big dog will aggro you when she
      steps into the fog.
    • The dogs will not move until you step through the archway leading to the center. So if you tank with solid fogs you
      can move up without entering and place your fog as far as you can in the center and then move in.

    Tower of Despair
    • First part:
      • Horned Devil (Judge) has the same cursed wound effect as Suulomades, carry Remove Curse pots.
      • If you die, you cannot be raised, you end up in the penalty box, so don't risk it.

    • Second part:
      • Shadows deal a lot of cold damage, resist cold/protect/fire shield red/greensteel resists can make your
        kiting job less dangerous.

    • Third part
      • If you are anywhere close to Horoth, make sure you have your Boots of Anchoring on. You can remove them
        just after he uses Blasphemy to rebuff haste or madstone as it goes on timer and he cannot use it again
        right away.
      • If you are a light monk, keep Grasp the Earth Dragon at all times on the Horoth tank healers.

    • I rarely get to run this raid as I usually hit 20 and TR before running much Amrath quests, there is
      surely a lot more to say about this raid.
    Last edited by Ilindith; 07-21-2011 at 09:05 PM.

  5. #5


    Oh god...I have some major editing to do, it looks ugly. Transfer from notepad didn't go well /sigh

  6. #6
    Community Member Morosy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Excellent info! Still looking through it but a lot of those in there are very helpful to know before going into a quest. That looks like an extremely long amount of time you put into it.

    Thank you for this and +1

    (Rep to come later :P can't right now)
    Last edited by Morosy; 07-15-2011 at 07:14 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Kourier's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Very nice - can I nitpick with your first post?

    Iron golems are healed by fire.
    Ochre jellies split when hit by electricity.
    Demons and devils only have dr/good unless they are more powerful varieties.
    Tharaak hounds are chaotic aligned and have dr/law.

    Eladrin Ghaele may also require cold iron as well as evil to bypass DR.
    Vampires only have DR/silver, I think.
    Liches have DR/Blunt + Magic.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Kourier View Post
    Very nice - can I nitpick with your first post?

    Iron golems are healed by fire.
    Ochre jellies split when hit by electricity.
    Demons and devils only have dr/good unless they are more powerful varieties.
    Tharaak hounds are chaotic aligned and have dr/law.

    Eladrin Ghaele may also require cold iron as well as evil to bypass DR.
    Vampires only have DR/silver, I think.
    Liches have DR/Blunt + Magic.
    Thanks! Couple things I simply forgot like demons/devils and eladrins hehe. I will verify the rest and add all that

  9. #9
    Community Member Dispel's Avatar
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    The Wayward Lobster gives no XP.

  10. #10
    Bray The Great Whale SEMPER's Avatar
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    +1 sir !!!
    (Do not hit oozes with slashing/piercing weapons, they will separate into more oozes. These are weaker, yes, butit creates more source of damage to you.)

    i believe this is only slimes and jellies but I would have to retest this again to be sure just going off of memory
    Proud Officer of ROVING GUNS

  11. #11
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    I didnt read through much of it yet, but if I may make one tiny suggestion. The first post (not post 1 but the first post of the actual guide thingie) is kinda a wall of text. The rest is broken up better. Anyway you can break the first one up into sections of some type. I didnt read it at all just noticed the wall

    Im sure there is a lot of solid info in there just not in the mood to read most of it
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  12. #12
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    +1 a bit ahead of time under the assumption that you will clean that mess up a bit to be a bit easier to digest.

    Also - Hezrou have DR/Cold Iron + Good. Or, at least the one in Wrath of the Flame does. And it's not named. But, you've got the basic principles of DR there, so that's good.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    I didnt read through much of it yet, but if I may make one tiny suggestion. The first post (not post 1 but the first post of the actual guide thingie) is kinda a wall of text. The rest is broken up better. Anyway you can break the first one up into sections of some type. I didnt read it at all just noticed the wall

    Im sure there is a lot of solid info in there just not in the mood to read most of it
    Aye I know there is a lot of editing to make it prettier and easier to read. Currently working on it.
    It looked great when I pasted it from notepad, but it all got lost when I clicked "post" /cry

  14. #14


    All edited, looks much better now!

  15. #15
    Community Member LoveNeverFails's Avatar
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    your awesome. +1

    You also have too much time on your hands. +1

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by LoveNeverFails View Post
    [...]You also have too much time on your hands[...]
    Indeed, I do.

  17. #17
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Okay it's late so will have to read it in detail later. Just few things, I thought you would put this under user guide forum section, not sarlona server...seems more appropriate. Also think some of your links are not working, especially where you say in red text screenshot.

    And of course +1 for your hard work. Now get back to the grind and catch up!!!

    (Reserved for future comments).
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
    @>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@

  18. #18


    Eh well, figured I play here so...posted it here <.<
    All the underlined ones should be working, at higher level quests I have not taken them but left a note indicating that one is needed.
    I should probably change the color of normal links to avoid confusion. I will do that tomorrow.
    Last edited by Ilindith; 07-16-2011 at 12:46 AM.

  19. #19
    Community Member Munesai's Avatar
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    I think this should get sticky'd

  20. #20
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munesai View Post
    I think this should get sticky'd
    signed, +!

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