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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Half-Orc Kensai figther 32pts

    Hi all,
    I plan to do a greater ressurection on my first character a half orc pure figther lvl 14 before i do so I'd like to know whats the most optimal DPS build for an horc? Right now I'm THF i'm open to switching to TWF if it's more optimal. Please keep in mind it's my first toon so my gear is mediocre, i do have a +2 strength tome and +1 dex, con and int.

    For a THF I'm thinking of using this:
    -Andre the Giant - THF Dwarf/Half Orc (20 Fighter) :

    As for TWF i have not found a horc build yet...

    On a side note as a level 14 what should i start farming for nice gear?

    thank you for your input!

  2. #2
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    The optimal single-target DPS build is TWF. The Andre is more of a tactics/versatility build than max DPS, but if you like it it's pretty easy to switch to TWF: crank Dex up to 15 (will need to grab a +2 tome eventually), take Khopesh, and take TWF instead of THF feats.

    The main quest you need to farm is the Shroud, a level 17 raid. It is very frequently run with level 20s, so if you don't want to take an exp hit you'll want to wait until you're level 17 yourself. If you go THF, you need to farm epic Vault of Night to get the ingredients for the epic Sword of Shadows and epic Devil's Assault for the DR-bypassing crystals. These are all level 20 quests, but you can get the base Sword of Shadows item from regular VoN 6, and it's a pretty nice weapon in its own right. You could also start farming Reaver's Fate for Madstone Boots, ADQ for Marilith Chain, and the desert for The Blood Stone, though none of these are anywhere near as important as the above and you can just purchase a The Blood Stone. You could also start farming up sigil pieces for the Abbot raid, by the time you get them he'll probably be up to 600k HP.

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