Arraetrikos's Painful Demise (Ultra Raid) Part I
This will be a hypothetical post, foremost welcome here on this post and thanks for reading, i'm originally Dutch so mind the mistakes bear with me, I play on Ghallanda.
This post proposes the idea of Ultra raid content at level 30, so cap has to be raised to 30.
Epic will stay the same or will be tweaked accordingly this has nothing to do with epic content.
Anyways, I was thinking about some stuff, had a very dreamy sleep so I'm full of ideas, that will never see the light of day but still why not write about it here since I almost never do that.
With druid coming along and more, I was thinking about a new type of quest in this game.
This new type of quest raid will be something else in it's own.
It will also make any epic look like a normal Durk run.
Everything what you read from now on is just a very far fetched idea of the most crazy raid you can imagine.
I present to you;
Quest name: Arraetrikos's Painful Demise
Level: Ultra (Level 30) Raid (Ultra is just a name I use now open for any change)
Minimum amount of players: 24
Quest Description:
Arraetrikos has fled to his personal castle, back in the burned out forests of Shavarath.
By using the ancient Chronoscope device a cunning team of drow scientists have discovered a way to teleport
directly in front of this evil creature's gate.
The time has come to free Eberron from all his malice and greed, free the countless prisoners inside from all the years of hardship war and forget he was ever there!
There is only one goal here, slay Arraetrikos and bring his head on a stake!
Objective- Kill Arraetrikos and his personal guardian army.
The raid is like this,
You can only go in with 24 people, double the usual raid amount, double the fun, you teleport directly in front of a massive massive gate.
There is 1 minute before this door opens and about 200 Orthon's come through, all screaming 'For our KIIINNNNGGG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGHHHHHHHHHH'
Also the Orthon leading this guardian army, is ofcourse, Gula, the friendly foe from Sins, he's has grown so tired of all this stealing of chests in there that he has come to aid Arraetrikos.
Gula has now about 1 million hitpoints he has gained some muscle strengh due to all this walking in Shavarath, it's a big place after all and Gula is pretty big to be carried around by his slave minion drow's.
Also he's CR 60 with a clean d/r of about 50, he wields one big fat axe with is known to been forged with the sweat and tears from tortured drows deep down inside the cave system under the castle named Arraetrikos's Friend, this can be upgraded to forge an Ultra Arraetrikos's Friend, the steel you need to make this upgrade only drops from killing the evil king yourself personally, Axe chance in end chest 10 procent.
(this is open to change, as in it can be different kinds of weapons that can be forged from the steel, not just an Axe)
Ofcourse since he has been growing smarter of tactics he's not fighting alone this time, in front of him are 200 deadly armed to the teeth Armored Gold Plated Orthon's with each having about 50.000 hitpoints and a DR of 20.
These are some basic statistics, the actual info is unknown.
The whole setup of this quest is that it will be almost impossible to do.
The raid is designed to kill you and give you the biggest repair bill you have ever seen.
It will throw at you the most massive army ever seen in DDO.
It will be such an epic fight that your computer is likely to melt before you have killed one orthon.
But it will be great, cause the challenge of completing this will be crazy.
Imagine this huge castle's front, battlefield filled with 200 fighting Gold plated orthon's, whilst Gula is standing on the top with his most loyal guardians, screaming 'AAAAAAAAAAAARG WHO TRIES TO SNEAK INTO MY MASTER'S LAIR AAAARGHHH'
While DDO's finest are fighting this never ending siege of pain and agony.
Where to fight, at the gate or in the middle of the castle, maybe seek a safe spot if there is any for that matter.
Comments/reactions are ofcourse apreciated.
But I know this idea is far fetched and unrealistic but that was kind of my point anyhow,
*Arraetrikos has been promoted to small arms Shavarath king, he was originally a general for defending the Holy Shroud.
*Gula has been promoted by his own will and has learned from his tactical mistakes at the Battle of Sins, cause quite frankly he walked ages... all the way up there to help the newly appointed King!
Imagine the visuals and the scale of such an immensive raid were it to be possible, it would be a great way to launch a cap raise to 30 as well.
Anyways, I might write some more to add later on this post i'm off to get some food now!