After hearing a lot of negative response from this idea, I say, yes.
To everyone that said no, you realize that Turbine already gave you +4 tomes(basically) when they added boat buffs to their store bought +2 tomes. What do you think Gary Gygax(or any DM) would say if he heard you tell him you needed boat buffs?
As far as past lives, I am just saying reduce the repetetiveness... not really sell the feat.
Why just +4 tomes? Think of the money they could make selling +5 tomes. Only available in the DDO store, you could really charge a premium price. That would pay for a lot of work on new content.
Oh, how about this? To buy a +2 tome, you have to have used a +1 tome. To buy a +3 tome, you have to have used a +2 tome. And so on... It would be like printing money! Then players could really support the game and ensure it stays around for a long, long time.
/big not signed
Pay 2 win will lead to the servers being shut down if it keeps on pushing it's way further into the game. A game stops being fun when you just pay for everything instead of playing it.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
I think selling +4 tomes in the DDO store is a bad idea. I remember when +2 tomes, 32-point builds, and other similar things were being considered for addition to the store. There was a LOT of griping about easy buttons, blahblahblah. But the ONE thing that EVERYONE seemed to agree on: keep raid loot out of the store.
As far as I know (outside of events like festivult), +3 and +4 stat tomes can only drop from raids. Thus, they constitute "raid loot." Unlike account upgrades or even +2 tomes, there is a direct parallel between +3/4 tomes and, say, a Sword of Shadows or other highly desired raid items. Any distinction made between +3/4 tomes and other raid-specific items seems like it would be very weak or seemingly arbitrary, in which case one could argue: why not put those items in the store?
Putting +3 or +4 tomes in the DDO store puts the game one step closer to "pay-to-win." Anyone who claims that a +4 tome will only get you +1 to damage, or spell DCs, or +20 hit points is being disingenuous. The limitations on tomes require people to make certain sacrifices when building their character.
TL;DR /not signed. Complaints about pay-to-win and selling raid loot.
Please no. Pay to win is a quick path to a dead game.
Can we also have completionist tokens,max favor tokens and make all mobs CR 1 tokens. Pfft why bother playing the game,just win it and move on.
I'm trying to think of some reasonable price points:
$ 10 +1 tome, $ 50 superior
$ 30 +2 tome, $150 superior
$ 60 +3 tome, $300 superior
$100 +4 tome, $500 superior
$150 +5 tome, $750 superior
Basically you'd price it so high that only a few would do it. People would actually feel bad for people that spent that much on the game. I mean, $750 is the same contribution as someone that's been VIP for over 4 years, but they would be dropping it on one character in a few seconds. If 100 people buy superior +5's a month, it's almost $1kk per year for minimal development effort.
not for the selling of higher + tomes.
maybe i could see higher % xp pots for TR's, but that's about as far as I'd go.....
Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
Olen Anteres
Murderthumbs McGillicutty - 20 Light Monk -+- Traumaturge - 20 Water Savant -+- Targetov Opportunity - 20 Defender of Siberys
Are you bored enough to waste scales on a Min II Shuriken? Try this!