Clearly the answer to your problem is to TR and roll up a ranger, because everybody is a gimp compared to them.
Geez, when are the devs finally going to nerf those overpowered little elves?
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Last edited by mournbladereigns; 07-22-2011 at 01:49 PM.
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I'll make this short.
Neither did the OP or I myself mention anything about furthering pvp, we're talking about current pvp events which makes half your post invalid. You may ask why wouldn't a pvp supporter ask for this? Because I know what type of game DDO is and the last thing the developers would do is spend time and money on on pvp.
I'm sorry you fail to see the comparison I made, you have to look at the bigger picture. I don't think I know of a mainstream MMO that doesn't have some form of pvp. They may not want to further it which I can fully understand but there is a reason they implemented the system to begin with. I hope you can see the connection.
DDO developers will never spend extra resources on furthering pvp and I came to terms with this long ago but that doesn't mean i'll ditch going into the taverns every now then.
Finally, I wasn't discouraging anyone from trying out pvp, my post was aimed towards the people who continually bash pvp if you didn't notice..
Last edited by R3lentless; 07-22-2011 at 02:18 PM.
someone tell me why icy prison is ineffective on rangers. anyone, anyone at all?
seriously, try playing a few other classes so you get a feel of there strengths/weaknesses.
air savant is extremely powerful for both pvp and pve content, i wouldn't recommend any other savant over it.
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Sure. Have you looked at the weather? It is too dang hot out there for it to be effective!
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Just my thoughts on PvP. I happen to like pvp alot, and i go to pvp very often to test dps on my barbarian, but i love questing as well, people need to learn to accept pvp is part of the game.
AND i do not think it is unbalanced at all.
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[QUOTE=ARIES;3950225]Just my thoughts on PvP. I happen to like pvp alot, and i go to pvp very often to test dps on my barbarian, but i love questing as well, people need to learn to accept pvp is part of the game.
AND i do not think it is unbalanced at all.[/QUOTE
ROFLCOPTER what game are you playing? Because it sure is not ddo pvp.