Hey there, Im looking for a Guild who have a Devi Altar. If any of you do I would very much appreciate an invte to your guild ship.
Char Name Shamtul
Many thanks x
Hey there, Im looking for a Guild who have a Devi Altar. If any of you do I would very much appreciate an invte to your guild ship.
Char Name Shamtul
Many thanks x
just stand next to the airship dock in the marketplace and ask in general chat.
you'll get an invite in 10 seconds or less if my experience is any indication.
Move along , Nothing to see here
just look for a rebel lion or reunion member and ask for an invite
theres almost always someone on ship ready to help others
Or run a shroud... just sayin.
Nattybo, Haloti Ngata, Duracell, Tsunamii, Gunnari, Maalpractice, Natyboh
can't help it, i'm a zerger
could also much easily just message reunion/rebellion members and ask, its free and always available