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Most of the easy epics, like Big Top, Bargain of Blood, Snitch, Black Loch, Partycrashers, VoN1, and The Tide Turns will not require Mnemonics. If you do, there is more a problem with the group or a problem with overhealing than anything else.
For those quests, all you really need is enough HP to survive a Disintegrate (which can hit for upwards of 420 damage in VoN1 and Big Top), Heavy Fortification, and whatever equipment you have to boost up your healing. I like having a Superior Potency 6 item, the Amrath Ardor 8 clickies (there are two, I carry both but you just really need one), and carry a stack of Heal Scrolls to stretch your SP further.
Once you're more familiar with the content, you will know just how much you can let a person get down before you'll need to toss them a heal. If there are enemy casters around, it's generally a good idea to keep everyone full.
Make sure you turn Quicken off for buffing, and put it back on during the fights. You can't afford to get a concentration failure (which will just waste SP for no effect) in many of the fights. You usually will not need Empower Healing on for most epic content.
In addition, once you get some experience, you'll know when you can toss some offensive spells of your own, and when you need to conserve and use scrolls and your aura as your primary sources of healing.
Since you took some initial starting strength, it'll be useful, once the trash is under control, to toss in some melee damage. Dreamspitter or Rahl's Might are both good for pure clerics, and help out the party. Melee'ing in the group with your RS Aura active (turn Empower Healing on before you activate it) will greatly help reduce your healing costs. The RS Bursts also help when everyone's grouped up and you take a big spike in damage.
I would recommend avoiding Offering of Blood, Chain of Flames, ADQ1, VoN3, 4, and 5, Devil's Assault, and Spies in the House until you have a lot more experience. These are all among the most difficult of epics to get into.
The intermediate ones, VoN6, VoN2, Small Problem, Wizard King, ADQ2, and Chronoscope you can join in once you get a bit more experience with the easy ones.