Rather than hijacking the other threads I figured I'd start my own.
I've been in the process of Tr ing all 17 of my toons two at a time. The last few TRs I either ran solo or duo with my RL buddy Rick or one or two of the other friends I have on here until I was high enough to hit Vale, then I'd start pugging. The two toons I'm TR ing now are Sierra Nevada (level 17) Disavowed (level 13). When Sierra hit level 8 I decided I would start pugging again.
Here's what I found. If I join an LFM I'm usually in for a mediocre group at best. It seems like the people putting up the LFMs these days know just enough to prove how stupid they really are. Example. Disavowed is on his second life as a wiz rogue and had a 54 disable at level 12. LFM up for Von 3 speed run on hard. I had solo'd hard already but needed the XP and wanted the company (I know no big deal to solo it). Leader is an AA I hit join she sends tell I'm sorry but I need a trap person. My reply. Look at the build there isn't a rogue out there with a higher disable at this level. She reluctantly accepts.
During the quest we get to hear about her brag to the male members (who of course are in heat because they're running with a female who will talk to them) of the party about how popular she is and how many people are asking her to run Shroud instead of the Von run she's in as if we should feel privelaged to run with her. I take down the traps and try to explain to her why a wiz rougue has a higher disable than a rogue. She can't own up to being wrong and says most wiz rogues can't do that it's only because I'm a TR that I can. Later she gets blinded and begs for a remove blindness from the cleric. I tell her that's what pots are for. She says no that's what blindness ward goggles are for. My reply. They don't seem to be working too well right now do they? I tell her. You should always carry pots at this level. You should have enough money to afford them even if you're new at this level. Which leads to how she's not new and knows the game very well as she's been playing for many months.
It seems like almost every pug I join on any toon is the same thing. Leader of a different PUG (Shroud). "We better wait for a barbarian or fighter or we're not going to be able to do this". Me. Dude it's only Shroud on normal and casters/healers now do as much damage as melees in here with DOTs. Just take the 1st 12 we'll be fine. No we don't have any fighters or barbarians we'll fail. OK your group let's just sit here forever until we fill. I'll go get a beer while we wait. Of course we fill and funny enough both fighters perma decon after portal 3 in pt 1. We finish Harry in 1 round anyway. Needless to say I made it known we couldn't finish w/o a fighter or barb. So the leader (a healer) and her RL B/F (a pally) rage quit going into part 5. We smoke it as well. But we needed fighters and barbs. Monks, rangers, rogues, bards, casters, etc. just wouldn't cut it. Go figure.
On the flip side more than 90% of the time I PUG I put up the LFM. It always say quest XYZ speed run newbies welcome if you don't know quest have sound I'll teach it to you. Two things I've noticed. 1. Mostly vets join LOL. 2. The one or two newbies that join instantly speak up and say "I'm one of those newbies and I'd love it if you'd show me how to do this quest". Runs go off without a hitch and the newbie learns something.
The difference IMO is what I stated above. Those that have been on here 4-6 months know just enough to think they know it all, but most of them don't know squat. The very new people are total spounges and want any help, advice, and info you're willing to give them. I think the key is to have the newbie player that doesn't know the quest have sound. The only time this backfired on me was in Madstone elite. Sorc didn't have sound but said he new quest. Not only did he not have sound. He didn't have haste, charm, rage, fog, web, firewall, DDoor, or any other spells that dish out damage. In fact he went the entire quest w/o casting a single spell. He never shrined and ended the quest with the only lost mana from the 7 deaths he had as a result from when he kept getting lost.
I'm tired of selling myself to some 6 month tard player with the star as I wait for him to My DDO me for a VON 3 run on normal when I could solo it anyway. By the time the quest is over me and the one other vet (if I'm lucky enough to join a run with another vet in the group) have done 95% of the work including healing and raising when we're not even on toons built for that. So my take on pugs. I'm loving them when it's my star or a person who I know has the star and they put up an LFM explaining what's expected. When I reluctantly join a strangers LFM I make sure I'm in a good mood and have an open mind.
As for the 4-6 month players that don't fall into this category. Props to you for taking the time to learn the game and continuing to learn instead of acting like you know it all because you've capped a toon.