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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Healing Amp on a WF Monk

    Last night I tried my hand at using the formula presented in The Wiki's Page on Healing Amp, and came up with the following numbers for a pure class level 7 Warforged Monk:

    No Healer's Friend, Monk Amp II
    (0.5 base)
    x 1.2 Monk Amp 2 = 0.6
    x 1.1 Blood Docent = 0.66
    x 1.25 Jidz Bracers = 0.825

    Healer's Friend II no Monk Amp
    (0.5 base + 0.2 Healer's Friend I = 0.7)
    x 1.1 Blood Docent = 0.77
    x 1.25 Jidz Bracers = 0.9625

    Healer's Friend I + Monk Amp I
    (0.5 base + 0.15 Healer's Friend I = 0.65)
    x 1.1 Monk Amp I = 0.715
    x 1.1 Blood Docent = 0.7865
    x 1.25 Jidz Bracers = 0.983125

    Healer's Friend II, Monk Amp I
    (0.5 base + 0.2 Healer's Friend II = 0.7)
    x 1.1 Monk Amp I = 0.77
    x 1.1 Blood Docent = 0.847
    x 1.25 Jidz Bracers = 1.05875

    Healer's Friend I, Monk Amp II
    (0.5 base + 0.15 Healer's Friend I = 0.65)
    x 1.2 Monk Amp I = 0.78
    x 1.1 Blood Docent = 0.858
    x 1.25 Jidz Bracers = 1.0725

    Healers Friend II, Monk Amp II
    (0.5 base + 0.2 Healer's Friend I = 0.7)
    x 1.2 Monk Amp I = 0.84
    x 1.1 Blood Docent = 0.924
    x 1.25 Jidz Bracers = 1.155

    Are these calculations correct? I asked a multiple-TR WF Monk in game and he told me that WF Healer's Friend and Monk Healing Amp do not stack, and thus recommended that I only take the first tier of Healer's Friend. But he also assumed that I would be relying on a Divine caster with the Heal spell and stated (regarding DPS calculators) that there's no ranged/magic DPS in the game...and I have since found a few posts stating that they do stack.

    These are my reference links:
    The Wiki's Page on Healing Amp

    I am also interested in whether Paladin Hunter of the Dead amp stacks with Monk enhancements, whether Paladin past life amp is additive or multiplicative, and if there is any set order in calculations (I would assume that all additive bonuses are figured before multiplicative ones)

    EDIT: Providing censored screenie as I don't want to take the person's statements out of context:
    Last edited by JollySwagMan; 07-12-2011 at 03:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Your warforged healing base (0.50 base, 0.65 HF1, 0.70 HF2, 0.75 HF3) is multiplied by any healing amp that you have. I wouldn't count on a blood docent though longterm as there are better docent options available. I'd probably go with HF 1 and Monk Amp II. HF 2 to take you from a base of 0.65 to 0.70 for 4ap's doesn't seem like a good value. Ignoring Jidz or anything other than HF1 and MonkII gives you 0.78. A ship buff + Jidz OR the epic claw set would get you over 1.

  3. #3
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    The guy you were talking to contradicts himself.

    It *does* work together - and every healer will love you for it.

    (HF 3 is waaay to expensive though imho, 2 is as well but maybe you can fit it in)

  4. #4
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    It does stack with pally HoTD and everything else, they all stack multiplicatively (except for the finger necklace, which does stack - just in a differnt way)

    The Healers Friend enhancements adds to your base before any amp is multiplied:

    0.50 + 0.15 (HF1) = 0.65 (base healing before healing amp)

    And goes all the way up to 0.75 via enhancements. Your calcs in the OP are correct. (check by getting a cleric/pally to use the soverigen host heal on you, or use a heal scroll on you. these are static amounts & only modified by the amount of amp you have. Sov host heals for 1001, heal scroll for 110)
    Last edited by voxson5; 08-07-2011 at 09:10 AM.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Yes, they stack.

    I wouldn't recommend more than 1 teir of healers friend however.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    As stated: they do stack, with healer's friend 3 becoming critical if you want truly good heal amp for main tanking. Im going to go against other people's recommendations here and say healer's friend 2 is a must and 3 is considerably better if you want to main tank raids such as tod and lob.

    Paladin PLs and HoTD do stack multiplicitively.

    W/ healer's friend 3 (.75 base) * jidz, claw and 10/20% heal amp (2.145 from gear) * 3 monk enh (1.3) * 3 paladin PLs (1.158) * ship buff (1.1) = 266% heal amp on a pure monk, 248 with healers friend 2 instead of 3. so 18%. But generally speaking if your going to tank those raids your most likely NOT a fire stance monk and instead in earth stance (with e.claw/litany or charged strike trinket instead of jidz/gem)which puts you at 1.716 from gear, so 213% w/ healer's friend 3 or 199% w. healer's friend 2.
    Last edited by jeremyt; 01-11-2012 at 11:56 AM.
    Reckter 91PLs, Anhilliation 36PLs. Rekter 17 PLs. Vikzor 9PLs. Veisha 7PLs. Rekinja 4PLs. Rekalidin 4PLs. Minirek 3PLs. Artirek 3PLs. 175 total past lives gained, 1 XP stone used (the free one)

  7. #7
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Ahhh the advice channel.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  8. #8
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    It is relatively easy to see whether a given rank of a given enhancement is worth it. Healer's Friend 1 takes your base from .5 to .65, and everything else is multiplied, therefore your increase over whatever you would have had anyway is .65/.5 = 130% for 2 AP, or 15% per AP.
    HF 2: .65 -> .7, .7 / .65 = 107.7%, or 1.9% per AP.
    HF 3: 1.2% per AP
    Monk IR 1: 1 -> 1.1, 1.1 / 1 = 110%, 5% per AP.
    MIR 2: 2.3% per AP
    MIR 3: 1.4% per AP

    You get the most bang for your buck going HF 1, MIR 1-2, HF 2, MIR 3, HF 3 as AP allow.


    With all that said, it is true that divines' party healing will dramatically overheal most monks at end game. The trick is being human/helf and light side and getting enough healing amp to get to the next integer steps returned from Healing Curse and Vampirisms. Combined with monk attack speed it is astonishingly effective self-healing.

  9. #9
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    warforged base: 50%
    healers friend I: +15% base
    healers friend II: +5% to healers friend I (20% total)
    healers friend III: +5% to healers friend I and healers friend II (25% total)
    Monk improved recovery I: +10% amplifying heal amp
    Monk improved recovery II: +10% to Monk improved recovery I (20% total)
    Monk improved recovery III: +10% Monk improved recovery I and Monk improved recovery II (30% total)
    10% healing amp: +10% amplifying heal amp
    20% healing amp: +20% amplifying heal amp
    30% healing amp: +30% amplifying heal amp
    Blood: +10% heal amp
    Fleshmaker: +10% heal amp
    Paladin past lives: 5% amplifying heal amp per tier, counted as one chunk
    Warmth is life to the kreen: 25% amplifying heal amp
    Unsure about the exact numbers on hunter of the dead, think it's like 10% amplifying heal amp per tier, counted as one chunk.

    'Amplifying' indicates it increases everything that is already active, if I didn't add that to the denotations it's just a flat number...

    In general: always equip fleshmaker (found on the fleshmakers docent, or the finger necklace), or blood (found on the docent of blood, or through cannith crafting) first, since it'll get amplified by everything equipped/activated after that.

    Now, for random math, All assume you have both monk improved recovery, and warforged healers friend, are level 7, and you equip blood before activating warmth is life:

    Warforged: 50%, healers friend I: +15% (65%), monk improved I: +10% amplifying (71.5%), blood: +10% (81.5%), warmth is life: +25% amplifying (101.875% total end)

    warforged: 50%, healers friend II: +20% (70%), monk improved recovery I: +10% amplifying (77%), blood: +10% (87%), warmth is life: +25% amplifying (108.75% total end)

    warforged: 50%, healers friend I: +15% (65%), monk improved II: +20% amplifying (78%), blood: +10%: 88%, warmth is life: +25% amplifying (110% total end)

    warforged: 50%, healers friend II: +20% (70%), monk improved recovery II: +20% amplifying (84%), Blood: +10% (94%), warmth is life: 25% amplifying (117.5% total end )

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    I r gud at maths...

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