Last edited by Zeruell; 07-15-2011 at 05:13 PM.
They only ever show one reason for why your damage is reduced.
For DR that requires two types: Vs. Harry, you would see "DR/Good" if you were doing normal damage or Silver-only damage. You would see "DR/Silver" if you were doing Good-only damage.
For DR that requires only one of a few types: Vs. Succubi, you did see "DR/Good" when doing normal damage. You won't ever see "DR/Cold-Iron", just no DR at all when using non-Good Cold-Iron, Good non-Gold-Iron, or Good Cold-Iron damage (if they have DR/Good OR Cold-Iron).
Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)
Roger that.
All right, I'm back from my little trip into the real world - I'll get down, dirty, and digital, and go play with some Succubi with Axiomatic, Cold Iron, and Chaotic Outsider Bane weaps. Expect a thread and OP update when I'm done encoding/updating/etc.
OP Updated - final determinations posted. Give the new "Wrath of the Flame" video a second - it's still processing, so it's quality is currently not so great.
Video fully processed. Also updated the Monster DR and Weakness page to accurately reflect creature type, alignment, DR properies, etc.
Also, noticed Eladrin was a ? for Cold Iron *or* Evil - I've independently confirmed that. Added Ghaele to the table, since they're from the same quest, but have a slightly different DR (Cold Iron *and* Evil)
Last edited by TheDearLeader; 07-15-2011 at 07:29 PM.
My results confirm OP.
In The Weapons Shipment:
Absolute Law effect on Enduring Conviction weapon shows 'Immune', so the Succubus must be Lawful.
Enduring Conviction's damage is typed 'Slash, Good, Lawful, Magic' and DOES bypass DR.
+2 Silver Returning Throwing Dagger's damage is typed 'Pierce, Silver, Magic' and does NOT bypass DR.
+2 Cold Iron Returning Throwing Axe's damage is typed 'Slash, Cold Iron, Magic' and DOES bypass DR.
Result: The Succubus in Weapons Shipment is Lawful and has DR/Good OR Cold Iron.
Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)