Since it's a common thing to start threads hating on random things that don't even make sense hating/changing and could actually be offensive to some people or misunderstood by others, I'll do my own.

/rant on
I'm sick of seeing posts related to crafting. It's every-freaking-where, in the forums all I see is posts related to crafting. Wanna read a new exciting build? CRAFTING. Wanna know how to run a certain new dungeon or raid? CRAFTING. Wanna read a funny story either personal or in-game? CRAFTING. Wanna see rants from people? CRAFTING.

And for the record, I do not disagree with the crafting thing, I just think people make to much of a big deal out of it (kinda like PvP for some), I just wanna kill kobolds, pull levers and jump ledges, kinda like Tomb Raider, I don't wanna spend hours crafting ****.

/rant off

Thank you.