Welcome to my little shop!
I'm open to any trade (pp, ingredients, other items, etc):
Normal items
CHA +6 Helmet/Cowl (ML 11, UMD 18, elf, drow, half-elf)
Helm of Archmagi (ML 15, RR Halfling, UMD 22)
Named items
Boots of the Innocent
Cloven Jaw War Beads
Dark Blue Ioun (with Suppressed Power)
Hruvayah's Medallion
Melri's Breath
Pale Blue Ioun Stone (with Suppressed Power)
Scarab of Spell Absorption (x2)
Ring of Unknow Origin
Token of the Faithfull
Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
Bracers of the Hunter
Spectacle of Spirit Sight
Items Large Guild Slot
Full Plate
Mithral Full Plate (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=343806)
Epic Scrolls
Kron'zek's Cruelty
Phiarlan Spy Dagger
Brawn's Spirits
Brimstone Verge
Shaman's Beads/Brooch
Robe of the Diabloist's
Docent of the Diabloist's