So, my wizard is the first char I got above 8, and I recently reached 20. Up until maybe the 17+ range, I felt comfortable soloing most stuff on normal or hard. While packs were on sale last week, i farmed up some tp and bought the devils of shavarath pack. The wilderness area was hard compared to earlier levels, but the ToD flagging quests were difficult enough to make me feel.. from weak, to impotent, to a buff bot. The combination of high saves + SR + high health on... everything makes me unsure of what I should be doing in a group, partly because up until now ive been able to tank a moderate amount of damage and simply gather up everything and aoe it to death, and the few things i couldnt do that easily with I could generally adapt to by going slowly.
My wiz is a first-life 28 point build pm, human, with 37 necro, 35 enchant, and 33 other dcs, with 442 hp. Not great, but not horrible I think, most of the improvement I need to make is in raid gear which takes time.
What are some tips from other mages for what I can do to become more effective? Mainly I'm wondering what I can do to make the most of what I have, and what would be a solid selection of spells to use for me now and later when i improve my gear for content that i cant instakill (or cant reliably instakill yet), and gameplay tips/tricks in general that you (or other casters youve seen) use.