There has been a lot of debate recently over the positions of melee v. caster in endgame material. Many claim that casters are too overpowered, and at the moment, they are not entirely wrong.*
I believe (I may be misinterpreting this) that the main scenarios that people are complaining about are:
A) Boss fights, and
B) Epic trash.*
Non-epic trash is still mostly trivial, and so I have heard no complaints about casters being OP against it.*
Lets talk about B first.*
The main problem against epic trash is that with the removal of blanket immunities, any caster with a maxxed necro DC (Necro AMs or PMs) or any healer with a maxxed evocation DC will breeze through the normally challenging epic content by insta-killing everything with AoE death spells. Single target death spells are not a problem, since they are not nearly as sp-efficient and have not-insignificant cooldowns themselves. This leaves anyone playing a melee (or a non-max DC caster) feeling useless.*
(There has also been some debate about casters soloing epics, which will also be addressed shortly).*
Most answers people have given to this problem is to either nerf the DCs or buff epic saves, which is met with an outcry by everyone without maxxed DCs. Just because it is easy for some doesn't mean things should be made impossible for them.*
My solution would be to leave saves, DCs, etc. alone and instead change the rules of epics to anything killed by an AoE death spell cannot drop a scroll. This would make it so that groups could choose if they would rather have an easier fight (good in less powerful groups) or a harder fight with a much greater reward (good for guild groups/competent PUGs).*
No one gets nerfed, and the caster gets to decide whether or not he wants to kill everything fast or take the more rewarding route. It also means that DDO will stop letting casters solo scroll farm with little to no difficulty, since the usual method of kite/wail/circle won't drop any scrolls.*
To address the imbalance between casters and melees against bosses, my idea is relatively simple: give all bosses 10% more health and give some class (hopefully, one of the classes that is currently incredibly undervalued) the ability to render a single target 10% more vulnerable to all physical damage. No magic damage would be buffed, and melees would have a boost when fighting against bosses (possibly enough to make all-caster groups less viable than a group with an even spread).
For which class to give the debuff, I was thinking one of the classes that are considered "non-uber," to encourage group diversity. For me, the least appreciated classes right now are ranger, rogue, and bard (basically, the specialists, since DDO seems to loathe the "jack-of-all-trades" type). Bard can be crossed out, since warchanters already get an ability exactly like this (+10% doublestrike song).*
Rogue could fit well into one of their bonus feats (Rend Enemy: on a vorpal hit that is also a sneak attack, a rogue will strike in such a way that a large and obvious area on the enemy is left significantly more vulnerable, allowing any further physical attacks to do +10% more damage).*
Ranger could have it be a secondary capstone, or an addition to their current one, since the current one sucks pretty badly (Superior Favored Enemy: Whenever a ranger rolls a confirmed critical against a creature that he has selected as a favored enemy, the ranger's incredible knowledge about his foe allows him to not only get an exceptionally damaging attack in but also to weaken the surrounding area, making his foe 10% more vulnerable to physical damage).
Logic wise, the answer to "Why does _____ work?" can be answered for both questions.*
Unlike single target death effects, AoE death spells aren't targetting an enemy, they are targetting an area, including any valuable objects the intended target(s) might be carrying. The power of such compressed negative energy is enough to completely disjoin an epic scroll from the potent magic it caries, leaving a useless scrap of parchment.*
The ability to weaken a foe to further attacks is essentially the ability to not only strike at vulnerable targets, but to then tear the surrounding area, leaving the entire section much more exposed. This ability is granted to those who know a lot about striking vulnerable spots on their enemies (rogues) or know a lot about their enemies in general (rangers).*
Short Version: Make AoE death spells destroy any chance of getting a scroll in epics, making it harder for casters to solo-farm and to give non-instadeath specced characters purpose when fighting epic trash. Give all red/purple named mobs 10% more health, and give either ranger or rogue the ability to make their enemies 10% more vulnerable to phyiscal damage, effectively balancing out the extra health just for melees and giving non-casters a boost DPS wise against bosses.*