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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Well I would just like to know one thing for real why is DDO can't just fix one class with out nerfing another.

    It cool to fix casters but way does that have me mean nerfing anyone.

    Note to DDO don't fix whats not broke and fix what is. I don't know who running the show in DDO land but I think its just a way to sell hearts of wood if not make free reroll at level for each update, since it seems someone always get the shaft, then complain
    then it gets fixed
    next update someone gets the shaft
    rinse wash and repeat

    Welcome to DDO

    Here in DDO Land some days your the windshield and some days you the bug if you don't like being the bug just wait till the next update don't worry it will change.

    This update caster got on top don't worry next update they will get nerfed and it will be someone else.

    Makes great sense (NOT)

  2. #22
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default One issue with this philosophy IMO

    Quote Originally Posted by redspecter23 View Post
    There is one thing that separates casters from non casters and makes them "feel" overpowered. The ability to do AoE damage, at range, while minimizing the danger to yourself by kiting, jumping and moving around. This was the reason given quite some time ago as to why ranged combat had to be nerfed into oblivion. It was bad for the game to have such effective ranged combat but for some reason it's ok for casters to do what would be overpowering for ranged characters? That's the part that confuses me the most. (I'm not saying I want casters nerfed. I just want to know why rangers can't get a bit more of a boost as well as giving melee a few more specialized options for AoE attacks)

    I say blur the lines a bit more. Make AoE rogue traps a bit more effective. Let paladins combine smite and cleave on a longer timer maybe? Give ranged combat the love it deserves. Arcane archers have sp, let them cast actual fireball arrows. Fighters are the master of tactics, let me combo them a bit. Cleave + trip for fun times. Balance it with longer timers or make it use action boosts or whatnot. Give my monk some finishers that expand on the triple fire finisher for some AoE effects. Henshin mystic flinging fireballs sounds like fun to me. While casters should be the masters of AoE, I think the other classes should see a bit more of it.
    Casters 'CAN' run out of mana and then they are completely ineffective....ranged characters, especially AA ranged characters 'NEVER' run out of ammo, and even my non AA range type characters, I can carry so many Sturdy arrows as to never run out as well. While I agree that ranged combat could use some love, putting it on par with caster damage because it is 'the same' is not a valid argument.

    The pendulum has swung the other way whereas 6 months ago, melee toons ruled, now casters rule, it will swing the other way again, my hope is that eventually, the swings get smaller and everything will come into quasi-balance, but I ain't holding my breath.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

  3. #23
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beld View Post
    Casters 'CAN' run out of mana and then they are completely ineffective....ranged characters, especially AA ranged characters 'NEVER' run out of ammo, and even my non AA range type characters, I can carry so many Sturdy arrows as to never run out as well. While I agree that ranged combat could use some love, putting it on par with caster damage because it is 'the same' is not a valid argument.

    The pendulum has swung the other way whereas 6 months ago, melee toons ruled, now casters rule, it will swing the other way again, my hope is that eventually, the swings get smaller and everything will come into quasi-balance, but I ain't holding my breath.
    Casters can run out of mana but there are ways (and not necessarily pots) to refill it. You can make a perpetual casting machine if you have the right gear. You can make a caster that essentially doesn't run out of mana in at least a few different ways.

    1. Chug pots like mad. You can have infinite SP.
    2. Torc, Con/Opp item. If played properly, you can have infinite SP
    3. Just plain don't run out before the next shrine. If you have SP left over before you hit the shrine, you essentially had no SP limitation. All the SP you needed was provided.

    The suggestion that a mana bar is a balancing factor for casting vs. ranged combat is also not a valid argument. In addition while I wasn't specific about buffing up ranged combat, I did not suggest that there should be no cost for extra power. If you want to shoot a "fireball arrow" you could have it cost sp and therefore you'd have the same limitations on that sort of ranged combat as you have with spellcasting.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  4. #24
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arcticwolf666 View Post
    Don't judge the book. Look at all the nerfing they have done. Why doesn't anyone talk about nerfing melee? Tis why this post exists... If you don't like it, quit responding

    And the riots that followed.

    Film at 11.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  5. #25
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fearlessleader62 View Post
    This update caster got on top don't worry next update they will get nerfed and it will be someone else.
    Casters have always been on top. Name a time in DDO where you took 6 pure melee into a quest and it was easier than taking fewer melee and a caster of some type.

    I'm sorry, if you actually come up with something it'll be wrong. I don't even have to wait with baited breath.

    Now, are there situations where taking 5 casters and a melee is less effective than 6 casters? For certain.

    The pendulum in DDO has always been swinging on the caster side of the clock.

  6. #26
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Casters do more damage at the expense of not being able to swing a giant axe to kill things. Chuck Norris wouldn't be a caster, he's too manly for that.

    Melee people will continue to be melee, casters will continue to be casters. It's not like anyone seriously pvps in this game anyway, and having casters on your side just helps you get the quest done faster. An all caster anything probably will go down a lot quicker than a mix though, just sayin.

    I don't see why people whine at classes being overpowered since we're all supposed to be working together. If you feel inferior, just get over it. They'll fix ****, for now just enjoy faster experience.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TehBeWop View Post
    An all caster anything probably will go down a lot quicker than a mix though, just sayin.
    Say hello to the smoothest Epic Devil Assault I've ever ran.

    Oh, and l2p

  8. #28
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TehBeWop View Post
    Casters do more damage at the expense of not being able to swing a giant axe to kill things.
    ...Really? Because my wiz swung a carnifex around from 4 until 12, without a single melee level. In fact, if your caster isn't swinging a giant axe around for the first dozen or so levels, you're deliberately handicapping yourself.

    The reason level 20 casters aren't swinging giant axes isn't because they can't, it because it's ineffective compared to casting aoes.
    Quote Originally Posted by TehBeWop View Post
    [...]having casters on your side just helps you get the quest done faster.
    It's harder to get a caster on your side when you bring less to the group than another caster. That's the problem people are talking about. 6 melee groups < 5 melee +1 caster < 6 casters.

    You see all caster shroud groups on a daily basis, all caster ToDs are less common but still exist, when's the last time you've seen an all melee Shroud, let alone ToD?
    Last edited by Artos_Fabril; 07-10-2011 at 02:13 PM.

  9. #29
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    /signed. I personally am against all forms of pornography.

    /facepalm. sry just read the thread.
    “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu

  10. #30
    Community Member arcticwolf666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fearlessleader62 View Post
    Well I would just like to know one thing for real why is DDO can't just fix one class with out nerfing another.

    It cool to fix casters but way does that have me mean nerfing anyone.

    Note to DDO don't fix whats not broke and fix what is. I don't know who running the show in DDO land but I think its just a way to sell hearts of wood if not make free reroll at level for each update, since it seems someone always get the shaft, then complain
    then it gets fixed
    next update someone gets the shaft
    rinse wash and repeat

    Welcome to DDO

    Here in DDO Land some days your the windshield and some days you the bug if you don't like being the bug just wait till the next update don't worry it will change.

    This update caster got on top don't worry next update they will get nerfed and it will be someone else.

    Makes great sense (NOT)

    Ding ding ding!

  11. #31
    Community Member arcticwolf666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Casters have always been on top. Name a time in DDO where you took 6 pure melee into a quest and it was easier than taking fewer melee and a caster of some type.

    I'm sorry, if you actually come up with something it'll be wrong. I don't even have to wait with baited breath.

    Now, are there situations where taking 5 casters and a melee is less effective than 6 casters? For certain.

    The pendulum in DDO has always been swinging on the caster side of the clock.

    Now you see, why does Turbine have to constantly nerf casters instead of fixing melee? Tis not a difficult concept to grasp. It is because of the others, whining about not having the top kill count! I can care less about the stupid kill count, just want the dang quest to be successfully completed. I have seen a lot of melee types that hit pretty darn hard, so melee not being effective is invalid. Sorry, but there has to be fairness. This particular problem has been addressed at multiple levels but Turbine nerfs casters to make it "fair", which it is not. As per the 3.5 rules, the caster is, WAS, following the same build as PnP "which is what this game was supposed to follow". By nerfing a particular class so everyone hits the same, you may as well rid the game of that class and be done with it. Now the avid PVP people can be happy again. (Yes, I hate the PvP and I do not partake).

    So, the answer is yes, I have seen a lot of melee that just whomps through enemies, and I have seen casters do the same. Why are the casters the only ones fingered to nerf? That is why I support the nerf everyone program. Don't just some people upset, go for the gold.

  12. #32
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redraider View Post
    Hmmmm... I thought this thread was going to be about something else!
    I actually did not, but I had hopes!
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

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  13. #33
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valakai View Post
    Yea was just going to say that Triple X was seriously overpowered. I mean he killed all those terrorists and whatnots all through the movie without takin a scratch.
    Race: Vin Diesel
    Class: XXX
    Stats: STR 42
    CON 40
    DEX 38
    INT 10
    WIS 10
    CHA 32

    Yea seems a bit overpowered to me. Can we nerf Vin down a notch.
    Triple X was a nerf.

    Rid**** was WAAAY MOAR overpowered than Triple X!

  14. #34
    Community Member xtchizobr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arcticwolf666 View Post
    /Rant on

    Ok, I am so sick and tired of people crying and whining because they think casters are overpowered. Every time someone cries, whines and complains, casters get nerfed. Well...

    All other races are seriously overpowered and I demand that those classes get nerfed to the extreme that casters have. Quit complaining, quit your crying and STOP your dang whining and work together.

    Cheese and Rice, put on your big boy / girl panties on and play. Next time I will take my caster in a group and just pike to see how far you get.

    /Rant off

    Now please, quit trying to nerf others because you can't play your toon right

    Let the flames BEGIN!!!!
    I'm voting right now for Stamina bar.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDjinnFor View Post
    Removing things always hurts people, unless it hurt putting it in to begin with.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDjinnFor View Post
    There was one in his left hand but he's throwing it away. It's a crossbow after all.

  15. #35
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    I think they should beef up monsters so they just slay everything. Make those shaman nuke 3 times harder, and make the warrior's as beefy as a tanking pally. And throw wards and green steel on em to.

    While doing this at the same time nerf healers, and cut reconstruct down by three quarters!!

    Doing this you can cut the legs out from all classes at once while creating a game that is more suited to those that feel their class has become to easy.

    DDO where casual is the 4th circle of hell.

  16. #36
    Founder Adrenas's Avatar
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    I was just thinking earlier today that it seemed pointless to have my sorceror (or my sword and shield paladin) at all because of how much ridiculous damage I was watching THF fighters and barbarians do at no mana cost. I just came back to playing from a long break (according to ddo forums You last visited: 02-24-2006 at 10:12 AM) though so I have little basis for comparison. I'm actually feeling at sort of a loss regarding DPS and class/spell choice. The amount of whining i've seen here has made me really want to keep giving my sorceror a chance to catch up to the barbs and fighters though! Thanks for crying you whiners! This founder is back in the game.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    Fine except for the int. should be more like a 3.

    YA, and where did the CHAR come from?

  18. #38
    Community Member HelvanderSeries6's Avatar
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    Ok..Lets try to look at this realistically in a Fantasy setting. I know it sounds crazy *cough cough* but bare with me a moment.
    Who do you think would be more powerful on a battlefield?

    A. a dual kopesh wielding Halfling with fighter training
    B. a highly experienced Sorcerer
    c. a donkey with a +5 mithral full plate
    D. all of the above

    If your answer was A. a dual kopesh wielding Halfling with fighter training. This is a formidable force but you are not thinking this through to its entirety.

    If your answer was B. a highly experienced Sorcerer then you must know that magic would be the most powerful force on the battlefield as even the best weapons and fighters are are enhanced with this but they would not come close in power to a caster of magic. However this not necessarily the right answer either.

    If your answer was B. a donkey with a +5 mithral full plate then you are drunk much like myself but this would be the best answer thus far.

    If your answer was D. all of the above then you have answered correctly. Even though the Sorcerer is more powerful than the Fighter and they are unbalanced individually true power and balance comes with the skills and tools of experience. The balance is in the plan of attack and the cohesion in the party and being thus, even the donkey with a +5 mithral full plate can be a hero.

    just having some fun mates__cheers
    Wits and swords are as straws against the wisdom of the Darkness___Conan the Cimmerian
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  19. #39
    Community Member arcticwolf666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellicaust View Post
    Ok..Lets try to look at this realistically in a Fantasy setting. I know it sounds crazy *cough cough* but bare with me a moment.
    Who do you think would be more powerful on a battlefield?

    A. a dual kopesh wielding Halfling with fighter training
    B. a highly experienced Sorcerer
    c. a donkey with a +5 mithral full plate
    D. all of the above

    If your answer was A. a dual kopesh wielding Halfling with fighter training. This is a formidable force but you are not thinking this through to its entirety.

    If your answer was B. a highly experienced Sorcerer then you must know that magic would be the most powerful force on the battlefield as even the best weapons and fighters are are enhanced with this but they would not come close in power to a caster of magic. However this not necessarily the right answer either.

    If your answer was B. a donkey with a +5 mithral full plate then you are drunk much like myself but this would be the best answer thus far.

    If your answer was D. all of the above then you have answered correctly. Even though the Sorcerer is more powerful than the Fighter and they are unbalanced individually true power and balance comes with the skills and tools of experience. The balance is in the plan of attack and the cohesion in the party and being thus, even the donkey with a +5 mithral full plate can be a hero.

    just having some fun mates__cheers

    Best most logical answer so far =)

    Standing ovation. Finally someone gets it ;P

  20. #40
    Community Member grgurius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Many of the most vocal advocates of nerfing casters play casters, myself included. It's because we play our casters "right" that makes us think they need nerfed.

    Perhaps you are still learning?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    Casters have always been on top. Name a time in DDO where you took 6 pure melee into a quest and it was easier than taking fewer melee and a caster of some type.

    I'm sorry, if you actually come up with something it'll be wrong. I don't even have to wait with baited breath.

    Now, are there situations where taking 5 casters and a melee is less effective than 6 casters? For certain.

    The pendulum in DDO has always been swinging on the caster side of the clock.
    And this.
    Nothing more to say.

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