Quote Originally Posted by Riggs View Post
Someone mentioned 'healbot' and as some, small minority suggested boosting cha. Wisdom matters more if you want spells to land - and the build points wasted on 50 more sp at the cap, or even 100 if you go nuts on cha - is not going to make a huge difference at all - if your spells cant land because of a low wisdom - 100 more sp isnt going to save you as you will be spending 3x as much mana healing and recasting spells hoping they will land.
Don't be such a spoilsport. Some people just want to sit back and focus on redbars/status ailments 100% of the time. Maybe throw a divine punishment, swing a sword for mixing it up a bit. For this player, would u recommend any investment in wis? I wouldn't. If someone wants to healbot, they might as well do it "well".

DISCLAIMER: I have never rolled a "healbot" and never plan too. But I do know ppl in game, who enjoy this role. Why build an evoker for someone who is not interested in... offensively casting?