[as this is my first post, any mistakes i have made are purely accidental and if you would please point them out to me, i would be thankful]
15/3/2 Paladin/Monk/Ranger [Half Elf]
Key points:
Fists of Light
Full Arcane Archer and Manyshot
Good healing amp (not over the top)
Divine Might 3 and Knight of the Chalice 2
Lay on Hands and Wanding ability
Base Stats:
Here is the Leveling breakdown, and what I took/when:
**Stat Ups- All into Strength**
1M) Point Blank Shot (monk: Toughness) (Half Elf: Cleric)
2M) (monk: Power Attack)
3M) Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning (monk: Fists of Light)
Skills: Balance, Concentration, Jump
4P) Enhances: (not too much detail here, just the general out line, as i cant foresee this stuff, i will try out different ideas as i come up with them) Toughnesses, Undying Court, Improved Recovery s KOTC prereqs
6P) Power Critical
9P) Zen Archery
12P) Mental Toughness
15P) Weapon Focus Ranged
Enhances: KOTC 2, Redemption, Exalted Smite 2, Divine Sacrifice 2, Divine Might 2. Also taking the Aura enhances, and as fas as is feasible.
17P) **Gets Zeal, reason for not taking Ranger earlier**
18P) Manyshot
**Gets Divine Might 3, reason for not taking Ranger earlier**
I would like Ranged ability earlier, but the damage from Paladin seemed more important. I would also like extend spell for Paladin buffs... but I need mental toughness for AA, and taking both seems overkill. I've (as of July 11th) rolled this toon to get the feel for it, so more info later on gameplay/pros&cons. I'd be happy to reroll if advice is given. This seems like a dangerous build (take that however you'd like) and I am very curious as to how it will work... End Game AC when self buffed (I'm no number cruncher though) will be high but not something to brag about.
As for role in end game content, and play style, this is meant as front line DPS er and support melee that can deal very good ranged combat (when manyshot is on... I do not plan on using it w/out Manyshot). I have given up many things to increase DPS but have picken up things to help the group, such as Aura and Fists of Light.