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  1. #81
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alektronic View Post
    You can get a good reflex (~25 with gear) on FvS even if you dump dex. 1 extra skill imo is more useful than +1 reflex, but we're starting to nitpick here, heh.
    I like to aim for 30 as the lowpoint, and I'm happier with every point I get past that.

    Still, I DID suggest adding 1 extra skill vs 1 reflex as a good alternative.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  2. #82
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FordyTwo View Post
    • CHA – A favored soul's Charisma (CHA) score determines how many spell points (SP) they receive; Also, to learn and cast a spell, a favored soul must have a CHA score equal to at least 10 + spell level.
    I'd really want to recommend that this is changed to reflect that the CHA score determines the number of bonus spell points that a FVS gets, possibly also with an explanation how it's calculated. It's quite a small amount compared to the total number of spellpoints a FVS gets at lvl 20.

    As the FVS can be a bit complicated to build, many players who knows how to build them, often just put 10 or 12 points in CHA so that they have enough to cast level 9 spells and possibly can still have enough with a cast Eagles if disjuncted.
    Proud officer of Spellbinders:

  3. #83
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeromio View Post
    I'd really want to recommend that this is changed to reflect that the CHA score determines the number of bonus spell points that a FVS gets, possibly also with an explanation how it's calculated. It's quite a small amount compared to the total number of spellpoints a FVS gets at lvl 20.

    As the FVS can be a bit complicated to build, many players who knows how to build them, often just put 10 or 12 points in CHA so that they have enough to cast level 9 spells and possibly can still have enough with a cast Eagles if disjuncted.
    Each 2 points of Charisma gives you 29 SP at level 20 and less than that at lower levels. (I believe it's 9+lvl).

    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    While I agree with the logic behind this, I should point out that FvS are capable of achieving a good reflex save if they do not tank DEX. A good reflex save in end game does make a heck of a difference in several quests. (ex: when you get hit by 3 blade barriers at once in eDQ and take 120 pts of damage vs 260, and 60pts of fireball damage vs 150, per djinn, at the same time as said blade barriers...)

    So with this in mind, this is what I'd do with the human:

    8/10/14/8/18/12, and add a note that with 32 pts, you could do 8/14/14/8/18/12, or split the points between dex and int if you want to max one extra skill.
    8 starting Strength is dangerous.

    I run 12 base Str on my Wizard, and unless I wear a Strength item, I'm frequently burdened (which cripples your movement rate) when hit by a Ray of Enfeeblement.

    With an 8 Str, some of those Rays will actually incap you. While incapped, you cannot heal, or even drink a Lesser Restoration potion.

    Reflex saves are indeed important - and for that reason alone someone might consider sinking extra points into Dex on a 32+ point build.
    Last edited by sirgog; 07-22-2011 at 09:47 PM.
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