A friend told me post was up and mentioned me.

Happy to help people out with crafted shards. I plan on maintain high levels in all fields even if patch dooms many recipes. I have done all my advancement without major guild support sinking at least 6 mil into it. Other high level crafters have had similar expenses. Due to the costs to get to these levels, extra charges occur. I try to keep mine as fair as possible. Personally, I would rather trade essenses for made shards then plat, but plat and scales and stones are an obvious alternative.

These charges also include the hours/days/weeks spent in the crafting hall. Crafting shards, checking recipes, sundering greater essense, crafting wasted shards to deconstruct (sometimes at a 80% loss of essense). Meanwhile, others are leveling and getting things like pp, essense and LDS.

I cheer the people who have not been broken at crafting levels 30s, 40s, 50, and on up. I also deeply appreciate the assistance of my friends who have tossed me spare essense and invited me on raids (11 manning them while I craft just so I have someone to talk to as my brain melts in front of the crafter).

Please consider these things when you purchase shards, and if you need some made, contact me either in game or leave me in game mail. I am sure we can work out a deal thats good for both of us.

~ Nimsie