I just wonder... is it the practice for turbine now, when developing new content, to just 'push it though' and 'IF' there's no HUGE negative reaction, let said content go live?

It seems to me that a lot of 'low quality' decisions have been made in the last year by turbine, every one seemingly a 'frantic grab' for new cash, with little(if any) thought put toward the product's long term vision. The offerwall is one of those examples (QUICK lets sell our clients emails) and this new crafting fiasco(Which, logically, you reverted) and now this 'new' new crafting fiasco (Lets require max possible favor grind to craft. YAY more monies for those packs nobody wants)

Do you not remember the promise (God help me, I wish I could find and link it) where you guys said something to the effect of 'Crafting will give our more casual players, those who do not have time to raid, or run some of the longer quests, an alternative to greensteels and raid gear!'

I do understand you need to make money, but it seems each update in the past(Even the 'new free' packs) were just attempts to 'SELL' more **** from the ddo store. I do get that you need to keep the bucks flowing, but do u have to be so obvious? Is Turbine really in such danger of going belly up that you need to do this?

Wouldn't it be better for you, and us, if you provided more 'options' to change our 'look' and sold that(and many would buy, look how many bought the crappy armor kits u made) or is your development team so thinned out?

All I ask, turbine, is please TALK to your players and get feed back and LISTEN to that feedback before u push content though. Its nice that in this case u did, But it seems to me u do it reverse. (AKA Push content though and hope we dont' hate on it too much, if not, u think 'we does good works' and let it go live)